<<@patrickholt4140 says : Can’t tell me atheism isn’t a religious movement>> <<@patrickholt4140 says : Now imagine there was a chair of Christianity>> <<@joelercoaster says : Without God NOTHING makes sense.. nor does anything even matter>> <<@BlackLyst says : Please don't confuse "Humanism" with "Secular Humanism". Humanism was a movement among artists and scholars during the Italian Renaissance, most of whom were devout Christians. Atheists, Agnostics, and Secularist stole the term from us in the 1930's. As a matter of fact there was a movement called Christian Humanism that led to the creation of the King James Bible.>> <<@midimusicforever says : Great stuff!>> <<@OnTheThirdDay says : Thumbnail mispelling of atheism/atheist>> <<@aletheiaquest says : I've noticed the word "atheist" in the thumbnails lately has been consistently misspelled.>> <<@moose9906 says : Atheists are happy to attack theists and openly try to degrade and humiliate believers at every turn. Somehow they feel like they should be immune to criticism. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. I wonder what this chair of atheism is going to do because atheists have no arguments to support their faith in the proposition God does not exist. Perhaps he will spend his days writing SKY DADDY, SKY DADDY, SKY DADDY on the black board. Maybe since the new chair is a professor of philosophy, perhaps he can teach the the go to logical fallacies atheist like to employ, namely Strawmen, Non Sequitur, Genetic fallacy, False Dilemma, Begging the question (by assuming materialism), and Equivocation. This is not exhaustive but these fallacies are many atheists "stock in trade". One of the worst offenders, is a guy named Holy Koolaid, who thinks he understands logic and does videos pointing out supposed fallacies in theistic arguments. He regularly gets is wrong and also doesn't understand that a statement is not an argument and fallacies presuppose and argument. His standard technique is to take a 30 minute or longer video that includes an opening statement followed by premises, support for the premises, and a conclusion. He will address only the opening statement where no premises or proof is given (because its the statement of what they intend to prove) and pretend the opening statement is the argument, he claims a bunch of fallacies by name and claims victory. Of course, this is an illegal chess move. He doesn't address the argument at all. His audience is ignorant and capable of little more than repeating the short sound bites he provides them so they go away happy in the belief that their intellectual superiority has been confirmed and they can go back to their atheist boards and tell each other how brilliant they are.>> <<@johnglad5 says : Thanx and blessings>> <<@CynVee says : I saw a very interesting video of Christopher Hitchens a few days back. He was chatting in the back of a car, talking about a conversation he had with Richard Dawkins. In short, he told Dawkins that if he managed to talk every theist but one out of their belief in God, that he wouldn't try to convince that one last theist that God doesn't exist. He said Dawkins was incredulous. Hitchens said it was more than the fact that there would be no one left to argue with but that he didn't know what that reason was. I think we do. I think it was that he knew that theism is not an evil, that it is the very moral fabric which holds societies together. I think the thought of no theists left in the world scared the pants off of him. And I think most atheists agree with this. Great chat Detective Wallace. Now I'm off to read your articles. I find your arguments very thought provoking, even as a Christian. Thank you.>> <<@aestheticPhantasm says : I think it is interesting that the donator stated that Atheism is a minority. Very intentional wording he is using to associate atheism with today's "diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI)" movements. He wants to place Atheism as a people group under the umbrella of a protected group. This is also why he used the term discrimination. I think this is the modern climate of evil forces agenda to continue calling good things evil and evil things good. Inversion of truth.>> <<@Bildad1976 says : It's premise is that the world will only survive if faith-based ideology is replaced by rational scientific reasoning. In other words, mankind will die if we do not eliminate religious belief. I think that's what communism tried to do under Stalin and Mao when they murdered over 100 million Christians and other theists. (The information is available from non-christian historical sources, if you have any doubts.)>> <<@Justas399 says : I have yet to find an atheist Utuber do a deep dive into atheism. They spend a lot of time critizing Christianity but no time doing a deep into atheism. Makes me wonder why.>> <<@franroxburgh6055 says : Hey! I'm a regular follower of yours on YouTube. No vitriol!😊😊>> <<@wandlbaker says : The "keyboard warrior" is always "brave" when they are anonymous. But, when they are confronted face to face they usually shrivel into a quivering mess when shown FACTS (not just secular v spiritual). What is missing? OPEN DIALOGUE.>> <<@Dulc3B00kbyBrant0n says : God bless>>