<<@BibleCounselor says : My great-grandmother and grandmother on my father's side were both witches! However, my father prayed and fasted and broke curses over us, and it stopped with me. My sister is plagued by it for sure. She is obsessed with the Occult, like I used to be. I don't follow horoscopes. My aunt on my father's side does. So 3 generations. Great grandma, grandma and aunt. 3. However I'm in the ministry of Deliverance now, and have been delivered, like my father before me who was a deliverance evangelical preacher, and I also broke generational curses over my life and am now born-again and spirit-filled with the gift of tongues. Before I was born-again I was obsessed with shows like "Charmed!" I never practiced it knowingly. However I once bought a Wiccan kit and then threw it away. So it was trying to take hold of me and I resisted the devil and he fled! Amen!๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™Œ โœ๏ธ>> <<@Evangelistleecrofts says : This manโ€™s teachings are different level. I love you Brother Derek Prince. Praise God for your life and your ministry.>> <<@user-fr8vn8fx2h says : Were doomed>> <<@abbasjoy4785 says : It has been a battle since birth, I believe that I have been set free though the blood and cross of Jesus-Christ. I have had to cut ties. I refused that reverse witchcraft spirit forever.>> <<@terimcgarr3721 says : It is Rife in Scotland.>> <<@JohnathanPrice-Williams-el5ki says : Last three verses, in Ecclesiastes 7:27 - 29 and in Genesis, it plainly, states, God was, . sorry he, ever, ever, made man. John 2:23 - 24 and one man, among a thousand, I have found, but one women, among a those, I have not found. 2 Corinthians 4:18 Revelations 9:21 Sorcery, in Greek word, for, Farma - kia, is, Drugs, Pills, Marijuana, now, 2 thousand years later, . John was, 100% correct. 2 Peter 2:1 - 24 in greedy, Covetous, White, T. V. Preacher's, are, No power, no life, no anointing. U. S. will be set on fire, all cities, burn, with a 14 million, Ish-ael, & Haga-s, Genesis 16:1 - 16, last day, Iran, Numbers 24:12 - 26 Y. T. / Ship's of CHITTIM. A Last Day Prophecy. One female, Godly, quot some, scriptures, ? I have, NOT found. Ecclesiastes 9:10 Galatians 6:7 -10 Acts 6:4 Acts 10:1 - 46 Acts 13:1 - 3 Acts 14:18 - 22 Acts 20:26 - 35 Luke 1:10 Luke 2:36 - 37 no singing in temple, in Acts, of 28. Chapter's, they did pray, . 28. Times. John 15:3 Isaiah 10:27 Numbers 11:23>> <<@elyabogins5587 says : Wow , good to know.๐Ÿ˜Š>> <<@karinteeples9715 says : Itโ€™s true. Itโ€™s a serious demonic spirit that must be dealt with! I was delivered of this very spirit! It was the teaching of Derick Prince that Holy Spirit convicted me of this. Manipulation is of witchcraft and I had been doing this since my traumatic childhood, adoption etc. I was set free, I repented and I make sure I donโ€™t open that door again! God is soooo good! He wants His children whole and walking Holy lives in ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿปfreedom!>> <<@JohannaBell-d7r says : My Ex-Husband is such a case..very evil>> <<@karenlynch8348 says : I read an article explaining this! Women are Obviously, weaker physically so manipulating is a go to when stuck in a relationship where she cannot just be honest & ask- talk- express the truth Men have Power>> <<@trishherbert6310 says : As a new Christain i renounced Native American traditions back when I was born again. Also my dauhter did as well gave her life to Jesus. We broke rhe curses of witchcraft generations past.>> <<@estellplatt4149 says : AFRICA AND EVEN AMERICA IS FILLED WITH WITCHCRAFT.The only way that you can defeat the witches, witch doctors whereever they are in the world or any evil strong man over a nation, it's when you truly find your identity in Jesus and when the Word of God becomes apart of your very being. I pray to to the world to seek the Lord Jesus. He is the ONLY answer to the mess and pain caused by evil leaders and those choosing to live for Devil>> <<@estellplatt4149 says : Such a respectful teacher....