<<@thembeforeus9515 says : Great content!>> <<@godsgospelgirl says : 3:44 This is so disturbing.>> <<@godsgospelgirl says : THANK YOU for bringing this up! More couples need to know the issues of IVF before they start going that route.>> <<@Yuccshi says : It's very controversial, one thing to understand is that I think only 25% of blastocysts attach to the uteran wall. If I remembered it correctly, only 25% of possible pregnancy's actually begin... is it abortion or a human life if it never "attached" to the mother? I'm not claiming to have an answer at all just food for thought>> <<@shanecauley5933 says : Wrong.>> <<@markman090 says : great video ty>> <<@juliequates9529 says : Thank you for the clear concise factual responses. Your channel was shared with me by a friend>> <<@mustang8206 says : I think if it is only done with all viable embryos being implanted then it's okay>> <<@juliagrace2890 says : Former preschool teacher, I LOVED my "problem", can't sit still, need to wiggle, need to hop, need to run, need to figure it out boys. But I knew hardly any of the other teachers felt the same so when I had my own boys I knew I was homeschooling them. I wasn't going to gamble with their self confidence and self worth and it has been so rewarding to see them learn>> <<@thetraditionalist says : interesting video, I learned a lot!>> <<@adensabin-white9095 says : First, does a period result in the loss of a human life? Do all the millions of sperm that don’t make it result in death? The ethical conundrum is in the entirely arbitrary idea of when life begins and when it is “human”. To say that a zygote (which these are, they are not embryos until they enter the uterus) is a human and entitled to all the rights as such is, I won’t say problematic but certainly controversial. Your moral system here is simply arbitrary. Is it murder for a couple, who knows that they will probably struggle to have a child to pursue a pregnancy that leads to a miscarriage? They had probable reason to assume that would be the outcome, so they LET a human life die. IVF on the other hand is down to a science with high rates of success. There is no arbitrary system of discarding zygotes, in fact there is an entire grading system for the zygotes’ quality. Would it not too be murder for them to force these eggs to be brought to term only for them to be disabled and live short lives? Eugenics is ethically dubious, but only when it was run by nuts who thought that being anything but white was a genetic disorder. This form is ensuring the best results for future success. Again, if we live in the system of ethics espoused here, is it not too murder to lose all the potential human lives if we didn’t practice IVF? Would it not be murder if ALL of those zygotes lived and there were not enough resources for them to actually survive and thrive? Keeping the zygotes for scientific testing, moreover, has yielded incredible results in stem cell research, which is helping aid new medical developments and cancer treatments. Would it not be murder or assault to let those ppl who would otherwise be aided by stem cell research to not have access to it? The truth is, not everything is murder and death is actually the quintessential “quality control” of life, some things just are not meant to be or and we lucky few are just the ones who happen to exist here and now.>> <<@EvanG529 says : IVF would have to be performed only in the way described at 2:46 to be ethically condonable.>> <<@PetarStamenkovic says : This inversion of basic function of IVF to create life to mean that it is in fact to end life is a really bad take. IVF can be abused for sure, but most hopeful parents have been deceived into waiting by the world and are now too old to naturally have kids. IVF is their last hope.>> <<@TheMuserguy says : I agree that surrogacy, eugenics (such as selecting sex), and allowing gay couples to have children are all very harmful for children or society. However, if the embryo doesn't have the structures required to feel pain then I just don't see the problem in discarding or freezing them.>> <<@carolynbillington9018 says : well done>> <<@Gudnews4all says : Truth>> <<@brandit2207 says : Thank you for making this video! It is very well made and will be a good, quick resource to show others.>>