<<@CrossExamined says : Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/3LOZz8X>> <<@richardcarthorn6408 says : When these things happen it's like don't go to church anymore Don't listen to what the pastor saying If Jesus not there teaching>> <<@richardcarthorn6408 says : If I am a babe in Christ, and I read somewhere where Paul said follow me as I follow Christ,, and I supposed to take heed, and subject myself to the appointed pastor, how will I be able to trust anything and therefore grow>> <<@LBelieveinJesus says : If they have affairs they're ruled out of ministry in the public way. The bible is explicit about this. While professing christ they cannot do this... if they did it as a non believer then sure it is part of their testimony and serves to warn others and elevates the name and power of Jesus Christ. We as Christians forgive the back slider but there is a difference between back sliders and heretics who lie to everyone and waste our resources would I want such a person leading.... no.>> <<@faithfulness450 says : Are these pastures allowed back into the body of Christ i.e. the church, absolutely but they can no longer hold a position of authority. They become part of the congregation.>> <<@Lufelo says : Wait, what happened with Robert Morris???>> <<@atyt11 says : Love ya Frank, but you should have added...... Christianity is not Frank Turek or Allen Parr, its Jesus.>> <<@snowdrop4842 says : How would you respond to someone saying that how Christians behave is a reflection of their God.?>> <<@thinkingtoinfinity says : I know dat's right!>> <<@kiwisaram9373 says : Only the demonic is unified and consistent in their beliefs!>> <<@jangaroo777 says : Jesus knowing the excruciating torture he would suffer plus horrific crucifixion for ALL mankind because “the wages of sin is death but the Gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE through Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23)🩸❣️ NO pope,priest,pastor or any man is without sin so why would anyone give them “god” status thinking they forgive sin or save us from eternal torment of hell when they don’t stop themselves from leading God’s sheep astray with false doctrine,worldly ideologies, GREED, FORNICATION & ADULTERY🤦‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷‍♂️ Only when we CHOOSE to accept Jesus as our Lord & Saviour knowing Jesus who is without sins alone has the power to forgive our sins and we become born again. Trust God He is not a man who would lie Amen🩸🙌🏼💞>> <<@sureshmukhi2316 says : We can say that Christianity is Jesus to those already Christians. However to the world, what they see are these fallen pastors, church leaders, members etc. When they see that, they get turned off. We Christians need to get our act together and show our light.>> <<@xXKingReptarXx says : We are all hypocrites. We are all heretics.>> <<@jefferymclamb9625 says : The issue with ravi was that nothing was said until he passed. Ironic that nothing was said while he was here to defend himself.>> <<@larzman651 says : Christianity is bearing up your cross and following CHRIST JESUS. share the gospel !!! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil>> <<@joegibbs5611 says : Isn't Christianity really Pauls Ministry that was given to him by Jesus???>> <<@jasong9774 says : This, as presented in the short, comes across a bit dismissively. One incident used to draw an all-encompassing conclusion is much different than a continuously demonstrated culture of complacent, country club lukewarmness. Society is on one hand far too easily seduced by the whitewash PR approach we see our of the entertainment industry. A filthy actor or athlete can, with no apology and action of amends, get some key photo ops or drop other virtue signaling sound bites, and that seems to be enough. Partisan, self-serving politics take the baton and reveal it was just a show... the act never ended, and the cameras are still rolling. Too many in the church take this approach, and we seem way too similar to late Weimar Germany than we should. If we are known by how we love each other, then there should be a lot more internal policing and less saving face. There are a lot of cold-hearted theologians, where we need disciples that can be accused of being "little Christs," and it will not be slander. Folks with a history of being manipulated and misled are wary. Wary and weary.>> <<@romeyburgin7221 says : Absolutely true!>> <<@gent_Carolina says : "Christianity is NOT..." DJT. .Hello, idolaters, snap out of it pls‼️ 😑>> <<@DruPetty42 says : The end of this short clip is exactly right. Amen!!!!>> <<@ace.01001 says : Religion is man made...Jesus is God made>> <<@pragmaticoptimist46 says : Think about how many times the priests were charged with corruption in the OT. The Israelites were God’s inheritance and while he did discipline them, he didn’t turn away and he was “still God.”>> <<@JadDragon says : This is why we need to really take this seriously. There's so much at stake and the truth is too priceless to take for granted. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CrossExamined>> <<@HaleStorm49 says : The pastors are the problem, got it.>> <<@official_ViaVeritasVita says : frank what are you doing with your foot?>> <<@chloemartel9927 says : This is the absolute truth. Christianity is Jesus! Thank you for the reminder. So many people are looking for excuses to lapse from church going.>>