<<@CrossExamined says : FREE Download of sermon I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!: 👉📱https://cutt.ly/cInI1eo>> <<@jetsonmace says : The universe slowly decays by time, while God-Christ continues to sustain life in the very heart of time's decay. There comes a moment when He will say that there will be NO more time (or its decay). I hope we all come to His feet for forgiveness before it's too late ✝❤‍🩹🥲>> <<@marcomclaurin6713 says : Science is observable, measurable and demonstrative I suggest electrical processies that have been overlooked in my video 'Sound reason ' , consistent with Scripture Please consider watching Godspeed>> <<@gent_Carolina says : @FRANK idkhy are so patient when ppl attack & insult u constantly. I disagree with many of ur "traditions of men; " however, I understand we each have our own skills to use for God's kingdm. The sheepdogs are on duty in the threads. 😇 "For now I know in part, but when the perfect comes, I will know in full, even as I have been fully known." 1 Cor. 13;9>> <<@bohem5568 says : LOL,...not sure what he thought he was proving but his little speech says nothing about origin, nothing about religion and nothing about a belief in scientific method. And it doesn't even answer the question.>> <<@samsam-nx8gq says : Thanks to Jesus Christ I am not an atheist.>> <<@Thundawich says : But frank, you don't believe in the second law of thermodynamics. God creating the universe (and just god's existence generally) violates it, so it must be wrong.>> <<@vibeson1075 says : Frank be fighting for his life to make Christianity true. 😅>> <<@drumrnva says : I've only ever heard the question "can science explain away God" in apologists' strawmen. Anyway, the answer depends on what is meant by "god", but in the case of Turek's definition, the answer is 'probably not'. But let's be crystal clear--the reason it can't be explained away is NOT because a strong logical case has been made--it's exactly the opposite! How could anyone make a scientific assessment of something so lacking in definition? It's a timeless, spaceless immaterial mind that interacts with the material world....😳....huh? What does that even mean? What is there to observe or test? A being whose presence can't be verified or falsified?? There is literally nothing to refute. Weak sauce.>> <<@MrFossil367ab45gfyth says : In my opinion, science can't prove God exists or not. I see no conflict between science and faith. If science says one thing while religion says another, you don't have to choose. Both can be true.>> <<@oneom8158 says : If you have only a spark of true intelligence left, still, this one is for you. ( The Basis of Consciousness | The Jewel Garland of Inquiry ), on a page title : [ Untangle your mind ]. If the calling of truth is knocking on your door, rejoice, in the short video, you will certainly find peace of mind and soul. This is a promise, from me, to whoever is reading this at this very moment. 💙>> <<@harryfaber says : Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto found God, we remember him today.>> <<@hhh-et2vi says : No one serious whatever would say that science will discover where the universe began. That is an unknown.>> <<@Stupidityindex says : Christians like this bitchy tone in their fantasyland talks.>> <<@JesusistheonetrueGod says : Just bought all your books amd got the audibles. Glad to take part in feeding your needy children 😜>> <<@jrmaximus says : Saying that having faith that an answer will be found, eventually, does nothing to argue against the idea science will eventually find the answer. The argument using the second law of thermodynamics applies to our observable physical reality. Observations in quantum mechanics show a reality that defies what most people would consider logical. It is conceivable that our physical, observable reality is a result of a process in quantum mechanics that is not subject to this law.>> <<@bigbible007 says : Utube algorithm places atheist comments first before others in an attempt to make the religion more relevant>> <<@jamesw4250 says : God requires faith. Science doesn't. Science is what has given us actual answers. Where as God has never been demonstrated. And it's not faith since so far we have a consistent demonstration of science working where as God has never worked as an explanation. And the second law only applies to a closed system. The universe may very well not be a closed system. And the universe isn't running out of energy. It's running out of usable energy. In other words an energy gradient. Franky boy getting it wrong again. Per usual.>> <<@aidanya1336 says : The question was not answered. Instead we got a straw-man of thermodynamics. Entropy (not exactly the same as energy) can decrease in a local area. Its just to total sum that will increase. So it can produce pockets of low entropy. The energy of the universe does not decrease, its constant. Also why is he making faith sound like a bad thing...>> <<@logicalatheist1065 says : Gods obviously, it's a faith based position, as no evidence supports any god yet Science deals with evidence / natural world...