<<@CrossExamined says : FREE Download of sermon I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!: 👉📱https://cutt.ly/cInI1eo>> <<@lol-sl5my says : The people of the book isn't honor or insulting title it describe the Christian in the prophet era because there army back then and the books thing is conforming the prophets like mossey that Allah send them an angle to tell them what Allah want to say to them + the Bible got corrupted over time the Quran was taking about the Bible before it got corrupted back then in the chapter 3 3-4 says that Allah send the Bible and the gospel before people know God to guide man kind before it got corrupted chapter 7:157 those who follow the prophet that they found written in their books (the Bible and Torah) that demand them with justice and forbid the wrong and let them have the goods and forbid the bad and free them those who believe and follow the light that came down with him are the successful ones chapter 6 114-115 says that Gods words doesn't change BUT there's people that will mislead you to Allah we can use this as a confirm to the Bible corruption in chapter 18:27 says say what revealed to you from the book of your god with no change you won't find find without it united talks about Quran and also the rest of the Aya talk about hell chapter if we go back before chapter 5:40 God was comforting muhmaed telling him not to be sad because how easily people becam kofare in chapter 5:42 says how will they rule you when they have the Torah that have Allah rule and how will they rule after you they are not beleivers in chapter 5:43 God says he made the Torah and that he made it the book and said not to buy his words with low price and those who doesn't rule by the rule of God are kafer he didn't say they don't need you in chapter 5:47 says that Allah send the book to the prophet withe justice and says to the prophet to rule by the of God and don't follow them and if Allah wanted us to be united he would but he cursed us to be different nations and the you shouldn't be judging by a book in different language wasn't mentioned + there a lot of Muslims who read the Bible and Torah and had conversations withe Christians and jews and if you think the Bible isn't corrupted why does it have many version (expect the translation) in chapter 5:68 (just read it fully don't read just a part of it) you didn't even read the full chapter or the verse chapter 10:94 Allah says to Muhammed if doubt about what we send to you ask the people of the books justice came to by your God so don't be with those who doubt it mean to ask them about the things that Allah told the prophet that In the books remember Muhammed didn't know how to write or read that's why Allah told him to ask the people who readed the books>> <<@user-cy8gf3oh5b says : Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:13): "So for their breaking of the covenant, We cursed them and made their hearts hard. They distort words from their proper usages and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded. And you will still observe deceit among them, except a few of them."In this verse, Allah explains that some of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) distorted the words of God from their original places as a consequence of their breaking the covenant.Surah Al-Hijr (15:9): "Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian."This verse indicates that Allah Himself has taken the responsibility to preserve the Qur'an from any alteration or corruption.Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:51): "O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another."In this verse, Allah warns the believers against taking Jews and Christians as close allies, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a distinct Islamic identity.>> <<@KingNazaru says : The more you learn about Islam, the more of a mess Islam becomes.>> <<@enigmatiks says : Great video as usual>> <<@muhammadganget4450 says : Lol, shame on u david, shame. Not your current book. Please stop trying to make idiots out of christians. Not even jay smith ypur great friend would say that your bible is preserved. The quraan does not speak about your book. It speaks about what was given to jesus.>> <<@thomasharp3246 says : Kinda hard to be the final revelation when we already have the final revelation. The book of Revelation says it is the things which were, which are, and which will be. Plus it matches all other scripture. We know we have a gospel and if anyone comes with another gospel they're accursed. We know there's a church age, then a rapture, time of Jacobs trouble, then kingdom. We have no need of any other revelation especially one that contradicts everything we have. We know everything from here to eternity from our Bible that's been perfectly accurate.>> <<@RanikBasa says : The world needs more theology, not less. This is divisional bs.>> <<@mobass48 says : Thanks!>> <<@remove122 says : If Muslims not jew or Christian they have no business commenting on the bible and should quit copying from the bible and should have their own prophets mot ours>> <<@AbdullahHanoon says : The holy Trinity✝️>> <<@SkyAvila983 says : I dont believe for a second muslims have revelation from God in the Quran. Its alredy revealed in the Bible wich is totally perfect with no flaws.