<<@angelasturn says : It’s Moses that’s changed ❤>> <<@NashonHanselman says : God changed his mind...He was going to destroy man, THEN found grace with Noah.....So God changed his mind....God changed details of creation...Went from living forever to around 1000 years to about 500 years to 120 years, then God says, let's go down to about 80 years...So God made adjustments to his creation and can change his mind...>> <<@MrChrisdube says : As my Pastor put it when I was a brand new believer: the Bible is often in the language of accommodation. This mean the biblical authors attribute human emotions to God to make things understandable to us humans with a limited (though often expansive) mind.>> <<@_Deese says : God doesn’t change his mind but He changes His course of action. 2Ch 12:7  And when the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah, saying, They have humbled themselves; therefore I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance; and my wrath shall not be poured out upon Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak. Psa 106:23  Therefore He said that He would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away His wrath, lest he should destroy them. Jon 3:10  And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. Exo 32:14  And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.>> <<@christophertaylor9100 says : Best way to understand this is to observe parents. Parents will let a child seem to cause things or convince them, not because they are weak or confused, but because they want to teach the child something, to lead them into growth.>> <<@hansdemos6510 says : Dr. Turek's argumentation means that free will is an illusion. If God knew all along that Moses would pray, and if God had already decided to spare Israel based on that knowledge, then Moses was not free to not pray.>> <<@binhanh296 says : Pastor David (sorry, his second name is hard to read and remember 😓😓) said that the power of God was like a river, no amount of our prayers can have any affect on the river, but what prayers do is to put us into the river and benefit from it, you go against it, it will destroy you, but if you go with it, it bring you far and wide, to the place with wonders beyond your imagination. So, trust in God, and He will show you. Amen.>> <<@jimmyoller7698 says : This guy is an awesome leader and servant>> <<@Mavors1099 says : Interesting that Moses does not appeal to Yahweh's mercy but to his vanity by warning him about what Egyptians would think about it.>> <<@jamesw4250 says : Yes he does. Several times.>> <<@karlhowe5181 says : Can God grow? What in knowledge I must supposed . No not exactly he is fully mature whereas are likened to embryos . But it dosen't mean he knows all the future that hasn't even been written either. Unless of course you're saying it is already written before time began ecthed in stone/invariably and inevitably fixed um a done deal. Then why be concerned about anything periode? Of course it's not that way and he dosen't know all the future. Think about it 🤔 What he does know is all the possibilities and the probabilities. I know what about prophcey well God also has free will he can make it happen if he wants. Think it like a free running program that has random insertion BUT within parameter ranges . Otherwise God is disingenuous and like us has no free will peroide. That also means not only is free will negated but his sovereignty as well. The future is filled with possibilities. 😎>> <<@karlhowe5181 says : The idea God knows all the future I think is rediclious it introduces paradox condumdrum. It would mean for a starter nothing could be changed all is fixed and no existence of free will in reality that it is all merely an illusion except of course from God's perspective who would be FORCED to be aware of it and can't change a single thing. Puting God outside of time won't solve it either as regardless he would still be forced to know the inevitable outcome. You can't have free will without an open future because all occurances including God's would already be a done deal /ecthed in stone/ fixed future and void of any alternatives. God himself would know if he himself would change his own mind and couldn't have the alternative to change it , not a single thing. It wouldn't make him sovereign it would render him a puppet to an inevitable fate he could only choose to accept what he knows must be. Why pray? Why choose? Because there are no alternatives. Que Sera Sera Whatever will be will be ,it must be .😐 From the mouth of madness,that is insanity at its epoch zenith. Also if God is outside of time he couldn't think in chronological order first one thought then another 😂 To do so would at least require a time existance within his own diminsion/parameter or whatever. Regardless he would have no choices that he could make in changing a single thing. No alternatives peroide no free will. He would and could only act out his part the one he must act out along with everyone and everything. That's worse than the Calvanist at least they don't claim any free will.