<<@CrossExamined says : Download FREE Cheat Sheet “The 4-Point Case For Christianity” 👉📱https://cutt.ly/ZYMC4nl>> <<@tarp-grommet says : Good, vigorous rant, Frank. It still presupposes that the supernatural really does exist in spite of the fact no one has ever seen gods, angels, or demons. They exist only in the imagination and are indistinguishable from any other products of the imagination.>> <<@ryant1506 says : Stop with the background music pls 🙏 stand on the truth of Gods word - that’s all you should need>> <<@Project-ci5ld says : Going through some hard times with my gf today, and just been talking a lot with God. This was much much needed….>> <<@terrencemoldern2756 says : I always think back on Jesus berating and throwing the merchants out of the Temple whenever someone tells me he was all about love... I’m not even Christian yet I know this. He was indeed a loving being. But not one that loved sin or people who worshipped it.>> <<@jamesirvin7799 says : The Kamala church will fight back against sound doctrine.>> <<@bruhnisher5454 says : If only the churches knew this>> <<@Almosthomeforever says : There are many things God commands us not to love.>> <<@lipegr says : Affirmation is not the same thing as approval>> <<@Hironeden-bi5zs says : I needed this.>> <<@marciobunnytolentino8102 says : Exactly!🙏>> <<@Thaijler says : Loving the wrong things ruins families and potential families.>> <<@sandrellsnaturalworld4843 says : Maaan, if this wasn't what I needed to hear right now! Thank you, Lord, for this incredibly on-time message!🙌🏽>> <<@odyseja_przygody says : SO MUCH SHOUTING!!>> <<@Nikua13 says : In all matters of this evil world. Tolerance is benefit of a man without conviction. Compassion does equal acceptance.>> <<@jenniferjoaquin4717 says : Thank you! I needed to hear this! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻>> <<@kingofswing3000 says : Yahshua didn't approve the prostitutes lifestyle. He told her to go and stop sinning. Because salvation is about coming as you are. But it's all about never leaving as you were.>> <<@alexandersergal says : I've always said "Love is not affirmative, it's the ability to tell someone what their doing wrong.">> <<@Charles73358 says : False Preacher 😢>> <<@kaboom9081 says : Friend and siblings are slowly ex-communicating me, Jesus was right. His Word divides even people in your own home so i'm taking up my cross and not looking back trying to please people i love.>> <<@eddardgreybeard says : You don't get to say "faith alone" and then try to say "only for heterosexuals." If it doesn't save gays, it won't save you either. If there's some sins you can't commit and still inherit the kingdom of heaven, then you're gonna have to accept the fact Christ meant what he said when he said "go, and sin no more.">> <<@tnh723 says : Shove this down the "love is love" people. Of course they want to pervert anything they touch>> <<@ebubejamesoriehi2921 says : Wow! This is really deep... "Love does not require approval". More grace and wisdom to you sir.>> <<@CoreySr301 says : THIS IS FIIIIRREEEE. I started using drugs at 15. I used to think my parents hated me because they always tried to stop me from getting high. It took me 20 years of drug use to finally get clean and realize that my parents LOVED me and they were trying to protect me from a life of struggle and hardship. I always tell people my parents didn't approve of my lifestyle but they LOVED me. My father was always honest with me and I took offense to it. I now realize that all he was doing was LOVING me. God bless!! 🙏🏿✌🏿💙💪🏿>> <<@kimjjesusiscomingsoon says : Amen. Estranged from family because I won’t agree with their idea of loving an 8 year old is letting them decide their gender. God help.>> <<@Sheppard2030 says : Indeed>> <<@rosenrusev5291 says : Thanks God and thank you, Frank!>> <<@alexmelgar8181 says : Mas magandang masampal ng katotohanan kaysa sa mahalikan ng kasinungalingan>> <<@rebornasdavid says : And the very elect are being deceived, even if that were possible, yet apparently it is. Because the devil has told them "Love = acceptance". When that is a straight lie of the devil. I read the bible before I started regularly going to church. When I starting hearing people preaching I was wondering if we were reading from the same book because they all had a very strange version of who Jesus was.>> <<@r.7179 says : Based on this scripture - my parents really hated me =)>> <<@gdub7360 says : "We will sacrifice them for our benefit, rather than sacrificing ourselves for their benefit". When he said this it hit hard. As a people-pleaser, that is exactly what I'm doing. What a perspective shift.>> <<@ezmepetersen2503 says : Good sound bite. A wise Preacher taught me the following..... Love isn't a word or a feeling - it is action. That about sums up Jesus right there.