<<@gramajan4 says : This was SO good! Thank you all for being faithful and true to the Gospel. Thank you Megan for courageously writing this book and exposing the darkness that is in so many of our churches today.>> <<@davidprice9792 says : What I don’t understand is Gavin starts out saying the earth is 50 million years old and didn’t have any ice. And then the climate changed. So how and why did that happen. It obviously wasn’t because of fossil fuels. To be honest I don’t believe the earth is 50 million years old.>> <<@danneeley7248 says : Thank you so much for this video. Thank each of you for your willingness to speak truth.>> <<@Tim.Foster123 says : To summarize Alica @1:33:00 : "Truth Unites". Touché , Alicia Childers! :)>> <<@thecontagiouscajun4795 says : It must first be proven the Bible is The Moral Authority and that has not been established.>> <<@fuzfire says : Im totally convinced that if Jesus, John The Baptist, Paul, Peter, James, etc. were to live in our day, MOST, even Christians , and our leaders, would try to cancel them along with the worldly culture.>> <<@fuzfire says : For ALL you critics, Megan and many others are like the watchmen on the wall in Scripture. If the watchman does not sound the alarm... Ezekiel 33:6 - But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.>> <<@fuzfire says : That's the problem with Liberal Christianity, TRUTH NO LONGER MATTERS. ITS JUST LIKE WHAT THE DEMOCRATS ARE DOING!>> <<@fuzfire says : If you don't think what I've been saying that we Southern Baptists have allowed the Wokeness of the world into our Flagship Seminaries, then just jump to minute 33 and following for a few minutes. Listen to how Megan Basham says "Professor Johanathan Moo who is associated with a climate change organization (Rocha USA)wrapped in Christianese. That means they use Biblical words to further their adgenda which is you as a Christian must be on the side that man is destroying the Earth according to Scientists, and with no mention of Evangelism must be about the work of Earth Care, which is part and parcel to The TRUE Gospel of Jesus. They also are upfront about working with ANYONE & Any Organization who will partner with them. Last I read, Scripture tells us to be set apart from the world and follow Jesus to share The Real and Biblical GOSPEL, which means leading people to Christ not out saving the Earth. When Jesus Returns He will do that all on His Own. Folks believe it or not, WE are being targeted to water The Gospel down in so many ways its hard to keep up with. When we point our fingers at other denominations, we have some pointed in our direction. My point? Look up and do your due diligence as to what Southern Baptist s SBC is doing in our name and with our money. To remain ignorant of what is going on will at some point be our downfall and that is not what I want fir Southern Baptists. My goal is to get we Southern Baptists to be TRUE to the REAL G8SPEL OF SCRIPTURE! I love my brothers and sisters in Christ and pray none if us fall into the many traps of satan which are cloaked in good sounding theology but lack its true intent!>> <<@jimluebke3869 says : "I'm deeply burdened by this idea that people come to super-strong opinions about socio-political issues like cli__te change without having studied it" Yup. Most people just go with whatever the media tells them is "the scientific consensus" and they don't even look at how _that_ particular number was arrived at. (Hint: It's pretty dodgy.) "Not based on the evidence, but on the socio-political associations of the issue. I think that is a _massive problem._ " You're absolutely right. If it weren't for Al Gore creating the socio-political association of polite center-Leftism with cli__te change through his questionably-sourced "documentary", it would never have taken off.>> <<@edwardbaxter3689 says : Your giving Gavin Newsome too much time...he has destroyed California and has become a multimillionaire over what he has done>> <<@yexuslover1 says : Thank you, Megan,for your boldness! Will be purchasing to read.>> <<@DrMarkich says : “Gavin is the brother in Christ, we may disagree on this particular issue…”. Frank, do you say that and then include someone in the book titled “Shepherds for sale”?? Is this how you treat your brother you disagree with??>> <<@PJW605 says : Basham has bore false witness. It's been clearly shown. Whether she intended to do it or not, she needs to repent and seek forgiveness of those she's misrepresented. Her public defenders who have justified her sin also need to repent.>> <<@michaelgalietta5623 says : Halfway through the book...excellent and should be read by all Christians>> <<@cubbie8330 says : BIG EVA hasn't just affected the Reformed church. It has completely made the Church of the Nazarene (Wesleyan/Arminian) something I totally don't recognize anymore.>> <<@JW_______ says : My post criticizing this video was taken down. It did not contain any words or content deserving of censorship - only reasoned argument. Very disappointing to say the least.>> <<@nickjohnson1424 says : How about you don’t slander Gavin Ortlund.>> <<@JonJaeden says : By taking a snippet to manufacture a false quote she then put in Ortlund's mouth, Basham has replicated the Left's "fine people" hoax executed against Trump.>> <<@rhondablack5880 says : Even Paul did this! It is our job to challenge the false prophets! Anyone who disparages this message are the ones who have "itchy ears" and only want to hear what THEY want, not what GOD says! ❤>> <<@yayforeals says : There are so many who don’t like Megan, ok laying aside Gavin who I do admire personally, much of what she pointed out is worth pointing out and the fact that more people are angry at Megan over ‘slander’ then pointing out the great evils done by leaders esp during the scandemic which Frank points out rightfully that not many seem to be indignant about is concerning>> <<@michaelgalietta5623 says : Great job by all of you...just ordered the book😊>> <<@loriwhitney695 says : Contempt and passion are two different things. This was such an informative podcast. I’m pleased to hear such sound doctrine, very encouraging. Thank you!>> <<@HisServant77 says : The vile and hateful reactions from supposed Christians against the book and especially Megan (and now Frank and Alyssa, is enough to convince many that it must be true. Because the Devil hates the truth getting exposed. And those same ones who are hating, don't say a word or show any attacks against outright satanic books and lies. But they'll go after this.... The proof is in the pudding, folks. Or should I say, Fruit.