The Holy Spirit #TedWilson #shorts

The Holy Spirit #TedWilson #shorts


'But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you' (John 14:26). Through the Holy Spirit, God teaches us, convicts us, and transforms us. It is through the Holy Spirit that God communicates with us. What happens if we shut Him out? Jesus warned us that the sin against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. Why? It is because if we reject the Holy Spirit, we are cutting off God's communication with us. Listen to Pastor Ted Wilson's message as he shares more on this important truth and reveals the key to letting the Holy Spirit in. �--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been an established denomination since 1863. It is a global Christian family with over 21 million members who hold the Bible as the ultimate authority. We are Christians who promise to help people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. Want to learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Visit our website at: Click the notification bell so that you never miss a new video! Find us on social media by following the links below: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:




@kintuallan2982 Says:
Thanks really short but direct to the point thank you Elder Ted Wilson
@Kevinproblem Says:
Amen, LORD!!!❤❤❤
@NomalMarandi Says:
@TheSPIRIT495 Says:
@rachealnakaweesa6600 Says:
Thanks for reminding us always, May God bless you pastor 🙏
@natemorgan5219 Says:
Good message. Thanks for posting
@ssemacharles2222 Says:
May God forgive us the blasphemy against the holy spirit
@arulmary7728 Says:
@nicolagrant5450 Says:
Sins of Diop and other apostates will not be forgiven unless they repent and those/ the one who let them do what they do in the interfaith / ecumenical movement as well.
@pinesiskin59 Says:
I believe that I have committed this sin. I am an Adventist but am just going through the motions. I wish I could believe and feel the presence of God, but it all seems futile. I no longer pray or read the Bible or go to church regularly. If I only could know that there was any hope for me, I would continue on in the church, but it seems like there is no point.
@nelimaginister3578 Says:
Amen glory be to God
@gfritz88 Says:
“ We want the Holy Spirit, which is Jesus Christ” Ellen G White. It is not a third person as the wolves in sheeps clothing preach!
@beautifulandsweet8826 Says:
May the Holy Spirit always guide us.
@mamagen7983 Says:
Thank you for enlightening.
@susankane8728 Says:
Well explained for a difficult text. Conviction is the most vital work of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Pastor Wilson🙏🏻
@polycarpsmith1419 Says:
Reading Rom. 3:19 How many people will be credited with keeping the 10 commandments?
@timgrant9034 Says:
Don’t wait for fairies to come out of the sky to solve your problems. That’s what an enemy would want. God loves you just as you are. You were born worthy.
@toniweb7322 Says:
Sir, do you speak the biblical languages, or you just interpret the superficial translation in English?
@slicplaya Says:
The only unforgivable sin.
@jessicaallen2708 Says:
So true word
@balukujockim2729 Says:
what's that sin Against the holly spirit

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