<<@godsworkinprogress9200 says : Can I get the title of the sermon?>> <<@jezus4018 says : ❤🙏🥰 thanks Derek Prince for the good teaching ❤️🙏>> <<@DanielleMeetsTheLion says : Please pray for me!>> <<@AngBlack-u4s says : AMEN>> <<@Pathfinder-dy5fu says : I've learned so much from this man, thank you, God.>> <<@ladennayoung2939 says : John 11:11 Romans 12:12 Genesis 2:22.>> <<@taiphan7225 says : Amen>> <<@ChildofGOD57 says : Juan 3:16 Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.>> <<@ChildofGOD57 says : John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.>> <<@FirstLast-oj4fd says : I lived this in the flesh. Very true.>> <<@wilma7507 says : All praise love and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ>> <<@sharonmagdalenebooysen2874 says : Motivation of fear and treats ,curse>> <<@captianbrave says : AMEN 🔥 Hallelujah 🔥 Glory be to God Almighty 🔥>> <<@tedfordhyde says : If you are in Christ, nobody can put a curse on you. Christ became a curse for us. We are completely enveloped in Christ, and Christ is in God. It is a complete impossibility. Those who teach that are teaching a false doctrine.>> <<@EchelonDon says : I am so thankful to God, that I learned to know Him on my own, extended alone time, vs thinking I know God through some church. I can stand ‘alone’ all day because God is ALWAYS with me. Derek Prince really spoke God’s truth during his time on earth…from what I’ve seen.>> <<@femmyaron9082 says : As a true child of God, He should had rejected the curses over his life.>> <<@njuhmbunwe6701 says : Very common in churches these days>> <<@1NOIAM says : I call them social services>> <<@katherineking3174 says : Important to understand the power of words!!!>>