<<@summoner9924 says : not the age of responsibility, the age of ACCOUNTability. when can you be held accoubtable for understanding good from evil, and choosing one or the other. its MUCH earlier than culture thinks.>> <<@user-br3ou2cs9o says : Amen✝️🕊️>> <<@ShermanMays-fw8ko says : We are spirit and the risen Christ is the judge and knows us better than we know ourselves ❤️🔥>> <<@followingjesus786 says : Parents, and mostly the Fathers, should be held accountable for the maturity and education of their children. Culture has very little and limited interaction with the determination of accountability. It all falls back on to the parents because if they don't like the community or even the culture that they are living in, they then have the right to move from there to one that better support with what they want their children raised in.>> <<@gi169 says : Your time is short.>> <<@hammerhed4140 says : That's what a barmitzvah is all about. Between the ages of 12-13, a boy becomes a man...he is a man-child. No one knows the day or the hour that this takes place, only the age: between 12 and 13. The only one that knows, is the father. No one else knows the day he becomes a man, except the father. Not the son, or the teachers, but only the father knows the day and the hour. This is Jewish tradition. Jesus gave us this example when He was 12 years...He had to be about His Fathers work. No one knew the day or the hour; thats why His parents couldn't find Him. And He replied, why are you looking for me...didn't you know I must be about my Fathers work ?>> <<@RealNomadicus says : Talk to Mike Jones about this hes got solid casese for why its objectively 18 min.>> <<@Uteria_888 says : What's wrong with Frank's voice? Is he sick?>> <<@confusingdot says : For reference - Isaiah 7:16 For before the boy will know enough to refuse evil and choose good, the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken.>> <<@black-cross says : It's 12 years old. Jesus became a man at 12 years old.>> <<@tr889 says : A person was considered an adult in Israel by age 20, Num. 14:29; 32:11. · At the age of 20 a person was considered worthy to serve in the temple, Ezra 3:8, Lev. 27:3. · A man was old enough to fight in war by age 20, Num. 26:2. · The cut-off age to be considered an adult in the census was 20, Num. 1:3. · The age of Levites who served in the temple was lowered to 20, 1Chron. 23:24. · Those who were 20 and older had to pay ½ shekel atonement offering, Ex. 30:14. · No one 20 years of age and older was allowed into the Promised Land except for Joshua and Caleb, Num. 32:11.>> <<@karlhowe5181 says : Honestly things I did as a kid I can hardly believe it was me but it was 😮>> <<@karlhowe5181 says : I think you have the last part almost right. It does depend and God knows what that would be induvually. In other words when you understand right and wrong and not just because eveyone says it's right or wrong or because it's the rules or the law. Also there is a difference between a man with an IQ of 60 and a 8 year old with an IQ of 160 stuff like that.>> <<@don-ek3ud says : Cain and able were twins and started sacrifices to God at the same time>> <<@dustinmurphy82able says : Nailed it. I started feeling like an adult at 37 😂>> <<@bigweathertruther6373 says : Hey, Frank. Women become adults at 18 in the US. Sometimes people in your camp, especially pastors, need to be reminded of this. I hope this helps!>> <<@larzman651 says : How do we gauge maturity? 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. 8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father>> <<@Masowe. says : These days i would rather have an intellectual discussion with a 17year old guy than a 22 year old woman. Most of what they echo is hate for men. Not much about life is thought of at this point. I would say how mature someone becomes depends on who descipled or is descipling them>> <<@Moist._Robot says : How can you pretend that the bible is a moral guidebook when it gives no objective answer for the age of adulthood? Frank admits here that it’s defined by culture and circumstances. Just like all morality is.>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CrossExamined.>> <<@joshuwaortiz says : The godless deserve Kamala Harris.>> <<@JadDragon says : Judging from those that are trolling the comments, unbelievers who go online must never grow up. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>> <<@mattslater2603 says : Another garbage non answer from Frank....>>