<<@jamiecunningham6320 says : Amen 🙏🏾>> <<@miguelcarrillo8479 says : John 5:39 Search the scritures Once you know Gods name Then you do his work!!!>> <<@msmd3295 says : And how does any moral and intelligent being such as the idea of god (a perfect being) require people to “serve him” ?? What could a god really need from beings that supposedly god created ?? If you really think that through logically it make little to no sense. What amazes me most is Adults (supposedly an age group supposedly mature enough to understand fact from fantasy and yet there are billions of adults who seem completely enamored with the prospect of fantasy and as a result also abandon reason.>> <<@msmd3295 says : “To serve god”… that reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode entitled “To Serve Man”. In case you’ve never seen it … a synopsis: Extraterrestrials arrive at Earth and inform the earthly inhabitants “we come in peace and to serve man”. Everyone assumes that the aliens are meaning. Earthlings were so convinced that going with the aliens they’re going to another and more advanced planet. So millions of Earthlings volunteer. Is this sounding familiar to anyone’s beliefs?? Turns out though they’re all being take to another planet to be “eaten”. “To serve man.” Most of the volunteers (in the case of religion) is the “suckers” after they get on the spacecraft it’s too late for them. There’s no recovery for them. And if there is any one human characteristic it’s emotion/imagination. Instead of taking the real world seriously like everyone should, theists are hedging their bets they’re going to a better place. But they have absolutely to evidence for that salvation. As far as anyone knows they’re just being primed to be dished up at some low class buffet on some Star Wars planet ruled by the evil emperor.>> <<@user-bq2op4er4t says : How does FRANK know god is a he?????>> <<@markinson561 says : Amen!!>> <<@skeroff says : I agree God gives us gifts and talents that Christians should use to glorify God and benefit the world. He also gives us everyday opportunities to show God's love if we are open to seeing it.>> <<@sotl97 says : Find out what you love to do and that you are naturally better at than most everyone else. Combine those, with the blessings of the Lord, and you will be an instrument. Study, pray, and seek the path of perfection. Don't follow the path that others seek out for you.>> <<@ralphu.7568 says : But how do you know what your gift is?>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CrossExamined>> <<@birrextio6544 says : Young people need to be free from those silly fiction stories, and learn about the real world and all knowledge that has been discovered the latest 2000 years.>> <<@logicalatheist1065 says : blind leading the blind>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CE>> <<@black-cross says : It took me 28 years to find mine, buddy. Happy journey. It ain't easy, it feels like you're worthless. But all those experiences will come in handy. The LORD wastes nothing. Even things I thought were just a waste of time thaught me a lot and I'm using them now.>> <<@paulrivalto1974 says : " make disciples of all nations " - matheteusate ta ethne in the original Greek text or Multiply Into all ethnicities or Multiply and fill the earth! Few if any are fully obedient to this direct command from Christ given us in Matthew 28:18-20. ( John 14:15 ) Our disobedience to Christ in this has resulted, in our day, to over 5,000,000,000 souls on this planet to have never heard the gospel good news! We have retreated into religion and denomination. For every denomination is disobedient to Christ in this Great Commision Command of Matthew 28:18-20. The last group of people to make disciples in full obedience to Christ took the gospel to the whole known world of their day inside of 70 years from the Day of Pentecost. That 1st century church or ekklesia- Greek word used in the New Testament for church meaning " Called Out Ones ". CHRIST JESUS gave us this command to be fully obedient to. Knowing that: if we do this command it will answer the prayer to the Lord of the harvest to raise up workers for the fields ripe unto harvest. Matthew 9:37-38. Putting feet into ministry! Not only butts in pews serving the denomination or church! Everyone can make disciples! Christ demonstrated the method and prayed in John 17 about this! John 17:4-6, John 17:3, John 17:20-21. John 3:22 records Christ's genius in His method demonstrated! Buried in the Greek word diatribo - meaning " to Rub Into Thouroughly " or translated spending time with in the verse. We must stop treating the Great Commission as a concept to be considered, and begin obeying the Great Commission as the direct command from Christ Jesus that it truly is! Over 5,000,000,000 souls are still waiting!!>> <<@TheTrueSonOfFire says : The good steward.....great lessons in all the Scriptures>> <<@MrGuzmanra says : Word salad>> <<@tolkhanpl5976 says : Good advice 🤔>> <<@JadDragon says : Mhm, its working together. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>> <<@ericwantsbbd says : Jesus told you. Read the book man. Serve the poor. Don’t be wealthy as you use that to serve the poor. Everything else is nonsense. Read the book dude>> <<@Silence-and-Violence says : God still speaks to us, living and true. Not just through the collection of scriptures that His holy and apostolic church gathered and codified a couple hundred years after Christ's resurrection. Thank God for the scripture we have but I think we overly shackle God's voice when we always fall back to the Bible and I think we need to stop using "The Word of God" and "The Bible" as synonyms because they are not. Jesus is the Word of God, not the Bible. And God has spoken a lot more than is collected in our Bibles.>> <<@larzman651 says : The Holy Spirit lives inside you so pray his guidance daily. Let go of your plans and be led . For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil>> <<@Moist._Robot says : Try to prove it wrong. Read all of the books showing how the bible was put together and realise it’s all made up.>> <<@ndibunwapeter9013 says : CHRIST IS KING OF KINGS AMEN 🙏💪>> <<@NewCreationInChrist896 says : Seek, knock and you shall find no matter your age. Always seek God’s will. God pursues us and when we’re found we pursue Him daily. Matthew 6:33;7:7>> <<@gil69B says : Thank you Cross Examined.>>