<<@joegoodboy7183 says : I urge anyone who watches this channel to actually look into the topics that they cover. Look further than what people within your social circles believe. Actually take a look at what people who talk about “preferred pronouns” and “transgenderism” have to say instead of blindly accepting a second hand opinion. I say this with the utmost compassion and respect for your personal values and moral compasses. Do the research, and think for yourself.>> <<@LuoJi784 says : I don’t speak HR corpo>> <<@galax12370 says : i would ask if there were any rules that oblige me to have to participate in this waste of time.>> <<@justtzenn says : I would ask them what the fuck pronoun hospitality is lmao>> <<@weirdoswithaname63 says : That’s not the point @thezayrayashow>> <<@thezaerayashow says : Ok sure I’ll use whatever pronouns you want I really don’t care>>