<<@johnoshea284 says : Oh man this was good!>> <<@louiseswanepoel439 says : Thank you for this video. This last 16 months we have been going through some suffering. Despite what we are going through I have peace knowing that no matter what happens, God is in control. I think also of Jesus’ reply to His disciples on why the man was blind - He said to them, the man was blind so that God can be glorified. Perhaps one day, I will be able to share our story and the good that came from it.>> <<@rayspeakmon2954 says : It is my humble opinion that Christians in the west have no clue as to what real suffering is. I'm afraid that we in the United States may finally experience real and true suffering for our faith. But I firmly believe that God will give us the strength to confirm our faith when that moment comes. Jesus is Lord and God!>> <<@shiningospel says : 🙏🤝🕊️🙌>> <<@CharlotteHuether says : This is interesting. There was a a social media post about Jesus and this one person kept commenting on other people’s comments who supported the post: you’ve never experienced the sadness of losing a loved one (or something similar to that). This video made me think of that comment and how I said to myself and responded: Jesus doesn’t take away the pain of losing a loved one but He helps you through it.>> <<@CynVee says : Just read about this subject in Chapter 8 of Det. Wallace's book, "The Truth in True Crime." He explains it very well here but more fully in the book. I've thought a lot about this since reading it since I endure suffering every day via chronic illness and chronic pain. I have found meaning in my suffering, not via healing but through a deeper relationship with Jesus. It took me a while but to just grit my teeth and endure through anger, resentment and distrust would have been so destructive and meaningless. But being willing to meet Jesus where He wanted to meet me, in the midst of my suffering, has been life changing. I doubt I would have ever grown in my relationship with Christ if this suffering did not come upon me. It sounds insane and counterintuitive but I actually praise God for it now. I'm no martyr and I'm not saying it's always easy and my suffering has abated, it has not. But I now understand God's purpose for it and look forward to the day I will meet Him face to face. I try in my limited way to encourage other Christians in similar circumstances. All glory and honor to God. Thank you Det. Wallace for putting words to what I've experienced and know is true. 🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️>>