<<@chrismillard8222 says : Well we’re all hypocrites and contradictory…. Even just the mood we’re in>> <<@jakeham4017 says : Jesus didn’t just show up right on time; he actually wrote it ahead of time (thousands of years), so he made sure to be there when it was supposed to happen.>> <<@iksRoald says : C. S. Lewis also said that the old myths carried shaddows of the real thruth (I do not remember the exact quote, but he said this as a scholar, not as an apologetic)>> <<@Enonymous99 says : The simple explanation for why Jesus came when he did is the Roman Empire Even today, the Roman Empire has more of an impact on life than the most 100 influential people in the world Ever heard the expression “all roads lead to Rome” That is why the timing was perfect, the Roman Empire was a modern empire in ancient times able to vastly propel the gospel to half the world within a short period of time Why then? Rome, that’s why>> <<@billbuyers8683 says : Well He came at the right time bc Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70. Jesus came to earth to convert believing Jews from Judaism to Himself. There was no “Christianity” before this.>> <<@blackeyedturtle says : Galatians 4:4  But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son,>> <<@JRTIGER07 says : I like How this Servant uses His Work Ethic and Skills he has Developed being a Cold case Detective to share the Gospel and for Evangelizing...Reminds me of the Gospel Writer LUKE who was a 1st Century Historian & Doctor and Use those Skill sets to Investigate his Client/Patince the Apostle Paul claims of a Jewish Man rising from the Grave after 3 days ... God bless your Ministry Sir ❤🙋‍♂️🕊🕊🕊📖📖📖😇>> <<@tpw7250 says : Just added his book to my audible wish list. Cold Case Christianity was a great read>> <<@carlhursh505 says : God’s prophecy timing is EXACTLY on time!>> <<@Parture says : Jesus resurrected 33 AD, not 30 AD.>> <<@jeremy144713 says : I forgot the verse the Bible says He came at the “fullness of time”>> <<@dsheppard8492 says : His coming had nothing to do with the circumstances of the day. He came at the time he had predetermined before the creation of Adam. Exactly 4000 years to the day from Adam. This can be seen in the genealogies provided in the book. He will come again exactly at the time determined as before. His appearing is on the dawn of the 7th day. He will then rest from all his works and his sons will blow the trumpets as depicted in the revelation and bring the judgements as described.>> <<@lukewagner8871 says : Because it was the start of the fourth day.>> <<@cahayaterang8579 says : Luke 17:26-30 (KJV) And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.>> <<@aissers6840 says : JESUS IS THE KING!👑🙌🏻✨>> <<@hamnchee says : God never comes early, he sacrifices for his bride.>> <<@aissers6840 says : He came at the perfect time... He did so many miracles 2000 years ago that people/witnesses cannot deny.>> <<@tonyputman3398 says : Great discussion. God bless y'all!>> <<@danielanthony8373 says : If God entered his creation then what has happened with Jesus and his impact is what we would expect to see>> <<@midimusicforever says : It was the right time!>> <<@danielanthony8373 says : I love the way J W Wallace has approached Jesus and the Gospels as a cold case Amazing work ❤🙏✝️🙏❤️>> <<@BobL-v9u says : And if “The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry” theory by S. Joshua Swamidass turns out to be true, there are even more reasons Jesus came at that precise time.>> <<@xxJ0xx says : He didn’t come in 2024 because he’d have to many rights And not be able to die for us, he’d probably be given life in prison 😂>> <<@JonJaeden says : The best date I've seen for Solomon ben David coming to the throne is 971BC. The best date I've seen for Jesus' -- Son of David -- triumphal entry into Jerusalem is AD30. That's 1,000 years. How much did millenialism play into the messianic expectations of first-century Jews?>> <<@kenmwaniki1331 says : Which book does he keep talking about?>> <<@daryldrennan says : Almighty God sent Jesus His Son on God's time, it was precise, correct and perfect timing. God is Alpha and Omega, God looked into eternity and knew what would happen. Before the world existed, God made the plan that His Only Begotten Son would be used to save mankind. It can be reduced to God makes man, mankind goes against God, then God establishes a judgment against mankind, but doesn't destroy and end mankind. This all happened quickly, God is a perfect, righteous Judge that executes justice swiftly. God proves through His Love and justice seen throughout history that God gave mankind thousands of years to repent and turn to Him and they did not, showing that man does not acknowledge, nor understand God and His Heart. Then God sends, not just a servant, but His Only Begotten Son to reveal God's Heart and Love and they spit on Him and then crucified Him, once again showing that mankind does not acknowledge God and His Heart and His Love. God proved to mankind through Jesus and His Blood that He loves them completely. Jesus and His Precious Blood is our advocate in God's Court in Heaven. In the End Day, in the day of God's Court ruling, all of us will be judged. God knew from the first man to the last, who would and who will receive His salvation and who will not. God doesn't want anyone in hell for judgment of sin, which was made for satan and it's angels. It is sadly however; the way of mankind to follow evil and sin and God is Holy and cannot except evil and sin. Those that practice evil and sin cannot be with God. So, It all comes down to God, Mankind, Judgment and Salvation. In the end, there are only two groups of people, the saved and the lost. Have you received Jesus' salvation, death and resurrection for you? Which way are you going to go? Today could be your last day and today is the perfect time to start a new life with Jesus, He loves you more than you know.>> <<@Knight-of-the-Immaculata says : Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church in 33AD>> <<@CynVee says : Because Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. Thank you both. 🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️>> <<@beadoll8025 says : Thank you for excellent content ❤>> <<@jperez7893 says : i hope mr. wallace can also apply his criminological expertise to lay out once again the proper dating of the gospels and the new testament. it is quite evident from the text of the N.T. and also non-canonical and extra-canonical books that the new testament were all written by the end of 67 AD because of the cataclysmic difference in the literature post 70 AD. the epistle of barnabas, for example, is obviously made between 70 and 132. the difference in style of the NT and the mishnah and gemarra are also striking for the lamentation of the destruction of the temple. the apostolic fathers and church fathers were reliable textual witnesses to the veracity that matthew was written before the end of the priesthood of caiaphas, mark during the 40s, luke after 36, and acts during the 50s and before 62. the catholic epistles probably in the 60s to the start of neronian persecution, and revelation not later than the end of 67 ad>> <<@godlynipplehair5277 says : It all comes together yeah>>