<<@Torby4096 says : Well, the thought is, if we make USA as bad as Venezuela, people will stop trying to get on!>> <<@Torby4096 says : Biden policies increased the cost of making things, including food.>> <<@thezmaster505 says : Did you see the Pope’s statement on politics? “Lesser of 2 evils” he said. Because both are against life, one at the womb and the other at immigration.>> <<@JadDragon says : I'm hoping a genuine critical video for the other side comes out too. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is Yahweh God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>> <<@DiggitySlice says : I don't believe it's controversial at all to say that Christians should vote for Trump. No flaw of his even compares to what Kamala wants to do. Remember, Trump isn't even a Republican. The beaurocrats hate him. He's the independent candidate we've wanted for years, he just happens to align mostly with the Rep platform.>> <<@peterfox7663 says : Regarding the manufacturing of a pencil, Frank is referencing the essay "I, Pencil" by Leonard E. Read (also promoted by Milton Friedman)>> <<@RayFerares says : The Equality Act could have significant implications for cases like the one involving Jack Phillips, the Colorado cake designer at the center of the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case decided by the Supreme Court in 2018. In that case, Phillips refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, citing his religious beliefs, and argued that being forced to do so would violate his right to free speech and religious freedom under the First Amendment.>> <<@drumrnva says : "We don't see anything in the platform or statements of the current or former Democratic Party standard bearers—Biden, Obama, Harris, etc., that indicate they are Marxist. What we do see is the standard GOP charge of 'socialism' used by Mitch McConnell, Trump et al. going all the way back to Joe McCarthy." -Joe Sims, co-chairman of the Communist Party USA.>> <<@midlander4 says : Come on Frank... time to give your faithful flock the Kamala Cosmological argument>> <<@michelangelope830 says : Un día pasa y otro llega y ateos, cristianos y demás grupos religiosos continúan negándose a pedir que se pruebe el Corán fue memorizado. Por sus actos los conoceréis. ¿Qué no haría una madre o padre cristiano por sus hijos?. De verdad que el ateísmo y la religión te están costando tu salud mental y economía. ¿Si te explicase un engaño entenderías que estás engañado?. ¿Es posible creer que haciendo daño a la creación de Dios se gana el paraíso eterno?. ¡Fíjate bien por amor de Dios, abre los ojos, ¿son los cristianos buenas o malas personas?!. Soy un psicólogo y pensador racional y quiero ayudarte a salir de la secta porque te estas ganando el infierno eterno siendo una mala persona. Lo único que importa es la creación de Dios, lo único que importa es cuidar la creación de Dios. ¡Y no hay escándalo de pedofilia que convezca a cristianos a abandonar el cristianismo!. Mi consejo es no dejes solo a tu hijo inocente y vulnerable con un cura o monja. Recuerda que te advertí. La ignorancia es la semilla del mal y en la secta te quieren ignorante repitiendo como un papagallo la Biblia. Quiero que entiendas que Dios existe y tu comportamiento tiene eternas consecuencias. Dios existe porque lógicamente es imposible la existencia de la creación o finitud sin el creador o infinitud. Dios existe porque de la nada no puede ser creado algo. ¡Te estoy explicando lo que en la iglesia ni te explicaron ni explicarán porque te quieren ignorante y engañado!. Spinoza descubrió hace siglos la naturaleza de Dios y los cristianos todavía no se han enterado. ¿Por qué no lees a Spinoza, para cambiar, para no leer siempre la Biblia, para aprender algo nuevo? La verdad que te ayudará a salir del círculo es el ateísmo es una falacia lógica que asume Dios es la idea religiosa del creador de la creación y concluye erróneamente el creador no existe porque una idea particular de Dios no existe. Gracias.>> <<@jackjones3657 says : Well done CE! We have a moral responsibility to call evil, evil and good, good. Too many professing christians have turned a blind eye to these realities from our "leaders." Lies at this level effect everyone negatively and censorship of reality is ruinous.>> <<@joejames6712 says : Why is he called Wintry Night and why can’t we see his face? Just curious>> <<@midlander4 says : Frank a deranged Trumper. Who knew?>> <<@kns5700 says : This is very important infomercial for not just Christians, but everyone so they can make the right decision while voting. These are very serious issues! I pray that God gives us the strength to endure whomever is put into office. It's wise to go with the candidate whose policies line up closest to God's Word. Pray incessantly.>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : They stand with their father the devil. The oppose everything of God. They’d shriek at the idea of the 10 Commandments in school but openly welcome trans ideology and drag queen story hour in there. The very idea of not being able to abort babies for any reason in any term makes their head spin like Exorcist. Their values align perfectly with the prince of darkness and most of them probably bend the knee to him now.>> <<@shawnbeathard1374 says : So Frank you dont believe in what the Bible tells us about how God created everything in Genesis?>> <<@carnakthemagnificent336 says : Great job, Cross Examined!>> <<@Syrin23 says : Bottom line. You CANNOT be a democrat and be Christian. A political party that advocates mutilating the genitals of teens, and advocates murdering babies. The very counter to Christianity.>> <<@harryfaber says : If you want to know where somebody stands, ask them.>> <<@harryfaber says : If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal.>> <<@garybryson1900 says : I'm not going to obey immoral laws. If the gov. tries to force immorality on me, I'll just find a way to refuse to comply. And I don't mind lying to the gov.. They certainly don't hesitate to lie to me.>> <<@DanielKolbin says : The Republican Party has absolutely lost it with Trump. I don't understand how so many "Christians" can blindly support him.>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CrossExamined, always awesome. God bless all of the CE team.>> <<@kathierouse6046 says : I wish people would look up the real definition of the word "mandate". It's not a legal term. It actually means "recommend, guide". No law here. 🤨>> <<@Cantworship2gods says : Here he goes with bringing politics into God's word>> <<@richblackman770 says : Is this a political channel or religious channel?>>