<<@adriennedunne1748 says : C S Lewis said that humility was not thinking less of ourselves but thinking about ourselves less. Thanks for the talk.>> <<@susanmcintyre5377 says : I wish my mother had learned this, God rest her soul. Her younger brother was not a believer, and she kept mailing him huge envelopes stuffed with reading materials about who Jesus is, how to be saved, etc. He got to the point where he didn’t even open anything from her, he just threw it away. He died 18 days after she did—I hope God got through to him, but I don’t know that for sure. Bottom line is, most definitely share. Pray for their hearts to open. If they ask you a question, answer it. But don’t go into a 10-minute diatribe. That’s not showing humility, and you’ll turn them off.>> <<@jimmyboy131 says : I was brought up to think that I, as a Christian, needed to basically preaching the Romans Road to everyone I meet, and that I needed to be trying to get them to receive Christ in every conversation. I get the impulse to evangelize but I had to learn as a young adult that you can't do that. I had to learn that you just need to be real (meaning be humble), you need to be human, and you need just let people be who they are. Discussion around the gospel, Christ, the bible, etc, etc, will happen naturally if you're ready for it. Oh yeah, you need to be ready. They may not happen very often but people will hear you if you are real and humble. They may not agree, but they'll at least hear you out. Furthermore, talking to someone is an art, not a science. You have to learn to feel out the discussion and where they are on a topic, any topic, before saying anything. You also have to be smart about how you say things, and when. I could give many examples where I was humbled or was taught by the ones I was supposed to be evangelizing, about how and when to talk about such things. But I think part of the point is that being humble includes realizing and accepting that you, as a Christian, aren't going to be the perfect example, and you're not going to always say everything just right. And that's fine! That really doesn't matter, at all.>> <<@loveyourneighbors8315 says : Honor God with your bodies. Be holy. Turn from sin of vanity. Do not color your hair. Be content with the hair color the God has given you. Do not try to fit in with the worldly trend, worldly ways of dressing, nose piercings, tattoos, etc. but use your body for God as he bought you with the price of his blood. Your body no longer belongs to you. Jesus is our master and we are his slave. We honor and obey our Master, Lord Jesus.>> <<@JasonNapalm72 says : My wife is in the same situation, we have said all we can and now we wait for humility and also a personal REVELATION from God to be given to dad.>> <<@JasonNapalm72 says : HUMBLE is different from GULLIBLE as well. Very good video 👏>> <<@anette7228 says : Great information! Where can I find the study about humble people being better at discerning truth from lies?>> <<@Af2brecndwit says : This video is one of your most impactful ones. Thanks for sharing!>> <<@renierramirez9534 says : The true Gospel is offensive because of two major reasons: It's prove we are sinners. (We have broke God's Law) It's says we can't fix ourselves (Salvation is not of works). Thanks for your ministry my brother.>> <<@wandlbaker says : I feel that someone plants the seed. Then someone ELSE weeds. Another waters. Still another spreads nourishment for growth. There is nothing in my being that will push me to be all. "no one comes to the Father unless HE draws them.">> <<@m.b.7920 says : We are the tallest when we kneel to God. May every Christian become a pillar to those around them, and point their every acquaintance to Christ. God bless you for all you do my brother!>> <<@cindyb8035 says : Great question--great discussion! It's a great answer too for this issue as well. Thanks so much!>> <<@user-tn9yh4lp7v says : I thank God for you!!!>>