<<@zek62482 says : Our faith should shape how we vote, not the other way around!>> <<@aGnomadic says : That Christians shouldn't be involved in politics has nothing to do with qualifications and everything to do with being faithful to the teachings of Jesus. He said to be not concerned with earthly matters and instead focus your attention on obeying God and heavenly things.>> <<@Do-mj1lz says : Listen with your heart and test the actions of a person against the Bible. It actually tells you to test teachings that may be false and more-so, false prophets. The answers are all there. There is no clear choice to run this country but the choice is clear to not CONFLATE your religious beliefs with your politics. Listen earnestly for God’s heart not your own. Lean into Jesus to keep you walking the straight and narrow path. Call unto the Holy Spirit to fill you with discernment. I am praying that every single person be convicted by the Holy Spirit and let God’s will be done. Not when a person says “This is what God wants”. Ask yourself, do you want the candidate that you are choosing because it affords you to stand behind a political curtain so you can do the things you want or for the benefit of EVERYONE???>> <<@JoinUsInVR says : Kamala Harris supports BABY Selling?!? That's would make Christ vomit too. 💜✝️💜 Make a SHORT about@42:52 & @47:09 so we can all share it.>> <<@salsafirejrivera1037 says : I love how my brother from Jersey speaks! If I/we hurt your feelings with truth, tough and get over it!!!>> <<@Do-mj1lz says : Trusting Jesus and trusting Trump are not the same.>> <<@justinstorm says : The pro-life movement undermines true abolition. They push for heartbeat bills and partial restrictions, which are inherently iniquitous because they still allow some forms of abortion. Any bills that aim for partial eradication of abortion, such as heartbeat bills or incremental measures, only serve to enshrine abortion into law. On the one hand, these organizations claim abortion is murder in their campaigns and ads, but on the flipside, they sign laws that contradict what their mouths are saying. Mothers are given immunity for murdering their children, and the abortion-free states still allow women to order abortion pills online. These state laws aren’t abortion-free, they’re just abortionist-free, but is falsely pushed to give the illusion of progress making actual abolition take longer Worse yet, pro-life organizations actively kill abortion abolitionist bills—legislation that would bring true justice for the unborn. Instead of following the biblical prescription for justice for the fatherless and not signing iniquitous decrees (Isaiah 10:1), they cave to political pressure. God’s law is clear: “Do not murder” (Exodus 20:13), and “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed” (Genesis 9:6). Yet, these laws treat the issue as if it's negotiable, allowing murder to continue. Remember when Trump spoke in favor of Amendment 4 in Florida? Before he immediately reversed that because of the momentum the abolitionist movement sparked it. IF YOU DO NOT DEMAND CHANGE FROM YOUR CANDIDATE THEY WILL WALK ALL OVER YOU. BECAUSE PRO-LIFE, REALLY PRO-PARTIALITY IS THE SOURCE OF ALL TRUMP'S PARROTING UNTIL HE FINDS THE WILL TO BE IN FAVOR OF AMENDMENT 4 YOU SAID THE THING ABOUT DISQUALIFICATION. THESE 2 CANDIDATES ARE. AND IF YOU REWARD A DOG FOR NOT LISTENING TO YOU. GUESS WHAT. THEY'LL DO IT AGAIN Better to lose God's way than to 'win'. What would we win exactly. With either candidate over 90% of abortions are still legal, not even including IVF. Even Trump, who is touted as a pro-life candidate, and Kamala Harris, don't mind first-trimester abortion So, what’s the difference? Both are two sides of the same child sacrifice coin. And the defense but she's worse is gross., but she supports upto full term' weren't you saying something about not focusing on the lesser parts of the law. Another overlooked issue is IVF (in-vitro fertilization), generates 10 to 20 embryos and selectively aborts the rest. That’s yet another form of abortion that both Trump and Kamala support. The term “abortion-free states” is a joke. In these states, you can still take an abortion pill in front of the attorney general, and nothing will happen to you. It's not a law its a monopoly chance card This nation has murdered over 50 million babies since Roe v. Wade, and there will be judgment for that. If we treat this as a secondary issue, we’re doing something deeply wrong. There is no more important issue on the docket than stopping the murder of innocent children. Instead of tackling abortion head-on, the Dobbs decision has fragmented the fight across 50 states. Rather than dealing with Roe v. Wade on a federal level, we’ve elongated the battle with partial solutions and candidates who clearly don’t care about the unborn. Anything less than full justice for the unborn is iniquitous. For those who keep trying to save the country through political compromise: it’s already cooked. We’ve killed millions of children, and do you really think our Creator will just let that slide? Instead of treating this like a side issue, it’s time to wake up and do everything we can to correct the course. THE IMMEDIATE ABOLITION OF ABORTION Am I a one-issue voter? Yes. When the issue is child murder, absolutely. The prolife movement is cancer. Worse than the prochoice. At least they are not disguised as an angel of light. We should all repent, pray and stand on God's word. And let's fight this evil on his terms Look at the documentaries on the pro life/abortion issue: From FAA Life Abolitionists Rising Apologia Studios Choice42 G3 Ministries’ Latest Videos>> <<@10zico10 says : Great talk, thanks! But frustrating enough, my buddy (also a Christian) told me he'd vote for Harris as he hates Trump, full or lies, and his policy of tax cut will only benefit the rich...., what even worse is he thought it'd be a nice change to have a woman as president. What else can I do to make him understand?