<<@1969cmp says : So much is pushed as 'science has proven' is mereky a mask for what are essentially creative thinking, such as human evolution, or that diamonds take millions of years to form. These are based on a philosophical position, not from a scientific foundation.>> <<@1969cmp says : Most of the fathers of the modern scientific movement were believers in the Gospels and Genesis as historical document. Its not accident that Darwin was incorrect and Mendel was correct on genetic inheritance. Mendel understood that creatures have limited change while Darwin had to believe in unlimited changes for his theory to work and it doesn't work.>> <<@user-ud9og6qm9h says : God always allows. Science to catch up to Scripture. My favorite example is so undeniable I always use it…. Jonah was 2700 years ago or so He talked about the mountains at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea We used sonar and discovered mountain ranges on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea in the mid 20th century The Mediterranean Sea at its deepest is 16,000 feet. He could have had a clue unless he went down there or saw them There’s many more but I love that example>> <<@davidmckenzie1695 says : @Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace I wished you can investigate human sexuality which is running rampant. LGTBTQ+ is some theology which is something that is some theory that for many years that's no such as gender, masculinity, femininity this has been used for science which is not science its scientism because the most known scientists are Jon Money and Alfred Kinsey are praised for "discovering sexual orientation". Something that you could investigate.>> <<@CynVee says : For me, it takes a more robust leap of faith to believe that all of this, space, time, and matter, just happened from nothing. They point to those silly theists who believe through their religion that it's all been created through the speaking of God. They don't realize they have a religion, too. The religion of evolution.>> <<@SemajTawrodi says : Without God there is no science.>> <<@midimusicforever says : Awesome video!>> <<@stinksterrekerinski4450 says : Germany was less wrong than the revolutionaries in Russia who created the holodomore.>> <<@dust_to_dust says : 19:20 - 19:30 added a present, immaterial element to the equation of "experience that points to an immaterial creator" that is undeniable. Phew. Made me like the vid immediately. Now to find out if you answer the "why wouldn't people want to broach the 'who' question" with John 3:17-19, which is God getting to the core of the matter. Love you, bro; thanks so much for your work!>> <<@strikerzac says : Science is a tool to explore GOD's creation. Christianity has never been anti-science.>> <<@grantbartley483 says : I agree. The idea that 'science is the only way to truth' is not a scientific statement: it wasn't discovered by experiment or collecting observations. It's a philosophical position (in epistemology). That makes it self-refuting, and so false.>> <<@briansullins4778 says : You claim "Christianity isn't anti-science". I would argue this is only partly true. There is a large portion of the Christian community, primarily protestant, that outright rejects the scientific ideas both of an old earth and an evolutionary process because both of those things are contradictory to the 6-day creation. Using this as a basis, they essentially reject science altogether. I actually agree with your thoughts in this video, and, to the point I have been exposed to you, your thoughts and thought processes in general, and I love the way you tie metaphysical, logical, and scientific evidence together to point towards God. But I think pointing out the fact that there is a large portion of Christianity, perhaps even a majority, at least in my experience, that openly and outright rejects science, and making the distinction between those who do and those who don't is very important to the argument you are making here. Because the chances that someone hears the claim that Christians, in general, accept and embrace science, whether made here in this video, or elsewhere, and then encounters a large group of Christians that, not only do not accept science, but openly mock it as ignorance and stupidity, is a pretty high probability.>> <<@edwardvan5808 says : Current science is closed minded and flat earth. The Bible reports supernatural events almost as a normal part of life. Perhaps it is. If scientists could prove the existence of the supernatural world that would be the greatest scientific discovery of the age. I believe science is very close right now. I also believe that I can prove it in a court of law using J. Warner's methods. Circumstantial evidence indicates the supernatural world is the real world, the "norm" and our known world is a smaller subset of that. Or perhaps we should put the forbidden fruit down.>> <<@boxelder9167 says : Virtually every single discipline in science was founded by creationists and the majority of them were Christian but now they all can’t do science. I am guessing that they are basing their rock solid beliefs on the evidence… 😁>> <<@susanmcintyre5377 says : Science and Christianity are opposed, but only in the same sense that my thumb and forefinger are opposed. Between them, I can grasp anything.>> <<@Screwed_Up_World says : More like science is anti-Christianity.>> <<@jenross37 says : I just discovered you and I'm having so much fun listening to what you share! Thank you :)>> <<@LeR0I says : Amen>> <<@shiningospel says : 🤝🙏>> <<@gregoryt8792 says : 67% of all Nobel prizes have been awarded to Christian scientists.>> <<@sasoriko says : I love when I'm called anti-science and then get lectured on how we should be able to kill babies because they're "just a bunch of cells" yet when a pregnant woman is killed (unfortunately) people are charged for taking two lives. So modern science holds that something can be in two states at once. Whether water is in a gaseous form or a liquid form or a solid form it's still water, but a baby in the womb can be in two different states at once. So I guess it's Schrödinger's womb? Maybe my doctoral thesis will be "Does Schrödinger's womb precede Rosemary's Baby?">>