<<@SladeMacGregor says : The problem with this preacher is that he selects specific Bible verses that fit his narrative of God. Preacher, you must accept the whole Bible, and not bits and parts that you think is true. You know that these other verses are there in the Bible, and so why aren’t you teaching the true God. I left the typical Protestant Church because I discovered that Preachers were not teaching everything in the Holy Bible. Like whom are we and how are we to God? Let me show you with other versus of the Holy Bible. KJV John 20:17 “Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.” Here Jesus Christ is very direct and explicit to Mary Madalyn that God is our Father, and if He is our Father, then we are his offspring. This verse flies in the face of the doctrine of the Trinity which the word Trinity cannot be found in the Holy Bible. In the New Testament, Jesus and the apostles never said the word, Trinity. Then in KJV Romans 8:14 “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14 reinforces John 20:17; we are God’s offspring…His Children. Isn’t that exciting! Hallelujah!! So, what happens now? In KJV Romans 8:17 writes where we are going, “17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” Are you getting the picture yet? We will be “JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST!” But a lot of Christians don’t believe this verse even when I say it to them. They always say, “you are taking it out of context.” Go ahead and stay confused. In 325 AD, the Christian leaders united with a pagan Roman Emperor Constantine to create the concept of Trinity. Back then, if you didn’t believe in the Trinity, you were burned at the stake. Nice way to force a false Christian doctrine. We at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints don’t believe in false made-up doctrine, like the Trinity. We believe God is our Father, Jesus Christ is our Savior and Son of God, and the Holy Ghost. And we believe they are separate entities but united together in spirit. Monotheism exists because the typical Christian Churches believe in the Trinity. We believe God is God, Jesus is God, and therefore, polytheism. Closing off with this verse, KJV Romans 1;21-22 writes, “21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,” Believe in the Bible, study the Bible and ask God for help. Amen.>> <<@rosemarietolentino3218 says : Life and Death.>> <<@salanigeorgemaluleke7941 says : Christ Michael is the God of this universe>> <<@salanigeorgemaluleke7941 says : This guy is talking about the universal father and Christ Michael>> <<@stevemarks9820 says : Trinity unbiblical.>> <<@prestonlund2965 says : This is not accurate. ,but love your videos😅>> <<@FredHaferkamp says : You will find Love Worth Finding Adrian Rogers>> <<@boozle79 says : I’ve never heard this and I’ve attended LDS church and Bible studies and only people I hear saying this non members!>> <<@addict5512 says : Psalm 82:6 6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.>> <<@Daniel-x5m8f says : Special pleading at the elementary level.>> <<@curtcrowley6659 says : Mormons are henothiestic>> <<@AzeemSuleman-tl2hf says : Nonsense the Bible is full of murder rape incest n porn>> <<@laurabeauchamp1215 says : Quit promoting religious bigotry by telling people that “My God is better than Their God”. Have honest questioners ask actual active Latter-day Saints what their answer is and not ask someone who has a vested interest in using old worn-out tropes to make sure they stay employed.>> <<@Dawahdude0 says : Only Islamic God is only True God Everthing he tells is true except The God is not triune, The God does not appaer manifest into any shape or form of creation. Jesus Pbuh was creation therefore Jesus Pbuh not God. Trinity is also Polytheistic. Hindus also believe in Tri murti>> <<@Stramontin1 says : Its funny, because there is no necessity for a god in reality. People only wish for there to be one. Hence its called faith. Wishful thinking.>> <<@larryjr1877 says : BELIEVE IN MORMAN,HELL IS THAT CLOSE MAN MADE. BILLY SMITH,YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS>> <<@Passover-dk8tw says : Who made Jesus, MAN DID>> <<@rogerbee697 says : A religious cult member talking _ _ _ _ about a different religious cult. How adorable.>> <<@rogerbee697 says : 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 One of the best stand up comedians ever. I think he writes his own Material.>> <<@GarthDick-v9w says : The difference between the Christian God and the moment god is the moments of worship in Satan and doing the will of Satan and the Christians are doing the will of Jesus if they are true Christians and doing Jesus's will what he says in the Bible not as they will😊😊>> <<@engjeekeow says : Mormon and Christain have the same God with difference understanding>> <<@russelllayne8908 says : God was made up Bye man two say that he got permission from to rule over others>> <<@russelllayne8908 says : They are both fake gods. We have a creator and a great spirit. Babe. No god>> <<@MrGuzmanra says : Christianity is monotheistic, but there are 3 gods..>> <<@samjiva says : Amen 🙏>> <<@blacksilus7419 says : Who made god ? I can answer that. Man made god … in fact man made all the thousands of gods that have “existed” over the past 5000 years or so. God is the place holder we have for what we are yet to understand.