>> <<@dorothysantos8929 says : Thank you Cross Examined we’ve learned so much from your teaching!>> <<@dorothysantos8929 says : We PRAY against Evil, why not VOTE against it! 💁🏻‍♀️>> <<@utlarryd says : Aborted souls can go to heaven or hell. I believe in a just God that will send aborted souls to heaven. If the soul is born its chance of going to heaven is not likely. It follows that God loves abortions so he can have a relationship with the soul he created. Adopted children would be better off if they were aborted and in heaven rather than trying to live a sinless life to enter heaven. God having foreknowledge, had the soul aborted for a reason. We can't fully understand God's reasoning but He is all-knowing. I don't see a downside to abortion.>> <<@dbstrader says : What should Christians do if they don't like either candidate? Vote 3rd party... What I've done since 1980 except for GW Bush which I later saw as a mistake and publicly apologized.>> <<@187TACT says : For he is servant God's for your good. But if you do wrong be afraid for God does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoers Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good. You renew your witness against me and increase your vexation towards, you bring fresh troops against me. For the Lord God is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient towards you, not wishing that any wrongdoers wrongdoingss perish but all reach repentance For I'am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God "who was and who is and who's to come, the Almighty God All must carry their own cross.>> <<@187TACT says : Thank you. That's called lawmakers. And that's the problem leaving God the Creator ,a God of Justice, a Just God out of the equation. There's a Law of Justice, and don't forget there's a Biblical law, God himself says that we all shall follow the laws of the land, including the President and lawmakers. So apparently, God had already spoken, written and given laws of the land long long before the United States even existed God's law is the moral standard of the universe that all people should obey the law of the land because God put it there, God speaks about government in the Bible and placed in man's hands,but not to miss use, abuse, unjustly unequally unfairly ungrateful unkindly unrighteous and ungodly.. God the Creator who created the universe and who created one race the human race. There's no greater of person and there's no less of person all are" equal "in the eyes of God. God has no special preference of person to get his mission accomplished. We're supposed to be imitators of God, not be God, that's where Satan made the mistakes , God's right hand man and God had to show him who's who and is why God booted Satan straight out of Heaven.>> <<@shaysdy3357 says : I agree what you are saying , but they are all working for the same team , here too in Canada . So you vote , but they will make sure it goes to there side .>> <<@prolocutor-for-Jesus-Messiah says : In today's day and age,, we should be more concerned about a person's steadfastness in their 'unwavering beliefs'.... outside 'influencers' have been 'positioning' their puppets all over and around the stage for some time now... Hot or cold,, the lukewarm are the false comforters of today,, bringing death unto those who still cling to hope, instead of Truth... Believe what you may,, Donald Trump has been many things,,,, he has never been 'lukewarm'.... just saying...>> <<@db198081 says : Wow great message. I’ve been urging people to consider, we only have 2 choices. I support Trump, actually have a lot of respect for him. Do I agree with all his politics and personal choices? No. But we have only two choices. I don’t put Trump on a pedestal, that’s where my Jesus is. Jesus can work through he wills. I trust Jesus.>> <<@jblopez19d says : Interesting you mention freedom of politics and to do politics when Donald Trump wants to be a dictator himself. He has intimidated and bullied anyone who has opposed him and would rather play politics than actually work with those across the aisle. There are issues on both sides but I wouldn't say either are a champion for life. Trump has relegated abortion laws to the states from what I can gather. Also interesting comments from Pope Francis on the candidates and I thought he said it very well. Anti immigration is anti life. Which candidate is the lesser of two evils, that's the question here>> <<@matthewfisher8679 says : Love the play-on-words title here>> <<@N9Nate says : 100% the more important matters of the law is protecting a child’s right to life regardless of location. Thats the most important issue in our political climate. Vote accordingly please.