>> <<@karl5395 says : Frank, when are you going to reach out to your brother Gavin Ortlund on this?>> <<@Run8nova-f4b says : Now there's 2 Gavins I wouldn't vote for. Great Interview, the climate is changing. Christianity Today magazine went in the toilet a long time ago>> <<@mikenewkirk565 says : Seems like many on this thread have not read her book or at least the 4 pages regarding Dr. Ortlund. They then pronounce Megan guilty of slander. Please, for the sake of Truth, see the evidence before you pronounce the verdict. I’ve read her book and she’s careful and accurate. There’s big political money floating into Christendom. We should be wary.>> <<@jimyoung9262 says : It seems as though a large amount of the pushback here is related to how Megan handled Gavin Ortlund. Those of us who are pushing back for him might actually disagree with his positions on issues like climate change and also agree with some of the concerns addressed by Turek and Childers here. But the response of "buy the book and read it" is not a good one. I will not give resources to a cause that I consider to be contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ, as I view the slander of Gavin Ortlund. It would be a show of good faith if Megan were to post the chapter in which she is allegedly misunderstood somewhere where all of us "quibblers" who, "have it wrong" so that people can read it without making the investment into something which is potentially a cash grab using inflammatory verbiage. The optics here are pretty bad, I think that would go a long way.>> <<@sirknalla says : Your video has not only done more damage to Gavin but also to your credibility. If you can't see how Megan clearly misrepresented and maligned Gavin, it makes it hard to trust your critique of or judgment on anything else. It seems you have allowed your agreement with the thesis of the book and your view of Megan to hamper your ability to think clearly and critically. It's all very sad and disappointing and not what I would have expected from you. I pray you will take the time to, at the very least, re-examine your position on this and take an honest look at your motivations for not seeing the truth for what it is.>> <<@gusnlambchops says : Come out and be separate ... becoming really real in these last days !!>> <<@Mr2001ghost says : For a guy who doesn’t take Genesis 1 literally, he sure does have a fan base that will take all of his own words VERY literally and with no other possible implications or interpretations>> <<@hughsalter7769 says : why would you be shocked?>> <<@hughsalter7769 says : Ortlund wrote some bible studies we studied>> <<@SourceTextHistory says : The massive backlash against Megan shows how far the average person has fallen to the same naivety as Gavin.>> <<@johnjames6336 says : I've seen a lot of interviews on this. The interview that "Doug Wilson and friends" did with Megan Basham on YouTube is the best to me. It explains where a lot of the people talking about Gavin misunderstood what she was doing.>> <<@SourceTextHistory says : The Gavin cult of personality is really alive in this comment section. If Gavin is wrong about climate change (something he says he “thinks about every day” and is very concerned about) then his climate change video is, indeed, exactly what the book says it is. If you think he’s right or even might be right about climate change, then you’ll see his video as just fine.>> <<@Vintage_GenX says : Starting at the 1:25:00 mark, Megan commented about meeting with your pastor (take them out for a coffee) if they start to bring in some of these ideas.... the problem with that, in many cases, is that these churches have gotten so big, the Pastors become "celebrity" pastors... you can't get close to them.... you are always diverted to "yes men" or "assistant pastors" who then do nothing. I have left more churches because they become entertainment venues with Pastors who fall in love with their power... I am running out of churches here in Palm Beach County, FL.>> <<@TimBarr-e8p says : I'm with Megan...>> <<@mmv10 says : Wait so you write about Mr. Ortlund but then claim that you are not familiar with his work?! I am genuinely here trying to understand both sides but that is terrible that you are willing to slander someone and not get familiar with their view points>> <<@jolookstothestars6358 says : I think John Piper and what he said about Trump and voting has caused a lot of problems in the church today the problem is that from his own reformed camp John mccarthur said quote we aren't voting for a pastor we're voting for policies.>> <<@jolookstothestars6358 says : This book is critical for today's "Christianity." Why was covid the dividing line in my FORMER church?>> <<@makobean says : I am so, so glad Alisa didn't cave to Gavin or compromise on Neil. So many thoughtful people with good theology would have been taken in by the "We're friends, I'm making a respectful appeal, etc" schtick that they would have caved, if only just to avoid offense and tension with these people. Alisa has been a very welcome outlier here.>> <<@kndawsey says : Definitely, repenting after watching this good video. And will try my best to read " Shepherds for Sale when I can. Its definitely on my list of books to read.>> <<@cindysyracuse2334 says : Eric Metaxas and his two books, 'Letter to the American Church' and 'Religionless Christianity,' are exposing issues in the Church as well. The Church needs to wake up and heed the warnings from these individuals.>> <<@cindysyracuse2334 says : Thank you, Megan, for shedding light on a problem in the church. God is using so many of His called to expose a dead and apathetic church.>> <<@aidanpetersen7060 says : No ownership from Megan, very immature unfortunately>> <<@aidanpetersen7060 says : Disappointing>> <<@robertlotzer7627 says : I’ve read her coverage of Gavin and what bothers me is that Gavin is such a careful theologian to state positions very carefully that she clearly distorts his position by only partially focusing on part of what he is saying. He clearly tells you to look at the issue. He wants the church to be more careful in how they react to scientific positions. To attack someone like Gavin is a sad disservice to a real treasure to the church.>> <<@the_alchemy_method says : Yes, however if they were conscious what they were saying and doing was wrong then this is a different story though they can still repent as well>> <<@katherinewilliams4500 says : She did contact him. There are so many interviews explaining this. Listen to her for yourself.>>