>> <<@friisteching3433 says : So what is the point of God "tesing" peoples faith, anything in general. He knows what the outcome will be. He could skip any hardship and just reward/punish people without testing them.>> <<@MrAuskiwi101 says : A sane honest person would know they have to prove a god exists before making any claims about it.>> <<@hhh-et2vi says : There is absolutely no doubt Frank knows God better than God 🙏>> <<@henryfrancis9533 says : God is perfect, and unchanging. He is the same alwyas and forevermore.>> <<@ItsLarry-in1jq says : I dont think I've heard this response to this passage before, but it makes so much sense and it has helped me understand God's character more. Thanks Dr. Turek>> <<@JiraiyaSama86 says : God is always present. Existing at all points in time simultaneously. Which explains why He gives prophecies. Essentially, if you ask Him what happens in the future and He chooses to answer, He can tell us because He's also in the future at the same time. At least, that's how I understand how He always is, with help thanks to Bishop Barron and his explanation of God as "I am I am.">> <<@bryant475 says : Indeed- prayer shows our faithfulness, it doesn't actually determine the actual outcome of something. So if prayers aren't answered- you know it isn't God's will. Remember that and don't be discouraged!>> <<@ericwantsbbd says : God always knew that the vile crimes would happen. So God did nothing. Either it’s free will or God is evil. Either God is capricious or god is evil. Christians just move the goals posts constantly to justify the intellectual dishonestly they are required to have>> <<@ericwantsbbd says : God always knew that the vile crimes would happen. So God did nothing. Either it’s free will or God is evil. Either God is capricious or god is evil. Christians just move the goals posts constantly to justify the intellectual dishonestly they are required to have>> <<@XDRONIN says : @CrossExamined; Great Argument against God having Free Will because to have Free Will to be capable of change, to do otherwise and God cannot change; therefore, God has no Free Will.>> <<@WaveFunctionCollapsed says : Prayer can change gods permissive will but cant change ultimate perfect will 😊>> <<@katherinecases0918 says : Well said. ❤>> <<@alejandrojoselizano says : I will never repent my sins. Never. I hate god.>> <<@JadDragon says : Jesus lives ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>> <<@adammalzahn7238 says : God is my Captain!>> <<@ronaldhall8420 says : God already knew Moses mind heart and actions although Moses changed God knew also when Moses would react in his flesh that is why God did not allow Moses to enter the PROMISED LAND>> <<@somerandom3247 says : So there was no point in testing Abraham by telling him to kill his son. God already knew what the outcome would have been, so he was just doing it to fuch with them.>> <<@misfitking_0143 says : GOD is the Same!!! Yesterday! Today! And Tomorrow! Amen! We Change! Its called being Born Again! Its part of Spiritual Maturity... ❤ HalleluYAH!!! 🙏🏼 Do GOOD and NOT EVIL!!! GLORY to Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ for the Gift of GRACE!!! Amen!!! ❤ the WORD of God!!! ❤>> <<@lawrenceeason8007 says : God did change its mind, which means it isn’t omniscient Genesis 6:6-7 6 And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.”>> <<@black-cross says : I dont quite agree with this answer. I'll never stop believing but i have hard times trying to understand God. He knows the future but acts in the present like He doesn't know whats going to happen. Sometimes the explanations seems like He's manipulating us, but that makes no sense. There's so much we dont know because He chose not to reveal.>> <<@joseotoya2102 says : Great reply Dr. Turek 👍>> <<@Horchas.....Assemble123 says : It's not a milkshake. It's horchata!>> <<@RangerRyke says : The Bible means what it says, except for when it’s problematic.>> <<@larzman651 says : GOD is the same today , tomorrow and forever. He is perfect and his ways are perfect. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved>> <<@Moist._Robot says : Of course it was written from our perspective. We wrote it.>> <<@R.V.C.1 says : Excellent reply👍>> <<@NewCreationInChrist896 says : God is Sovereign.>> <<@kkdillworth says : God repented which means he changed his mind.>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : God wouldn't be God if He learned something new and changed His mind. He knows the end from the beginning. He is our rock in that He doesn't move and isn't swayed by the will of the current age. He is the Judge and authority over all. We bend to His will, never He to ours.>> <<@jamesw4250 says : According to the bible he does numerous times.>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you Cross Examined.>>