<<@spikenomoon says : Hyperlink>> <<@ike8018 says : Spiritually, Scripture and the Holy Spirit interpret Scripture. Science, history and other physical methods can evidence Scripture, not interpret the Word of God found in Scripture.>> <<@MrJimgogo says : 1 Peter 3:21, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, many ignore these Sciptures Showing Water Baptism is Nessasary for Salvation, not an option, you can't add or take away its clear in Jesus Name, but it's ignored due to following only men>> <<@mlktss245 says : Bible didn’t sound anything to me no matter how many times I tried then one day I just had a moment where the words from Bible just hit me. It was the conversation scene of Jesus and Nicodemus about an old man getting born again. I just understood what Jesus said to him we don’t know where the wind comes from and where it goes. That was when I knew I have been given the grace of God and it was time to make the decision. And I accepted that Jesus is my Lord who paid my sins.>> <<@doveofgrace says : Because the Bible itself tells us to interpret scripture with scripture (spiritual things with spiritual things); that’s the only way to arrive at the correct interpretation. Also, when we start going outside of the scriptures to prove the scriptures, then we’re making that authority above the Scriptures.>> <<@davidross5593 says : The Bible does not tell you how to read it same as science does not tell you how to do science but the Bible can and does interpret itself because it is infallible and it is the living word of God.>> <<@seekingtruth4045 says : We have to start with what is scripture before we can posit that it interprets itself and scripture was handed down to us from the early church after various councils in the late 300s (Rome, Hippo, Carthage) to determine which writings belong. Of course that list changed for many Christians between 1500 and late 1800s.>> <<@abdulazizyalahow says : HUH 🤔 GENESIS 1 EGYPTIAN>> <<@hosscat1829 says : They are trying to destroy your credibility with these types of statements. They don’t want to hear it because it’s God they don’t want to exist. God will judge us and that’s hard to accept. It’s their sin that is the issue. Rom 3:19 the Law of God shuts the mouths and it shows the whole world that it’s guilty. Watch Ray Comfort/Living Waters. It’s some of the best evangelizing videos on YouTube. Start at “Hell’s best kept secret “ 👍🏼>> <<@hosscat1829 says : Scientists try to use what they call scientific hypothesis. Taking one known outcome and another known outcome and marring together or assuming that they are relatable. Most of the time a little bit of presumption is used to make a point. Somewhere down the line they still make guesses. The general public believe that science and the bible are totally opposite from one another, that is completely false science is simply mankind examining Gods creation and using the knowledge to create other compounds, materials outcomes. History; the bible doesn’t contradict history! No matter what facts you present to a skeptic, they will put their hands up and deny your proof.>> <<@hosscat1829 says : Science is a process of learning by observation. Scientists are just observing God‘s creation. When we say you can only interpret the bible with the Bible, we’re not removing reality from the equation, matter of fact, the bible explains the reality around us; The problem is, is that non-believing people ignore the evidence in the Bible and make up their own narrative ie. Evolution, Big bang, homosexual gene studies and so on! They deny God because he holds us accountable for our sin and they don’t know how to deal with Him.>> <<@temujinsy1102 says : Scripture interpretes scripture, and biblical prophecy is absolute evidence of its veracity !>> <<@ayinlaoriyomi2517 says : Yes, the Scripture interprets itself.>> <<@James-wv3hx says : The dictionary describes that heterosexual men have sexual thoughts about women. If it's a sin for Christian men to have sexual thoughts about women, then how can they attain an erection to populate the earth? Do they have to think of Jesus to get an erection?>> <<@ashwilliams5843 says : Whats wrong with using the bible to understand the bible ? You could bring a outside source and get everything wrong>> <<@Catholicnick1845 says : "They're imposing their philosophy on the text" That's exactly what Protestantism is.>> <<@wesleydickens9283 says : Genesis 1 is a corrective to the Egyptian creation story. Much easier to say that rather than the Egyptian creation is a perversion and corruption of the true revelation of creation as spoken by the LORD to Moses. Moses didn't make the story up.>> <<@davidcow4889 says : I do agree historical knowledge is good to help but you can’t interpret the meaning of scripture unless you use scripture. For instance the morning star and a lot of the symbolism can only be interpreted if you read the places in the Bible where it speaks about said thing. Interpreting scripture with scripture is the safest thing you can do to understand what it’s saying>> <<@chrisazure1624 says : There are some interesting parallels with the Book of Esther and the writings of Herodotus.>> <<@garyhutchison99 says : The Bible is understood by the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. There is no private interpretation and there is no interpretation. It is simply the word of God that takes the Spirit of God to understand it. The Bible stands alone. It does not need culture, history, science, or anything else to help it. It is God Almighty.>> <<@user-br3ou2cs9o says : Amen✝️🕊️>> <<@oshea2300 says : You compare scripture with scripture that's what that means.. and rightly divide the word of Truth. But many of you guys are in favor of changing God's words so that throws that right out the window.>> <<@johnwarren3789 says : Hermeneutics 101...yes Scripture interprets scripture. It's 1 of many, Don't like his answer sorry.