>> <<@ryans8081 says : There's no contradiction with science and God, science is a method that we use to give us a better understanding of the universe, but science cannot create anything out of nothing, and science requires Biblical moral assumptions (such as not lying) to perform the scientific method in the first place. There's also a fundamental difference between science as an "operational method" (which you can observe and perform in a laboratory) and science as a "historical worldview" (assumptions about what happened in the past), which a lot of people seem to misunderstand. Something like evolution and "millions of years" is the latter, as we cannot go back in time millions of years to observe the past, and the evolutionary/"millions of years" interpretations about the fossil record, the rock layers, the mountains and canyons, etc can be better interpreted through a literal historical narrative of Genesis only a few thousands of years ago. In fact, given all of the great resources that organizations like Answers in Genesis, Creation Ministries International, and the Institute for Creation Research have given to support the literal historical narrative of Genesis, I don't know why there are many Christians who still adhere to evolution and millions of years. It's a dying secular religious worldview that is only kept alive by our tax dollars in public schools and universities.>> <<@drumrnva says : The practice of science and critical thinking has FUNDAMENTALLY changed human life. Scientific inquiry had produced countless solutions and explanations, resulting in practical applications that make human life easier, safer, and healthier. And just as importantly, scientific thinking allows us to accurately predict conditions and phenomena. So we tend to have a certain reverence for that type of inquiry. If Turek's gonna refer to it as "faith", then he must at least concede that in this case, "faith" is well-earned. Attributing everything to a supernatural invisible agent is a toddler's explanation, and Turek is a grifter. He's selling snake oil.>> <<@DM-dk7js says : God. Duh.>> <<@koiboybud-dbee4556 says : I like the way you explain things, but for this video, I'll have to point out some nuances that explain otherwise. You say: "Nature will take a building and turn it into a pile of bricks. Nature will never take a pile of bricks and turn it into a building." But we can take bricks and rebuild the building. It's in our Nature to rebuild/fix things. We got this Nature from God. Another example: If a forest burns to ash and the trees & brush resprout and grow. To use your fuel tank example: We may deplete our fuel as we go, but we refuel along the way. Basically, things are finite in their current state but not in the terms of the universe, which will balance everything out in the end to work as Nature/God intended. Balancing out is used to describe the ebb and flow of how things become, unbecome, and become again... We are not in a constant state of entropy, as would be implied by your analogy and the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Time clearly disproves this because entropy would hit a maximum if that were true. Feel free to ask any questions. Blessings to all!>> <<@indigofenrir7236 says : The thumbnail looks an awful lot like Rowan Atkinson in the film Mr. Bean's Holiday. Could they be related?>> <<@macmac1022 says : The universe is not running out of energy, energy cant be created nor destroyed, only transmuted. The heat is being dispersed more and more from entropy, but its not disappearing. Stay out of science frank, you dont know enough about it.>> <<@JadDragon says : I don't have enough faith to be an atheist! Jesus lives! ♥️ and is Yahweh God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>> <<@Obeytheroadrules says : Science explains reality, not out of touch , faith based or assertions>> <<@Timmy-bb7ch says : look folks if you choose to believe in a creator. make sure he knows. quran ' earth spherical moves in orbit. Big Bang of creation. universe expanding. man created in stages from the earth/evolution. noah floods regional ' bible teaches the opposite>> <<@CaptainFantastic222 says : This one is easy Faith doesn’t require evidence Science is a method of investigation and discovery based on evidence Why does cross examined talk in terms of faith being a bad thing? Seems odd to be, seeing how Christianity is a faith based belief system>> <<@mve6182 says : It always amazes me how some people, like Frank Turek, seem to be so sure about the nature of the universe, while in reality we really don't know much about the universe at all.>> <<@iljuro says : - Science has a pretty good verifiable track record so far, thus it takes less faith to believe in science than to believe in any unverified concept like a god. - We know that entropy is increasing. We don't know how high it can increase, or what happens when entropy gets high enough. This has nothing to do with gods.>> <<@juliecantina8479 says : God created science. The creature can never be greater than The Creator>> <<@somerandom3247 says : So frank was asked one question, the title is a different question, and frank didnt answer either of them...... Why do yall do that? Whats the point of having people ask you questions if you dont answer them?