<<@nurunathoo2383 says : A silent prayer, pray for me thks>> <<@curbweasel says : I ask please continue to pray for my beloved friend Scott who is suffering from mental health affliction and addiction. I have been praying that God would deliver, heal and save my friend. Scott is a kind soul that desperately needs Jesus' mercies. Please cry out to God with me for my friend.>> <<@Shawn-q3x says : All things start from God, and will end with God: No one who is truly of God can speak His truth alone, for it is not of ourselves that we speak His words, but the spirit of our Father which speaks within us (Matthew 10:20). The Holy Spirit will guide us to know the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10). These deep things of God are unspoken from the mouths of most men and come only from God. These mysteries are only for those who have eyes and ears to receive God’s truth, which most refuse to receive. Those who receive the truth will be persecuted and hated because it does not fit societal norms. This is why Jesus said “he that hates and despises you, hates and despises me and my Father that sent me” (Luke 10:6). Repent.>> <<@margaritaramirez395 says : Hola 👋 saludos desde México hermanos>> <<@caku6086 says : Matthew 6:34 KJV Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. In Jesus name.Amen 🙏>>