>> <<@jackburton307 says : That is not LDS doctrine>> <<@AaronConn-dz7dz says : Why dont yiu study before you try to say what i believe>> <<@margaretpiner4749 says : Wow I never knew the Mormons beliefs. And now I know why I never answered my door. 😢 This is not Truth at all.>> <<@kevinantheunisse9052 says : At the end he says" Trinitarian monotheism". An oxymoron if I had ever heard one. 😊>> <<@Evroyal says : So mormonism is a man made cult.>> <<@ufpride83 says : The difference between Christianity and Mormonism is just a difference in which men they put their faith in.>> <<@JonesSpeedywash says : If you take into consideration that we are sons and daughters of God and he is our father in heaven. And if you take into consideration that we lived a life before this one and we will live a life after this one that is a good indicator that we to have always existed, but we are moving from Grace to Grace just as he did. Just as our parents wanted us to grow up move out get a job get a house have our own children. God wants the same for us in the spiritual sense. Do not let Satan deceive you out of your inheritance.>> <<@PlanwithJulie says : I don't think you know what you're talking about>> <<@LauraBell-bj1rs says : Mormons don't believe in Jesus, they believe everyone becomes a God, that's not what it say in the bible>> <<@MasterMark6837 says : We do not yet understand our full potential to become like God- we are the children of God in mortality now- we move through our mortal life to gain experience and chose our own destiny. If we then choose to keep the commandments of God we then become like God and then progress. Why would we limit ourselves to only be imperfect and could choose to be perfect ti be like God by keeping his commandments thus proving ourselves worthy the put off the natural man and choose righteousness- choose Christ, choose righteousness, choose to become like God- gain Eternal life with Gid through his son Jesus.>> <<@MasterMark6837 says : 1 Corinthians 8 5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) 6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.>> <<@MasterMark6837 says : Have you read the Bible - there are many Gods>> <<@user-vf3mp6lp7d says : The mormon god is a false god...>> <<@followersofJesus-be_ready says : Amen brother>> <<@kellysmyth2337 says : He,s a god who watches millions of children suffer and die and can’t or won’t do anything about it>> <<@Steve-in-the-uk says : Theist nonsense.>> <<@meihanamacdonald1408 says : One God,One Christ, One Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ IS the Cornerstone of Mormonism>> <<@leonvanschalkwyk9576 says : They deny Christ, they erected a temple in Lower Port Rush Rd, near Marden Shopping centre, Adelaide where they " redeem souls who died long time ago. This is an evil practice. Why do I say this with confidence? Christ have died , once for all, there is no more sacrifice you can bring to atone for sin, the old sacrificial system ended when Christ said it is finished and the veil in the temple tore from top to bottom. The temple that day was no longer according to the pattern God showed Moses on Mt Sinai, period>> <<@Charles3773 says : Folks. I already destroyed this dude for being a false teacher. As for this video, to put it bluntly, I will answer that poor girls question, The remarkable difference between the Christian God, and the Mormon God is only a manner of perspective, There was once a man names Joseph Smith, who rewritten certain parts of the bible, and even tried to write himself into scripture by calling himself a new aged Saint and prophet called upon by God himself. And the synopsis is he teaches that the way to Heaven is by all that you do. Which that's not what the bible says. The bible says the only way to heaven, is by faith alone, and that faith is in Jesus , and salvation is buy by the Grace of God. However do not take that solely out of context. In scriptures, it tells that once you forsake your sins and are born again (The literal phrase Born again is in one of the book of the New Testament, has been there for a long long time and I read and preach the King James version, because I believe it's the perfect version, translation.) Sorry where was I , oh yeah, good works, meaning, you should continue to do good works because there is no 11th hour repentance for salvation. By the grace of God alone are ye saved. But that does not mean, if you live to 100, and sin for 99 years and 11 months , then only repent and say its ok because god saved me in the last month of life, your heart will be weighed for the willingness of sin during your whole lifetime "ESPECIALLY" since 20 years in of your 100 years of life your eyes were open and knew the word of truth (Hebrews 10:26) Stop attending and listening to this guy, he is touched by Satan. Although 80% of the time he might speak plainly, but 20 % of the time he'll feed you a lie and thats how he sucks you in.>> <<@The-Carpenter says : I wonder what NASA has to say about people getting their own planets; let alone finding one.😂>> <<@Hendrick-i8i says : God of this world was once a celestial being (an angel) not man>> <<@TacoDaddy-mr8ig says : Mormon god is fake! My God is almighty>> <<@T.T.T416 says : They are both polytheistic>> <<@victorianlover3328 says : That's right it's a pyramid system like Amway.>>