<<@larzman651 says : They don't believe in sin and assume theirs are non criminal anyway. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil>> <<@jamesw4250 says : Because sin doesn't exist. Man made concept dreamt up by a snakeoil salesman. They convinced you that you were sick and then sold you the cure that only they carried.>> <<@Preaching-Power-power-of-God says : Amen hallelujah>> <<@DM-dk7js says : The correct answer is to learn WHY they’re skeptic and logically refute it. If possible…>> <<@macmac1022 says : I have some questions about being just. #1 If you were brainwashed would you know it? #2 If someone said they had a test for brainwashing, would you want to take it? #3 If they then said, if you cannot answer these questions, that means your brainwashed, would you be giving it 100% effort to answer those questions? All criminals are caught red handed of murder 100% guilty and show no remorse. The judges always apply the perfect amount of punishment. All things being equal and for arguments sake. Now I will give an example. There are 4 judges and 10 guilty criminals. Judge #1 orders punishment for all 10 criminals and does not forgive without punishment a single one. Judge #2 forgives without punishment all 10 criminals. Judge #3 forgives without punishment 9 of them and punishes 1 of them. Judge #4 punishes 9 of them and forgives without punishment 1 of them. #4 Which judge is the most/maximally just? #5 Which judge is the most/maximally forgiving? #6 Is judge #3 either most/maximally forgiving or most just? #7 Is judge #4 most/maximally forgiving or most just? #8 Is it possible for any judge to be both most/maximally forgiving and most/maximally just? I hope you understand the implications of not being able to answer the judge questions.>> <<@holdingpattern245 says : I never thought I'd see a person who actually looks like the gigachad meme.>> <<@Moist._Robot says : It’s really difficult today to get bible believers to see that it’s made up.>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you Cross Examined>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : Morality is a good subject. Secular humanism says people are inherently good. But the evidence of ongoing wars, possible new wars and never ending tidal waves of horrors on the 5:00 news says different. Despite all the alleged evolution and progress, people are still doing all the same awful things they’ve always done. And no one ever needed to be taught how to do evil. Whether young or old, good must be taught and enforced by laws. Evil comes naturally and easily just as Bible describes it as our sin nature. Secular man must change the definitions of what is evil into good in hopes to make a passing grade and that’s exactly what we see happening today. What was wrong yesterday is good today so everyone can indulge their base appetites and still think of themselves as a good person. That’s the evidence of a lost people without facts, without truth and without a moral standard worth anything. There’s no argument left for good anymore when evil is allowed to be called good. “There is none righteous, no, not not one. No one does good. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”>> <<@JoinUsInVR says : Spot on Frank 👍"What injustice do you see, why is that unjust, what are your standards for yourself, do you ever fail at them?" Everyone does that! I love that! Great approach. 💜✝️💜>> <<@Redeemed_user. says : Not first>> <<@Gek177 says : Sigh, skeptics don't believe in your God so they don't see an imaginary character as the standard for anything. And Frankly, judging by the Bible, we're better off making up a standard.>>