>> <<@adnanmir2873 says : Fun fact: Quran doesn't mention bible at all but the Gospel and even that which was Gospel of jesus not mathew, mark etc Even crazier fun fact: Bible word is not wven in the Bible>> <<@randyhendrickson4021 says : There’s a clip on this channel with Frank Turek, saying to the effect that what the Bible says about God and salvation is true, and what the Qu’ran says about the Bible is true. So if the Qu’ran says the Bible is the true inspiration of God, and the Bible says the Bible is the true inspiration of God, BECAUSE the Bible is true, the Qu’ran is false (about what the Qu’ran says about God and salvation).>> <<@Ks872-h8j says : The tafsir/Islamic sources for Quran 2:79, 3:78, and 4:46 say the Bible was *NOT* corrupted and *COULD NEVER* be corrupted. Wahb ibn Munabbih said, *"THE TORAH AND THE GOSPEL REMAIN AS ALLAH REVEALED THEM, AND NOT ONE LETTER WAS CHANGED."* Ibn Abī Ḥātim said, *"As for Allah's BOOKS, THEY ARE PROTECTED and NOT CHANGED."* Ibn Kathīr transmitted a tradition from al-Bukhārī and Ibn ʿAbbās that *NO ONE CAN CHANGE A WORD IN ONE OF ALLAH'S BOOKS.* Al-Rāzī said *falsifying the Scriptures was IMPOSSIBLE because "EVERY LETTER AND WORD WAS TRANSMITTED WITH THE MAXIMUM OF SECURITY IN THE WEST AS WELL AS IN THE EAST".* He also said, *"How is the insertion (idkhāl) of taḥrīf possible in THE TORAH, WITH ITS GREAT RENOWN (FAME / PREEMINENCE) AMONG THE PEOPLE?"* Ibn Kathīr Ibn Abī Ḥātim Muqātil Al-Ṭabarī Al-Zamakhsharī Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī Al-Jalālayn Ibn Kathīr Wahb ibn Munabbih Ibn Abī Ḥātim These sources say only a few Jews were giving a false spoken interpretation, but they did *NOT* change the Bible. And a few other people (sources differ, saying Jews OR pagans) were writing a _new, separate, fake book_ "with their own hands" and claimed it was a revelation from Allah (2:79), but they did *NOT* change the Bible.>> <<@The_Somewhere_Monarch says : Yooo I love David Wood and CE! Better crossover than End Game!>> <<@YouSeeeeeee says : And don't forget: stay away from Islam!>> <<@jamesw4250 says : It's not surprising that one holy book says something about another when both faiths worships the same god. And the bible contradicts itself so what?>> <<@lawrencefitzgerald4744 says : This is amazing!!! I have to deep dive into this. Thank you so much for sharing this information!>> <<@royhiggins7270 says : Most Christians agree that an aborted fetus would go to heaven...which would guarantee that they would be saved from eternal conscious suffering in hell! The majority of the world should have wished to have been aborted if Mark 9:42-48 is true. But Christian hatred for humanity is so great they want to force women to give birth so more people end up suffering for eternity in hell when they die. If hell is real then abortion is the most humane thing that could ever happen to any potential human being ever! The risk of eternal torture if true will always outweigh bringing any finite life into this world. So how insane is a religion that makes human extinction the best option to human suffering? So the question for forced birth extremists is which is it? Do you honestly believe hell is real or is the bible lying? Are you ignorant to what eternal conscious torture is? Are you in denial that exponentially more people will be tortured for eternity than claim a life in your heaven belief? Or do you just disregard and hate conscious life and don't care about those who will be tortured for eternity? And this flawed thinking by the so called pro-life movement and Christians is what makes them so dangerous and showcases their hypocrisy. They think they are moral but are far from it! They place the worth of a non-conscious being over the well being of every human on the planet. You see this in their support of Trump's authoritarianism, supporting those that do nothing about climate change or gun violence, supporting those that do nothing about America's unsustainable health care costs, supporting those that give tax breaks to billionaires at the expense of the majority of Americans and forcing raped 10 year old little girls to give birth. The pure hatred for all conscious life is the foundation of christians as shown by their real world actions and beliefs.>> <<@Derek_Baumgartner says : Note the dilemma as well using the passages from the Qur'an David brought up. "No one can change his [Allah's] words.." (From Surah 6:114-115) When Muslims claim that the Bible is corrupt, they are saying Christians like Paul overpowered Allah. Poor little weak Qur'anic Allah: Muslims throw their god under the bus so fast!>> <<@omlette0 says : The Quran is the devils work>> <<@Columbo-r4z says : I was once atheist and very bad person. I hated god and thought I was better than Jesus. My time in jail taught me to humble myself and I seeked Jesus forgiveness. He blessed me and now I am free. Hallelujah>> <<@glowmentor says : The seeds are planted in the Koran for the muslims to claim a one-world-religion. It’ll be paraded as the ‘reformation’ of Islam, and will be seen as the peaceful answer - Islam embracing Christianity and the Jews. Christ says, I have come to fulfil the scriptures (OT/Torah), and that if anyone preach another gospel (Koran), let him be accursed. Christ says, ‘No man comes to the Father but by Me.’