<<@Blablassis says : Mmmmmm I've got chills from Frank' s resposnes. Is it true that it is true?>> <<@StevenAndre-t9m says : The problem with the "Jordan analogy" is JESUS is our standard and we evaluate the believer based on how closely their life resembles CHRIST's- period.>> <<@williamfigueroa4630 says : Very good teaching because God will give discernment when you seek him and his truth>> <<@ronhurst9286 says : Great job as usual brother!! GOD BLESS AND MAY JESUS BLESS THE SOCKS OFF OF YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES!!>> <<@servantofgod7798 says : In the King James Version of the Bible, Philippians 4:8 reads, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" I definitely struggle with sin and that's why I'm so thankful for these Christian radio programs in our modern times they're so wonderful and I just thank God for them so much>> <<@servantofgod7798 says : What you said at 29:30 reminds me of 2nd Corinthians 5:21 In the King James Version of the Bible, 2 Corinthians 5:21 reads, "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him">> <<@servantofgod7798 says : In the King James Version of the Bible, Acts 2:38 reads, "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" So my question is this since God knows everything and can be everywhere doesn't his omnipresence prove that he exists in our hearts? And He exists in everybody's heart. But the problem is that most people do not know it because their eyes are shut due to the fact they are prisoners in a dark prison with no light. Because God can be everywhere, is this scripture telling us that if God grants us the ability to repent and if He opens our eyes to the reality that God is in our hearts, isn't it natural to trust God in obedience to be baptized because of this verse? It seems the instruction in this verse is to repent and be baptized. The result of repentance, which God has given, is that the person who received God's truth now has the knowledge that the gift of the Holy Spirit lives in him. This knowledge is the gift. The receivers opened eyes is the Gift that God gave to him. So my question is this, if can God grants me the ability to repent and I have followed him in obedience in His word to be baptized, will the result of this be that I have the knowledge of the Holy Ghost is living in my heart? And should this not cause me to love God and love His word for opening my eyes and causing me to see this truth? I would say the answer to this is definitely yes! And we don't need to be baptized to know that the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts. But what we do need, is the truth of God's word to show us this reality. A child can know that the Holy Spirit lives in his heart without actually ever having been baptized. But baptism should be followed because it is commanded by the Scriptures. So should going to church every Sunday and memorizing the Bible and doing what is right in God's eyes. These are all ways to obey the Holy Spirit who has always lived in our hearts, but only after God opened our eyes, did we know that He lives in us. So the knowledge of the Holy Spirit living in our heart comes from repentance not from baptism. But baptism is the right thing to do. And baptism will show the world that the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts. Now my question is this, does the knowledge of the Holy Spirit living in our hearts come directly after repentance? It seems that the only way for us as fallible human beings to know that the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts is from God's word. And God's word gives us the ability to repent to God to open our eyes for us so that we can see the truth. Without this turning, a human soul will die in his sin. And I like the point that you made, Frank, about how there is only one soul we need to worry about. In a sense we are all alone with God and must learn from Him. And we are all responsible to God for knowing these truths. No one else can learn these truths for us. So when we get the ability to repent From God's word, and we can now see that the Holy Spirit truly lives in our heart, we can have freedom to learn more and more about God. So, can someone confirm that it's correct to say that this verse is teaching us that the knowledge that the Holy Spirit living in our hearts comes from repentance which comes from the word of God? I already know this, because God's word told me so. But does anyone else share my same conviction? Sorry that my question is very wordy. But I think this is the only way, as for now, to communicate what I am thinking about. I am a fallible human being, so my writing is very imperfect. Yet, it is what God commanded me to write. But, I'll try to work on getting it shorter and better in the future. Thank you, Frank Turek, for your excellent work in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. You have a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ and His word. And I am very impressed with it. May the Lord reward you and bless you richly with an overflowing of His riches in glory in Christ Jesus, Amen and praise the Lord!>> <<@servantofgod7798 says : Sound is a little bit soft Is it possible to get it a little bit louder?>> <<@nikao7751 says : So if I remember that I'm at every moment dependant on God, then will it be okay to make me rich?šŸ˜‰ But seriously, I've found the hardest trials to be that of health conditions, and chronic ones at that. It's super duper frustrating when the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak and sick, but I would never let it keep me from crying out and depending on our sweet God and Savior, Jesus Christ Yashua Hamashiach and the truth thereof šŸ™>> <<@peterfox7663 says : 41:25 Someone better tell the black churches that political speech could jeopardize their tax status>> <<@yhwhismywh says : Maybe you should make God your God and not CS Lewis and men who want to keep their sin and have made away to rationalize not walking as he walked,sinning no more or being perfect as he is perfect, etc, etc, etcā€¦ Just because you havenā€™t reached sun glory maybe donā€™t start teaching it cannot be reached in this mortal body.