How to Mentor New Believers in the Church #Campmeeting

How to Mentor New Believers in the Church #Campmeeting


What do you do after someone comes into your church, accepts the biblical teachings, and is baptized? Does your church have a discipleship or mentorship plan in place? How can you help mentor new believers? Ron Luza, ministerial secretary of the Northern Asia Pacific Division, has been inspired to develop a mentorship plan where, years later, 96% of new believers, on average, were still active members in the Church. Watch now as he discusses this successful, Bible-based plan, and how your church can get started today! #Campmeeting The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been an established denomination since 1863. It is a global Christian family with over 21 million members who hold the Bible as the ultimate authority. We are believers who promise to help people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. Want to learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Visit our website at: Click the notification bell so you never miss a new video! Find us on social media by following the links below: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:




@leemary4833 Says:
Still don’t understand how to keep the Sabbath. Understand the biblical verses now, but only know the extreme Pharisees’s legalistic way, like no showers on Sabbath even after nursing duties! So frozen in fear or even breathing on the Sabbath!
@leemary4833 Says:
One took me to ABC and I bought over $1000 worth of EW’s books, which I threw away last year; was unable to understand a word of it. Was yelled at to read nothing but EW, that Adventist Review and anything else was trash. Understand now it was because of the vocabulary words and with no knowledge of the Bible…it’s impossible to read her writings. Bought many KJV bibles because was screamed at to read no other version, that they were full of errors, but could not understand KJV so no bible for over 34 years. Even pastors scream at you, belittling you, traumatizing you. Years of crying listening to years of their, “only 8 people saved like in Noah’s Ark days!” “1 out of 20 saved per EW”….years of threatening screaming and these sorts of teachings! First church for many months drove me to Independent ministry outfit and they put me next to huge speaker about 4 feet away from left ear…and speaker up front screamed hate speech for hours. In church and in pot luck speaker screamed at the top of his lungs. All those years of ringing in my ears and hearing loss! So after about 8 months switched to another church. Still no teachings. Nothing but forcing you to vote Republican. No knowledge of politics. Thought church was a place I can be taught about Jesus. Third church the same screaming and hate. Terrible!
@leemary4833 Says:
Traumatized from going from no religion but born again on the outside into church where they baptized you right away w/o answering my question what baptism meant. No teachings or knowledge about Jesus, gospel or anything. Didn’t know I was a child of God or that He was with me. Had to ask a Sunday Christian if I was suppose to read the Bible. Non-stop screaming on the health message after years of teaching me to eat a lot of sugary desserts, so gain a lot of weight. Screamed at to read nothing but KJV, so was unable to read the Bible all those 34 plus years. They sent me on front line work right away w/o knowing how to read the Bible. Switched church several time but still lots of hateful anger, screaming, violent abuse if I tried to go to a Great Controversy class by 2 men who tried to force me to marry one of those violent men, and still no one willing to teach me how to read the Bible. Was zealous on cleaning church’s dining, kitchen area weekly, front line work and worked up to 80 hours a week in nursing, so had 1-2 hours of sleep nightly all those years! Due to the devil attacking me on front line work for the Lord and didn’t know why then, had to quit my job. Had about 13 major surgeries. Know now get persecution on front line work. Traumatized badly and Holy Spirit got me out of church praise God! Theologian online helped me understand Revelation after that.
@quartz3150 Says:
When I first joined I was never mentored. I came and went. Never felt like I belonged. Pastor came to my home to ask for a special donation, and never asked why I had not attended in six months. I did not go for years. Finally, living in a less populated area, I started going again. I joined a small prayer group. THEN, other members started reaching out to me.
@abelabba3949 Says:
Good one, this teaching is long overdue . Many are leaving the church through the back door.
@craftyazshabbyshacjude3297 Says:
What a wonderful Leader, and someone I would highly respect in his dedication to the work we all vowed to uphold. I'm a new believer to your church along with my Husband and yet to experience this as we continue our spiritual walk with you. May God Bless your work
@virgiliopires8175 Says:
Finally,Thanks GOD_someone went to the "point"!
@ivantodevski6779 Says:
Aliluja Amen
@adilirichard611 Says:
Very intresting and really helpful training,let the church leaders be instructed on this!thank you pastor for this teaching!
@kukitepahvom5137 Says:
Good evening from India

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