>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CrossExamined>> <<@Timmy-bb7ch says : no way man Jesus can't stop women from becoming baby mamas to 7 baby daddies heck with his ban on premarital sex in bible or his ban on gay marriage. or his ban on pork or his warning not to take wide road/free salvation of church pedos or his teaching of monotheism ' worship our lord the one god only ' Jesus did not even hold sabbath on correct day he started sabbath Friday sundown. church is on Sunday the day Rome worshipped the sun god. Jesus got a lot of stuff wrong. thankfully the church pedos corrected his mistajkes. lol muslim 2002>> <<@JadDragon says : Eh, I still disagree that Christians need to be involved in politics, especially to love their neighbour. And I think comparing politics today to the Pharisees is a bit of a stretch. God bless. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is Yahweh God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>> <<@johnl9595 says : It is a head scratcher where some churches, reverends, pastors, are pro abortion. And claim to be Christian. They idolize party above God.>> <<@johnl9595 says : I would be in utter despair if Jesus wasn’t my Lord and Redeemer. To see how this world has fallen to pieces. Where half of this once Christian country will now vote for an incompetent imbecile specializing in word salads who believes in communism, breakdown of law and order, anti merit, pro tribalism, destruction of property rights, confiscatory taxation, government over church, wide open borders.>> <<@christafarion9 says : Jesus is Lord, King of Kings Trump is President>> <<@judyvanschalkwyk6504 says : That was the one issue I used to vote in South Africa. There's nothing more important than life.>> <<@atirblum says : Does Jesus Trump YOUR politics Turek?>> <<@lauradonahoo5219 says : Frank thank you for doing what you do!! I always learn so much>> <<@fivefamily5820 says : The progressives love to talk about "Justice" but their version of justice is an inversion of Biblical justice. They literally pursue injustice in the name of justice. You can't steal from one neighbor in the name of loving another neighbor. And their handouts end up HURTING and creating dependency rather than empowering the poor and destroying families, which ends up destroying communities.>> <<@sirmitch1 says : You can legislate morality on paper, someone's heart that's up to them. 🤨>> <<@kathierouse6046 says : Barbara Boxer was a loser, just like the majority of the Left. But when she faces Christ at the White Throne Judgment, she won't get away with trying to cop out.>> <<@peterfox7663 says : 11:54 Yes, thank you. The "doctrine" of incorporation has made hash of the separation of powers between the federal government, the states, and the people>> <<@Kreemerz says : I like one candidate. Not because either of them are like Jesus. But because of the legislative & public policy. Trumps is much much better than Kamala's. That's all. I don't hold either up as more moral than the other. That's not why I vote. I can rest well at night and be at peace with God with that understanding.>> <<@servantofgod7798 says : I doubted you, Frank when you said there was an ice age. I thought it was a lie made up by secular humsnists. But it is something that secular humanists believe also. But they say, millions of years ago. So I thought that is what you meant by the ice age. Then I looked it up. And the Bible does confirm an ice age. I'm sorry I doubted you. I repent of doubting you. Can you please forgive me? I was confused. Please forgive me for thinking and saying you told a lie when you didn't? You were only referring to something the Bible holds true. Thank you Frank. I stand corrected.>> <<@Sebastianx115 says : Amen Frank Turek>> <<@MakeRoomForGod says : But the fact is, we've now ceded the pro life agenda. Is the other side worse? Of course, but the right is now where the left "used to be". Just as we ceded new earth (and even creation vs evolution). 🤷‍♂️✝️🤷‍♂️ Wake up Frank, Jack, and Brandon. It's the "illusion of choice". Politics is ALL about division, distraction, and deception, and what was the number one sign Jesus gave the disciples about the end of the age? Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will  be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one DECEIVES you." (‭Matthew 24:3-4) Let's check out some other verses in regards to rulers, kingdoms, and those in authority: “Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; He DEPOSES kings and RAISES UP others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." (‭Daniel 2:20-21) "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their PREAPPOINTED times and the boundaries of their dwellings..." (Acts 17:26) Jesus answered, “My kingdom is NOT of this world. If My kingdom WERE of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is NOT from here.” (John 18:36) "...For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are APPOINTED BY God." (Romans 13:1) At the end of the day I'll trust in the Lord, Who, under His sovereignty, has given authority to people to be in their respective places and roles for such a time as this (as He has from the beginning). We don't need to like who's there, we don't need agree with who's there, nor approve of their policies, but He has them there for His "specific purposes".  And that's to move things further along to the FINAL end He told us of long ago (and I think we are just about there ⌛).>>