>> <<@Mr.C-Mister says : I know you believe in once saved always saved. But that Flys in the face of the 12th disciple who raised people from the dead, healed the lame and sick and performed many miracles with the Holy Spirit living in him. Only for him to back slide and sell Jesus Christ for money. Or the woman standing outside with the lanterns waiting for the groom and they ALL have a later lit symbolizing they are True Christians and because they don't persevere and continue in the faith and like this man's wife DECONSTRUCT or for other reasons including but not limited to just letting God go and focusing on worldly things. Regardless if it was meant for good intentions they didn't get enough oil and ran out. They were literally outside heavens gates knocking and stating everything they did for God and were told he didn't know them. Remember their lanterns were the same with the same oil and lit the same. Nothing was different except for the made the decision to let that flame go out. If you stop living for God you don't get a free pass into eternity. Try that with your marriage and love on your spouse and then one day neglect the relationship. See what happens.>> <<@stevenbatke2475 says : I understand the human comparison of Turek to Jordan: the raw materials arenā€™t there for everyone to be a great basketball player. But, is Holy Spirit confined to our human raw materials and limitations? God canā€™t work a miracle there? I think itā€™s fair to assume that if Christianity is true, you should see an overall change in the community that is better than the rest of the world. But, we donā€™t.>> <<@michaelfalsia6062 says : Because they are unsaved deceived and have a false faith by way of a false gospel. MATTHEW 7:13,14-23 MATTHEW 22:1-14 MATTHEW 25:1-12 LUKE 13:22-31. 1 PETER 1:10. Any questions? The Holy Spirit has spoken clearly in these passages even as the Lord spoke the truth about a false faith. Let God be true, and every man is a liar!>> <<@dalestanley6618 says : As a Christian we are perfect in the sight of God. However we should be becoming who we already are in Christ Jesus. Hopefully as we make a habit of prayer and studying God's Word we are becoming transformed into the image of Christ.>> <<@sandrakozlowski6921 says : This came at a time when I was doubting if Iā€™d make as a Christian. Raised by a mother critical of everyone, I fight and often lose the fight against my upbringing but I see my need for Christ every single minute as I fight my thoughts. My husbandā€™s mother said he was born such a positive and helpful child (he has brothers and sisters who arenā€™t like him so it has nothing to do with parenting)and often thought maybe my salvation wasnā€™t real. Iā€™m definitely changed from before but will never measure up to my husband. It helped so much hearing CS Lewisā€™ take. Iā€™ve been sick with the pain, fatigue and neuropathy that often prevents sleep from an immune system collapse for over 38 years and itā€™s a fight every day to keep a good and kind outlook. But I will keep up the fight. If anyone isnā€™t affected by feeling poorly all the time praise God! If anyone could say a prayer for my fight against my health and upbringing Id sure appreciate it. Iā€™m praying every day but some days I feel so bad itā€™s hard to pray. Thank you very much Mr Turek.>> <<@Maryismymom2 says : Go visit your Protestant church. It's full of people who think they're better than everyone else and they dont sin. Full of liars and hypocrites.>> <<@jameshughes9706 says : Frank- I know this video was not meant just for me. I have many times been called and treated as ā€œrough around the edgesā€ because I am not especially ā€œniceā€. Itā€™s been a real and tangible obstacle in relating to the Christian subculture. But I love Christ with all my heart. Above my own life and my own family. In my case, God has used this video to encourage me. Thank you.>> <<@angelav916 says : Many people CLAIM to be Christian but do not read the Bible, follow the Bible, follow the teachings of Christ, etc. If you do not believe God's word, then you are not a Christian. Yes, we still sin but do not live in intentional/voluntary sin.>> <<@eliettydevesa says : Where can I ask a question?>> <<@stevem3413 says : Some people call themselves Christians who don't deserve the title simply because they are not. I know that GOD IS the final judge.all we can do is look at their lives and how it aligns with the Bible>> <<@captainmartin1219 says : Neither side is the correct side imo. The left and right wing belong to the same bird. It seems to me they are both bad just in different areas.>> <<@Calamitythenew says : Deconstruction isn't the issue. It's the person who does so. Are they doing it to figure out history are they doing it to answer questions are they doing it because they stopped believing, it's all up to the person doing it. I was an Agnostic, and I started deconstructing various religions and history to figure out what happened in the past. I ended up on Christianity with everything. I was then deconstructing Christianity and while doing so made me fall into it more and more eventually following it. So its not about deconstruction it's about the person doing so and for what purpose. Imo if you already have that many questions, and are in the faith, go to a clergy leader for questions. If you can't get an answer, go to one who can give you an answer. Humans don't know everything; you'll eventually find a clergy leader who knows the answer to your questions. Outside of that, if you locked in with God, follow the book, ignore all the other Christians who you see as hypocrites. Follow the word and only the word and keep it pushing, at the end of the day you not the one punishing them for not following the word, that will be God.>> <<@verdadabsoluta9756 says : The so call "christians" are not better persons because they are not preached the everlasting gospel!. And what's that? Power to overcome sin! Romans 8:7-10. Be not deceived!>> <<@robjeffrey7544 says : Thank you!