>> <<@somerandom3247 says : All this talk about the second law, what about the first? Energy can't be created or destroyed. There goes your theology frank.>> <<@maxhagenauer24 says : The 2nd law of thermodynamics does not prove the universe had a beginning. The law talks about changes in entropy, not absolutely entropy. Past entropy could actually go negative so there could still be a constant entropy over infinite time in the past. The 2nd thing he said is also not true, the universe isnt loosing energy at all. Its constant. The heat death is where the universe will evolve to a state of no thermodynamic free energy which isn't the sane thing. It would actually seem impossible in some cases for the universe to have a beginning. Like it would imply there is a time when the universe had a beginning which doesn't make sense if time is a property of the universe.>> <<@EdwardRomanOficial says : Honest question: What do you picture yourself accomplishing in your current position?>> <<@susanm7888 says : Scientists have proven the theory of evolution wrong, they just don't get much of a say in the world of naturalistic scientists that dominate the arena. The biblical science institute and answers in Genesis have scientists with strong evidence of a young earth and biblical flood account. They also show how the arena of science is flawed and how an atheistic worldview plays a major role in how they interpret the evidence of the origin of life. Everyone should watch their videos and lectures.>> <<@Ezekiel336-16 says : The title should be 'What requires more BLIND faith?'>> <<@kinggenius930 says : Frank has already demonstrated with the title of his book that he doesn't quite understand what does or does not require faith...>> <<@lawrenceeason8007 says : It is telling that in all our investigations on how our world works…every single time it is a natural explanation. Superstition after superstition gets debunked. People once thought lightning was caused by an angry god. Turns out it’s caused by imbalanced electrical charges in a cloud. People thought crop failures came from a judgemental, punishing god. People who acted very strange were “possessed by demons”…when they were inflicted with schizophrenia and needed help instead of the abuse they were treated with because of such superstition. Science/facts has opened our eyes and taken us from dark superstitions.>> <<@quesostuff1009 says : I never understood this science vs religion argument Just cuz science gives us a better understanding of thr universe , how does that negate the concept of the creator. We ultimately don’t make stuff we just discover>> <<@Maikigai says : Science always leads back to the Bible. It may take a small hiatus from time to time, but it always comes back. Always.>> <<@WilliamEllison says : Participating in the pursuit of science actually strengthens faith. Faith isn't just blind belief—it's grounded in evidence and reason. You have faith in something because there's solid evidence to support it. That's what true faith is: a trust that is backed by understanding, not just wishful thinking. In this light, saying that science could explain away faith is actually a contradiction or oxymoron. Science and faith aren't necessarily at odds; they can complement each other. While science seeks to understand the natural world through evidence and observation, faith involves trusting in what may not be fully understood yet, but is supported by reason and experience. Faith, when properly understood, is not opposed to science but is often informed and strengthened by it.>> <<@Gek1177 says : God obviously. Science doesn't really require any faith. Frank, unfortunately, likes to mislead his audience. The objective is to justify having religious faith by pretending you need the same faith for scientific too. It's Frank attempting to drag science down to the level of religion but really it's just Frank admitting that he thinks faith is a bad thing. I personally believe that science and faith are two completely separate and legitimate things. You don't need to pretend science requires faith in order to be comfortable with the fact that you have religious faith.>> <<@Justas399 says : can't practice science without faith.>> <<@Truthmatters- says : If God is the ultimate Cause of the beginning of the universe, then all naturalistic scientists will never find this evidence. Sadly for atheists, it’s never been a mind issue but a heart issue.>> <<@BobCalNor says : Faith is what people have when the facts don’t support their beliefs. There is no arguing with people on matters of faith.>> <<@HUNTSMARTFASTHARD says : Hilarious, you really think that there is faith in something taht can be shown? You trying to claim everyone has faith truly dhows how little you ahve for your own claims. Maybe concentrate on showing your claims are true rather thwn trying to debunk something like science.>> <<@larzman651 says : Theory = opinion until proven to be fact. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil>>