>> <<@Obeytheroadrules says : Who cares about what the Quran says about the Bible?, No one cares about what the Bible says about the Bible. Why would a transcendental god , creator of all things, outside of time and space, have to rely on bronze / iron age logic ?>> <<@sukruoosten says : 90% of abduls muslism DONT KNOW 1 verse of the quran blinded by seytan !!!!!>> <<@Ex-MuslimTestimonies says : If the Quran is true, then Islam is false. Why? Because the Quran says to trust the Gospel and the Gospel contradict the Quran. This means the Quran can't be true if it says the gospel message is also true>> <<@comndmalki57061. says : It is the last book that Allah revealed to his last messenger Muhammad (PBUH). The Noble Qur'an, which is called Furqan, distinguishes between righteousness and injustice.Quran believes all previous bible, The previous bible that God sent down which included the Gospel, the Torah and Zabur.....>> <<@MuneerAlrabadi-lq5oq says : Ther no jujmint there question and answer olwes change so its nolehge god giv star power we bild on it same 7 day creashion from dry land and monsfer to up and up>> <<@IvanBosnjak-j9e says : Quran made Room for an another Religion thats why Islam is False>> <<@chudionuigbo5952 says : Islam ☪️ is a confused religion.>> <<@Nope-s9y says : “Bible has been corrupted “ Yet, they had to burn the original Quran , so no one could go back and change the new teachings and stick to 1 Version that’s uthman choose …>> <<@rickintexas1584 says : Muhammad is the most obvious false prophet in history.>> <<@JiraiyaSama86 says : We need to share more of this. But at the same time, expect the pitchforks coming our way, while also being wise and patient about how we do this. Obviously, some will harden their hearts, but it would be cool, as David said, for them to become Christians. Like his last friend, Nabeel.>> <<@larzman651 says : 8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works, lest any man should boast>> <<@antbrown9066 says : My reading of the first few chapters of the Quran.. I found so far: 1 No clear narrative or a story. Mostly short moral teachings. 2- reference to Jews and Christians - in a critical way. 3- appears to be a disconnect of multiple ideas - rather like a flight of ideas for and from a short attention span 4- not a stand alone book / teaching / religion. It seems to require the baseline of the Moses books for origins, creation, the story of Noah, Abraham etc….. I haven’t yet come across the story of the original founder of Islam, Mohammad. I am told that the Quran does not contain this. Yet to find out. ….>> <<@franbatista9062 says : The real concern should be what the Talmud says about the bible and Christ. Not so much Islam>> <<@qetoun says : This is some of the strongest internal evidence that the Koran's origins were as document created for a Christian sect.>> <<@RossIsFine says : Who would obey a cult that worships a warlord that married a 6 year old!?>> <<@RolandMichael-r2p says : I was homeless, did drugs went into prison, where got to know God. Changed my life. Now have a home, a Husband and a lovely year daughter (Tracy), and now I'm favoured, $130K every 4weeks! I can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church....I want to share this miraculous testimony to help my brethren in this trying time's that the devil has flood the world with inflation.>> <<@mattslater2603 says : If at first you dont succeed.... Lol.>> <<@Timmy-bb7ch says : FACTOID : term bible not found in the Bible. not once. lol now back to the video>> <<@Moist._Robot says : Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. Is this a good description of faith?>> <<@Trash-Beats says : Every time I hear the name Allah it always sounds like “A lie”😂😂>> <<@trinahaifa2860 says : Dr. David Wood is EPIC!! Such a blessing, love him! And he's as funny as he is brilliant.>> <<@canigetachannel says : God bless you and yours. Excellent material. Peace be unto you and yours. Shalom>> <<@Isdendounabdoun says : What you David Wood don't tell the viewers is that Allah says in Quran 2:79 is: So woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then they say: “This is from Allah,” so that they may purchase it with a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they have earned. Here he says that, even though people of the book can't change God's words , they added things to their scriptures. Which means it's been corrupted. And 18:4-5 and to warn those who claim, “Allah has offspring.”1 They have no knowledge of this, nor did their forefathers. What a terrible claim that comes out of their mouths! They say nothing but lies.>> <<@Yipper64 says : What I find interesting about Muslims is they also assume the bible says... nothing that it actually says. Like they dont believe the bible says that you either go to Jesus or to hell, they dont think the bible says Jesus died and rose again, etc etc. Basically they dont think the bible has the core Christian doctrines in it, and dont think that Christians believe in those core doctrines. At least some muslims seem to think this. Which is absolutely wild.>> <<@oshea2300 says : Why are you using Eastern mysticism / meditation music in the background of your videos>> <<@rosario508 says : I give my life to you Jesus>>