>> <<@Claire5020GEN says : Dude, you are helping us šŸ‘āœļøšŸ™>> <<@Dalekzilla says : I suppose it's what your definition of hypocrite is. Is it being a hypocrite to profess to be a Christian, but simultaneously not only support but idolize a politician who is a known serial adulterer, racist, sexist, liar, idolator, rapist, Human Rights abuser, and hate-monger? Is it being a hypocrite for a professed Christian to either ignore or actively malign and demonize the poor, the homeless, migrants, and minorities (in spite of Matthew 25:32-46)? Is it being a hypocrite for a professing Christian to judge others when they themselves are not without sin (and in spite of James 4:11-12, Romans 14:10, John 8:7, Romans 3:23, John 5:22)? And is it hypocritical for a professing Christian to say nasty, rude, insulting things to people who disagree with them (in spite of James 1:26 and James 3:8-10)?>> <<@gwentomlinson4205 says : Do not forget to quote Romans 8:1>> <<@johnsanabria3279 says : The tax exemption status is a god that exists in the church I attend; i.e.,by the hierarchy of the church. I'm not a fan of making that so important an issue that the bylaws have included it. As a matter of fact,an entire evening service was taken up for just that issue. Wrong!>> <<@helenhawkins2107 says : God is the only arbiter and final judge of what 'better people' means. Moreover, approval by the world means naught to a follower of Christ. "If the world hates you remember that it first hated me". "If you belonged to the world it would have loved you as its own but as it is I have chosen you out of the world". That the world doesn't view Christians as "better people" can be taken as reassuring. In any case, Christians are reassured that, even though they falter, they are washed in the precious blood of the Lamb.>> <<@suzannecarroll2388 says : Thank you so very much Mr. Turek. Your video helped me so very much.>> <<@DD00723 says : Years ago, before my church went social justice, my pastor taught on this! It was so helpful then, and thank you for explaining this so clearly now! I needed to hear this!!>> <<@djacobmadrigal says : I just think too many humans are horrible people regardless of what religion they are.>> <<@BoldFollower says : I'm talking to our students about this next service, thanks for this! Perfect timing!>> <<@bingobango9932 says : Critical Criticism is a reason why everyone is struggling to be better people. We Excuse the internal CC of ourselves. We Misunderstand when we use CC against each other. We deny the destructive affects of both.>> <<@jrfree88 says : In all honesty, I donā€™t think the character of Christians or Christian hypocrisy is the reason most atheists doubt. Most atheists would tell you they doubt due to a lack of evidence for biblical claims.>> <<@williambranch4283 says : Standards have dropped. Most don't even know the Ten Commandments.>> <<@rhondaharris398 says : Jesus wasn't "nice" but he was "good". Sometimes being" good" is ugly and the unrighteous aren't going to like it. Some people were trespassing on my neighbors property. I confronted them, I was firm in my reprimand that they needed to leave. They were angry, defensive. Told me I was a Karen and not nice. They weren't hurting anything so I needed to mind my own business. My neighbors however appreciated I was not worried about being "nice" and instead was a "good" neighbor who looked out for their interests.>> <<@MODO100percent says : I havenā€™t found one good compelling argument to vote, last year I tried to sell my vote but I had no offers. That to me alone proves to me that voting doesnā€™t matter>> <<@ike8018 says : Christians aren't better people because they are people like everyone else. The only difference is that they have placed their faith in Christ Yeshua for their salvation by the Grace of God. All are in the process of what is termed sanctification ie transformation into the likeness of Christ Yeshua. This process takes place at different rates in different people. The only Living God knows all His people, and Him only, no one else.>> <<@simonskinner1450 says : A Christian must have a faith of good works because no Christian is saved, only past sins are purged, because grace IS merited, Christianity has a false gospel.>> <<@simonskinner1450 says : Even if you are perfect as Romans 2:14 as an unbeliever you need Christ to access eternal life, but beware a grace IS merited, only doers of the law are justified.>> <<@Lightbearer616 says : Because they are so deluded they believe people like you and start walking around talking the same rubbish as if it was sustainable.>> <<@rbm6184 says : Why Aren't Christians Better People + Politics Q&A Who says they are Christians? Just because they claim to be? Even Christ said you will know them by their fruit.>> <<@johnlombardo7816 says : Youre a true Godly man Frank! I work toward being this on fire ! šŸ”„šŸ«”šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘ŠšŸ™ā¤ļø>> <<@Mr.biggstrength says : This was excellent šŸ˜Š>> <<@juliecantina8479 says : I believe The Lord wants us to love Him because of who He is. He is the creator and sustainer of all things. If we truly understand who He is, we then will understand who we are. That we are nothing and He is everything. Jesus said "without me ye could do nothing." We need Him, He don't need us. Understanding that develops gratitude, and humility. And when we humble ourselves to Him, He will exalt us. The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. We no longer walk after the flesh but after the Spirit. This is the transformation, by faith in Him.>> <<@timothyfree4137 says : Thank you Frank. An excellent explanation of understanding why people are where they are. I am guilty of judging others with a ā€œholier than thouā€ mentality.>> <<@cathyzawatzki8443 says : Thanks for your thoughts, a lot for me to think about. I so struggle with my sin, and what I keep coming back to is, if the Holy Spirit lives within me, shouldnā€™t I be doing better?>> <<@Freedomfred939 says : You forgot the biggest problem are the people making the comparisons....they are judging by their own standards and assume the conditions of a person's heart.>>