>> <<@hansdemos6510 says : So true! We need to approach and interpret the Bible just like we would approach and interpret any written text! But of course if and when we do that, the supernatural claims in it must be taken with the same grains of salt we use when we read supernatural claims in any other written text as well.>> <<@karlhowe5181 says : I think the point is the bible can not contradict itself but then again that depends upon interpretations as to if it's contradicting or not this producing various senerios. That's why so many interpretations are valid or not depending upon who you ask. 🤔>> <<@JadDragon says : It's one of the ways, but not the only. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>> <<@PhillipOnWater says : As NT Wright says “there is no point of view that is no one’s point of view”>> <<@glowmentor says : The Bible does interpret/explain itself consistently and internally. That’s why Christianity is the only religion that is systematised. For example, Christ says, “In the volume of the book it is written of me,” (Heb. 10). Regarding the Testaments, the Old is in the New revealed, the New is in the Old concealed. However… this does not mean that Scripture sits in isolation from the rest of the world! Quite the opposite; if it’s true then the rest of the world must attest to its veracity. Here I tread lightly, but give my lived experience/testimony: give Scripture primacy. The world will never contradict it. Not if you dig deep enough. Trust it.>> <<@DM-dk7js says : What? It’s a book!>> <<@mattr.1887 says : The Koran interprets itself. Lord of the Rings interprets itself. My dog interprets itself. I'm not sure that we really get anywhere by claiming that a document interprets itself.>> <<@OathKeeper1506 says : Bc the Bible is a history book and ironically is where scientists derived the scientific method from given the chronology of cause and effect. Science simply studies God’s creation and that’s fine but they infuse their own philosophy when they say how while having absolutely no clue then passing it off as science when it’s just a theory.>> <<@dman7668 says : I think the answer to this question of "does scripture interpret scripture " us straight forward. The answer is "yes and no" yes that there are times when other passages can help us understand others more clearly, and then times when it doesn't do that and interpretation is required. We can clearly see we do need to interpret the bible at times. Saint Peter even says that Saint Pauls writints are themselves difficult to interpret. So some interpretation is necessary and the question is who has authority to make interpretations.>> <<@davidevett724 says : Yep, imposing their own is where they get it wrong. Anytime a person reads scriptures they should pray that God gives them the wisdom and discernment for true understanding of the scriptures.>> <<@jamesw4250 says : The scripture contradicts itself numerous times.>> <<@Onlythenarrowroad says : The Bible is history.>> <<@asureguidetolove8903 says : "They're imposing their philosophy on the text" when they say that Scripture should be interpreted with Scripture. So this is a "philosophy" now? With all due respect, Do you realize what you are saying????!!!!!>> <<@eliramirez3798 says : Poor Christianity. Their vision of what the Lord is doing is so superficial that they worry about irrelevant stuff.>> <<@DruPetty42 says : The bible does interpret itself doctrinally as there are scriptures that say the same thing (i.e., it confirms itself). But as Frank said, there are parts of the bible where you have to have some historical knowledge.>> <<@black-cross says : I wouldnt be able to interpret and understand the Bible without my life experience. We do need an outside perspective>> <<@rosario508 says : People say that?>> <<@joshuwaortiz says : I also trust some near death experiences as testimonies. I look for truth that layers in Christ. 🕊🌈>> <<@Gek1177 says : The problem with bringing science and history into scripture is that science and history frequently contradict scripture. I only see two ways of resolving that fact while maintaining the belief that the Bible is divinely inspired. Either you must think of the Bible as mostly a collection of parables and metaphors, or you must think that the Bible contains factual errors because the authors were flawed people with an imperfect understanding of nature.>> <<@briarpatchson3039 says : Like Iraq 🇮🇶 bring there studying Jonah 📖 is so much more Beautiful!!!>> <<@roman_kofyno says : Gee, it´s the only way how Bible should be read, God is not the author of confusion, words have meaning - stop interpreting it, adding to or taking out from it. Do you people logic? It´s like talking to children... And, Bible is flat, immovable, closed system with firmament Earth book, have fun.>> <<@mikerukavina4551 says : Yep>> <<@danielwilkinson1024 says : 'Let scripture interpret scripture' is based on the fact that if you have a doctrinal belief, you will find multiple scriptures that, when taken in context, will support/confirm that belief. Out of the mouth of 2-3 witnesses, let every truth be established.>> <<@mikeramos91 says : Yes you can bring in science & history but as secondary. If it contradicts the Bible then what we’ve been taught is a lie. Don’t take what you already believe about the world & try to fit it in the Bible. Go to the Bible first to find out what to believe.>> <<@greplink says : Sola scriptura has already been determined to be heretical..... Why do protestants ignore church history? Ignorance?>> <<@Turn-The-Other-Cheek-1Kings22 says : As long as we don’t ignore obvious definitions provided by the Bible to fit our narrative Example , sin is 1 John 3:4. Just because someone may believe the Old Testament instructions don’t count anymore doesn’t change the definition of sin .>> <<@chloemartel9927 says : Scripture does interpret scripture. Knowing the time in history the scripture was written usually enriches the understanding that the Bible is presenting.>>