A Candid Conversation on Divorce | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching Moments

A Candid Conversation on Divorce | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching Moments


What does God think of divorce? Today Joyce Meyer and Ginger Stache discuss this sensitive subject, offering biblical wisdom and practical solutions for couples contemplating divorce, on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life. � � � � � � � Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: https://joycemeyer.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/JoyceMeyerMinistries/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/JoyceMeyer/ TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/JoyceMeyer/ � � � � � � � Joyce Meyer, one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce's messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life's questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#Divorce




@melissahinojo3151 Says:
Hi, can you please guide me to the full episode. I tried finding on the website but couldn’t. Thanks.
@marthaacosta1518 Says:
You mean to tell me you don't divorce him even if he hitting you?
@jeffalves5494 Says:
See Joyce you got divorce! So stop to persecuted me with this garbage Mayara
@marthaacosta1518 Says:
I just filed for divorce because he hit me 4 times and I put him in prison but he called me a lot..something it's okay but than it's hurts..should I keep talking to him??
@nkworship Says:
What about remarriage?
@dreamcatcher6164 Says:
I believe in divorce. I don't think God wants us to stay in a situation that is destroying our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual self. This is is why you hear of spouses murdering their partners, they stayed in a bad marriage. Get a divorce, do it for your mental and emotional well being. At a certain point you have to ask yourself, "How do i feel?". You have to put yourself first and that is ok.
@Pagewithpurpose Says:
Some kids actually want their parents to get a divorce because they're tired of seeing them bicker and argue. So staying for the sake of the kids isn't always a good idea if you can't provide a peaceful environment for them to grow up in
@PennySmart Says:
As a Christian divorcee, my husband wasn't a believer, I totally agree with Joyce. It is terrible for the children, even though I waited till the 2 eldest were in their early twenties. Basically it's tearing down what God had put it together. Though I never miss my ex husband, if I could live my life again, I'd never divorce, but then, I would not marry him in the first place, only two wrongs don't make a right! Choosing a spouse is the most important decision of our lives. Jobs you can easily change, studies you can stop and resume, but marriage should be for life.
@renathanobre Says:
I really needed to watch this this for sharing it
@jessies16 Says:
Get a lawyer and emotional support Jessica Smith
@nicolelovesjesus Says:
Are you guys aware that a lot of your videos have ads for the Latter Days Saints, mormons???
@valeriesmith15 Says:
Good discussion.
@lynetteverano2696 Says:
Amen 🙏
@dianaholbrook Says:
Many blessings to you Joyce for preaching the truth. So many children traumatized by divorce - I am 57 but I was one of those. Grandparents suffer etc. Yes there are situations that require divorce, but as you teach, every effort should be exhausted to try to avoid it. I believe that for those who DO end up divorced, God will bless them if they can remain single. Probably an exception to this if the marriage was not valid to begin with…
@BlakemanTribe Says:
God hates abuse, he doesn't hate divorce. If you don't feel safe, especially if you have children involved, please get help for yourself and your kids and do what it takes to get your family to safety. The scripture reference saying that God hates divorce is actually talking about the neglect and abuse that happens in marriage - that is what God hates. Don't forget that God gave divorce as a way of escape. Also, if you read the article Joyce references, it is written to people who are already divorced or in the process of getting divorced. It is not written to encourage people to stay in an unhealthy, toxic, abusive, dysfunctional, neglectful, pain filled marriage - for the sake of the kids. The best thing you can do for the kids is to get healthy, healed and safe.
@jesusgreeta1145 Says:
@MM-ty8cm Says:
If you haven't accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, please comment back.  I'd love to speak with you.  God bless!🙏
@MM-ty8cm Says:
You are loved! You are precious in God's eyes. You are His Beloved.  You belong on this Earth.  If you are breathing now.... God has a purpose for your life now...... There is Hope and Love, which can only be found in Jesus.   God has a purpose for you now. He sees, knows, and understands the pain from your past. God doesn't see your scars from your past, whether you made mistakes or decisions where made for you. What God sees is your Beauty.  He sees you as fearfully and wonderfully made. He sees His Child made out of His own image. He sees you as His Beloved, apple of His eye. If you are contemplating suicide,  then please comment back. You are important! God loves you, and so do I.  God bless!♥️
@tosh6091 Says:
I have been separated whit my husband for 7 years plus but for the first time today he made me fell like God wants him and I maybe back together and him be OK whit it I believe God told me along time ago that if I trusted in him he would work it out but instead of doing what I am doing now I tried to do it myself and that is why it has took so long and he still hasn't worked it out but I know so much more now then I did then so now I am sand sill and let him work out everything in my life and what ever he has Instor for my life I am going to let him do it in his timing not mine but he's because want ever it is is going to be worth the wait because has something marvelous instore for me and trow me I know it
@em4142 Says:
Wow! This is good topic to talk about! Boy.. Joyce is right on
@vishwasjawle4577 Says:
Praise The Lord and God Bless You Madam Joyce Mayer God is Good and Great if possible You can join me on WhatsApp Messenger
@amirrafeeq8056 Says:
Greeting you Praise the lourd Pray for me and my family pastor g😂 🙏🏻
@nyalltimothy Says:
@iamjanessa22 Says:
💗 We thank you jesus for unconditional lover adical forgiveness!
@michelleleebento1888 Says:
What if you're children are in their 20's and you want a divorce they are adults now
@WomanofGod57 Says:
This is a great topic to discuss, I did everything I could to stay in my 13-year marriage I prayed I talked to God I was patient I accepted some things that I should not have just to see if my love for God and my prayers would help the relationship, after finding out that my husband was addicted to drugs,he shortly after left me for drugs, alcohol and another woman. I dont believe that God wanted me to stay in the mist of manipulation , confusion , utter disrespect, thievery, the strain, the heartache, and the abuse which began to affect my mental and my physical health. I am now divorced for 5 months, healing and happier than I've ever been. My relationship with God has blossomed. Thank you for discussing this topic mama Joyce .love you ❤️
@rakeomartinMe Says:
@Yahshuahamashiacsampson Says:
Right on Time Sister Meyers and Sister Ginger. We needed this correction and rebuke today. Many men have hardened our hearts towards our women, because many of our women are under worldly influences. Materialism, vanity, idol worship, envy, lust is ruining our marriages. The Jezebel spirit is alive and well, and we must pray for our Women. We must Pray Proverbs 31 over our Women. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
@JayJay-sm8zy Says:
What God as joined let no man separate. Amen
@Maria63756 Says:
@mothermovementa Says:

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