>> <<@aliciavazquez5083 says : ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™>> <<@sjsmith4076 says : This is true. Please pray for my granddaughter. I discovered that her mother was using witchcraft to manipulate my son. Pray them all please.>> <<@owusuphilipable says : Feminist spirit again ๐Ÿ˜‚, some women are jealous>> <<@bbb.1172 says : There was a reason why serpent went to Eve and not to Adam. And there was a reason why God said to Adam to watch over Eve....>> <<@denise3095 says : I think he's talking about the Jezebel curse because that is a spirit of manipulation/witchcraft.>> <<@dandelionsarefree7436 says : I think there is also a โ€œKarenโ€ spirit>> <<@mastermommissioneshider719 says : Where is the full lesson? Love to hear it>> <<@ChildofGOD57 says : Juan 3:16 Porque de tal manera amรณ Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigรฉnito, para que todo aquel que en รฉl cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.>> <<@ChildofGOD57 says : John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.>> <<@beloved338 says : UGHHHH ๐Ÿ’” ๐Ÿ’” ๐Ÿ’” ๐Ÿ˜ค>> <<@carolalexander1429 says : โค The Lord, our God, has given instructions about witchcraft and it doesnโ€™t involve bloodshed or the cessation of life of any person. It is a spirit, not a person. Women are the carriers of the breath of life.>> <<@vickievans6853 says : This sounds about right as what i have had to deal with, the men are monsters, BUT my God has plans for their life IF they will come to Him and except Jesus Christ and follow Him, if not He still has plans, Judgenment.>> <<@elizabethisraelle777 says : facts>> <<@selmasel6584 says : God healed me he will remove it from me. Amen>> <<@lysch46 says : Very true. I am one statistic. I am a female born with spirit of witchcaft from a witch mother. I did not even know that I was a unconscious witch, but the LORD in his mercy has revealed me everything 2 yrs ago. The lord will deliver me from all evil and save me into his kingdom 2 Timothy 4:18. He is not longer me who lives but CHRIST. Ask the LORD he reveals hidden things. Daniel 2:22. I thank JESUS for his BLOOD.>> <<@mosesbansode4568 says : PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AMEN>> <<@mosesbansode4568 says : LORD Jesus Christ this is serious>> <<@user-ee2hz8vv7x says : I cannot agree that it is the majority of women because it is just a spirit. And that in itself is a lie. It affects everyone and 98% of crime is perpetrated by men.>> <<@taiphan7225 says : Amen>> <<@ladyofthecreek279 says : It's terrible to grow up in a home like that. Thank God for the blood of Jesus ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฉธ>> <<@bobbiemcqueen614 says : I often wonder.. please pray for me!>> <<@S.O.N.N.I.E_G.E.O.R.G.E says : Thank You Jesus Christ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™>> <<@carariela says : Wow, this is incredibly disturbing : />> <<@kd0ileydorsey349 says : How do you get rid of it? ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ญ>> <<@aronlelenora9572 says : Praise the LORD Everyone !>> <<@ChristEnlightenment says : Amen.>> <<@zurikazuri6200 says : True. In areas where witchcraft is prevalent, there is plenty poverty, misery and suffering. Most of the people are not prospering. There is widespread envy, jealousy, high mortality rate and abject poverty. People are superstitious and rely on evil spirits for their survival>> <<@flourishing_wilderness6072 says : Very very true as an African it's the norm here, I refused to inherit any witchcraft from my father's family in the blood of Jesus and they hated me>> <<@paulsocie7152 says : Amenโฃ๏ธ>> <<@TheVinegarsofLife7 says : very true, when it is on men, they became monsters>> <<@USNBLUE says : Exactly ๐Ÿ’ฏ>> <<@georgeferlazzo7936 says : I am hoping to see a part Two (2)? This could be vital!>> <<@happylifeforever1329 says : Yes amen amen>>