>> <<@BeniaminZaboj says : Amen>> <<@Levi-9123 says : He said more in 5 minutes than most pastors say in a sermon>> <<@philipgrobler7253 says : When did a tyrant in all of human history, ever ask for approval?>> <<@carol-annroelofse4902 says : Hard to hear, but I needed this. Thank you for this.>> <<@frozenrogue8970 says : Jesus was not Barney 😂>> <<@user540000 says : what are aberrant sexual practices?>> <<@devinortega5549 says : How do you sacrifice "yourself" by telling them no. Clever spin on a parents lack of effort. No is closing the door, yes is approval and redirection. You encourage love, you protect from harm but don't twist strick parenting as godly nature 😅>> <<@bakura0 says : Lmao you almost got me there buddy. Not to say what love is to be but I just feel that Jesus is talking with hidden meaning. He didn’t tell you to love the church however what he said about the church is funny to me Mathew 24:1-7 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. And look what we have here now, this error of chaos. War against war country again country. A lot of drama. But yet the preacher did make a point saying why you not obeying the man. Just like in verse why do you called me lord and not do what I tell you to do. In the end majority of the ppl still does not understand. Jesus talk in parable , he say talk dark sayings of old , Jesus said seek first the kingdom of god. He didn’t said go to church or read the Bible. He told you that you know the way. The kingdom of god is at hand. That is is already to say it so close but yet we can’t grasp it cause those who preach the stuff of wrong. Like in like 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. I just close my doors 🚪>> <<@cori8457 says : I often say that people confuse love and acceptance. God gives unconditional love not unconditional acceptance. Love and acceptance are not the same thing.>> <<@jorty. says : I asked Jesus lately, where in the bible can I read that love is an action and not a feeling? (I knew it wasn't a feeling but I wanted a clear verse". To which He replied: "If you love me, you do my commands". And ofcourse God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that.....giving and action❤ But Jesus replied to me with the former verse.>> <<@ooy5596 says : If he came as a sword to divide families and my wife wanted to divorce me do I not stand in the way of her because of the division of the sword or do I not allow her because of love and I know that decisions she wants to make are bad and sinful?>> <<@AshleyyRenee says : great message 😭>> <<@hvngfunnn says : My spoiled brat dad used to say this. It was enabling that harmed him and it wasn't from me!>> <<@davidman59 says : Material sacrifice, not spiritual. "For in loving kindness I have taken delight, not in sacrifice." Hosea 6,6 This is where the whole world becomes corrupted by following a dead object called money. Then it becomes what is profitable. All those who are wicked use the same economic system. Should we bribe them to do good? Do they have a livelihood that is detrimental to the living? Are the people who use little of it evil? To say that money is the life blood of the world is to say the rich are the blood clogs and the poor are hemorrhaging more than they take in. The system will not change. Bitcoin, Digital, Crypto, Cash, are all the same and actually protect the bribers, thieves, and those who are wicked. Money is the measuring line of mankind that has come to its finish. Jesus said, "Elijah is coming and will restore all things." Matthew 10,11 "I will send to YOU people Elijah the prophet before the fear-inspiring day of Jehovah." Malachi 4, 5 ".... in order that I might come and strike the earth with the devoting of it to destruction." I'm apart of this same economic system. So this system threatens my life and all who use it. End it.>> <<@grounded7362 says : To love your neighbor is to wish/do them no ill and to be honest with them.>> <<@smokingcrab2290 says : This needs to be taught to men in marriage too. Men are told to give themselves up entirely for their wives which brainwashes them to be pushovers.>> <<@bethsummerville341 says : Yes, and amen! That's good teaching, preaching! Thank you!>> <<@juzeus9 says : *LGBT are homeless 4 times more often than straight children. "50% of homeless queer girls aged 13–15 in New York City, were homeless because they were fleeing familial corrective rape". "New Zealand report finds 200,000 abuse victims in care of state, faith-based groups". Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn and to eat. When the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day. And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. the famine of 2.8 million homeless children in america, is for family. 1/4 million children in america have parents, for no other reason than gays exist. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.*>>