<<@theresaeverett7959 says : LORD JESUS I NEED HELP PEOPLE LIE ON ME ON MY JOB N MY UNION LIED ON ME HELP ME LORD JESUS AMEN N AMEN 🙏>> <<@angelamyers9364 says : Amen>> <<@jamieleejohnson1429 says : Im sorry, but having been through many kinds of abuse, i disagree that sexual abuse is the worst. Firstly, any abuse in any form to an individual could be the worst to them. Many research has been done and its been proven that mental abuse is worse as a whole... i do love some of your sermons, however having been listening you say that we shouldnt put ourselves first and were here for god (which is true 100%) we shouldnt always be me me me. Yet in almost every video you bring it back to you and your abuse some how can you not leave it with the lord now and move forward? If someone needs to hear about this subject, the Lord will lead them to one of your videos that has your full story on. Please practice what you preach, or how can you. We must live a life that jesus had, for others, not ourselves.>> <<@brooe469 says : Thank you Pastor Joyce for this message and God bless>> <<@peggymittag5274 says : I have dealt with it, and my behavior is now healed, and God is the reason for the reason for PRAISE. Amen and AMEN>> <<@peggymittag5274 says : Amen>> <<@peggymittag5274 says : Yes and AMEN 🙏>> <<@peggymittag5274 says : Dearest Joyce, I am watching in my hospital bed.. I am so grateful. I hear you and that is the truth..Me also Joyce>> <<@MillardWalton says : Jesus, Jesus Jesus amen hallelujah. Come back here Lord come back here Abba Abba Abba.>> <<@NewnewSD says : ❤❤❤❤>> <<@andreiromanu516 says : >> <<@7nflgirl says : AMEN SISTER*>> <<@amani2222 says : It was not your fault because you did everything you could. Self determination comes from within and God! This is a powerful story that so many need to hear. Thank you so much ❤>> <<@shaaparakr.d.8436 says : Tour are incredible Joyce God bless you 🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰>> <<@nikihart8267 says : Believe that YHWH can forgive you and your lies>> <<@marieduckett4229 says : I was abused My mom didn’t do anything because she was afraid to and you have to realize sometimes when you’re afraid you don’t know what to do and that’s a pretty scary thing.>> <<@marieduckett4229 says : I agree with this, but at the same time Joyce, my mother was abused and we were as a child, but unfortunately,it rubbed off. She was abused her whole life, but the good thing about it is at 64 when she died I know she went to heaven because she found Jesus she knew him all along but the help my sister she really found them and I am so blessed for and grateful>> <<@coppercanyoninn3611 says : PLEASING GOD BY SIMPLY BEING CONTENT... AWESOME>> <<@RoshniBhanat says : Amen>> <<@quemilinebull4152 says : I needed to hear that story about your brother. Thank God for speaking to me through your story.>> <<@ColleenCunningham-yx1bu says : Watch Messanic teachings for Christians episodes 1-19. Best teaching>> <<@ColleenCunningham-yx1bu says : I have the sound off. If I listen I'm sewing death You went to college someone told me it wasn't seminary but cemetery because false teachings is death. Hope you can hear G ds voice and get out of replacement theology . Constantine was the one that set Xmas on a pagan gods birthday Pagan god as called Methra His birthday is on Dec. 25.>> <<@ColleenCunningham-yx1bu says : Hope you get to this level. Hehe>> <<@ColleenCunningham-yx1bu says : I got out of the church because I have seen the scriptures where he didn't change the rest day. Constantine was the one that changed it, sorry I'm in a Messanic group and I still have faith in Jesus which is Yeshua . Learning to keep 7th day observance has changed my life. I do keep all of G ds Holy Festavals and Kosher. I'm learning Hebrew like I went to college. Wow this is changed me and I'm happier . I can sing songs in Hebrew. Wow and im memorizing scriptures in Hebrew. Wow You people should grow up. It's the best. Hehe Shalom and hope he gets to this level . Hehe>> <<@mrp8811 says : do you believe rattling the cage of a gods champion is funny.>> <<@LeemoSeaso says : .>> <<@Shello58 says : Years ago, I went to Australia on an exchange program through school for the summer, and came back with an Aussie accent. So I get the 'getting stuck on you' metaphor. "By beholding, you become changed.">> <<@jackieyoung5500 says : ❤Give And It Will Be Given To You Shaken Together And RunningOver.Thank You Lord Iam A Cheerful Giver.Looking For Nothing In Return God Said Be A Cheerful Giver Amen.❤❤❤❤😊>> <<@jackieyoung5500 says : ❤Amen I Trust Abba Father Love You.>> <<@ericfoster4975 says : God Thanksgiving my mother and brother is just like that im not perfect i pray for God children my kids get there self together i pray for wisdom not money i love my mother and family i can do what i can as long God no what Lil things you doing he will bless your i can't be no codependent people have to help themselves but they don't i don't feel guilty God noses what im going forgive me God for my sins i pray those who trying to keep me down bless Amen 🙌>> <<@jenilynn1010 says : I was a Big Pharma guinea pig in my teens and 20’s for anxiety and depression and CBD/THC is THE BEST & Healthiest medicinal for anxiety!!!>> <<@EliteaSoqotu says : Amen 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙏🙏>> <<@JeffreySmith-o5z says : Amen me as well ❤>> <<@followword6452 says : >> <<@feleciakniffin3070 says : Joyce you are helping with deal with everything in my life, you help me get closer to God and yes I have a lot going on . My kids my husband and trying to make the right choices in life, dealing with my dog Lucy death . It's been hard but I'm still happy and content>> <<@CarlottaMedaglia says : Please help me to make it thru each day with happiness and love to Lord>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : This ministry blesses me every day I am so Greatful>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : Yup we sure have the government shouldn’t be helping us Gods people the body of Christ should help each other that’s an issue this is my conformation ❤>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : 😅😅 3 Prophesies and some angles❤>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : Generosity is warfare I didn’t know that wow that explains a lot ❤>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : Generosity is warfare I didn’t know that wow that explains a lot ❤>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : Go head sister Joyce you’re a giver and I love that ! I’m too it full fills you>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : My God corporate greed is running rampant in America 🇺🇸 God help us and sexual orientation is ruining rampant gender stereotypes racism is another issue we must pray 🙏🏼 for this world 🌎 Amen 🙏🏼>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : The abuse was never my fault Amen 🙏🏼>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : Unfortunately I was on and off drugs for years because of abuse. I had a daughter at 16 two abortions and I was simply wild but God. Unfortunately my daughter died in 2018 from accidental fentanyl use and alcohol poisoning. She got that from me! I’m no longer going to blame myself for her actions! I wrote a book 📖 about my life story pray 🙏🏼 for me and my family my grandchildren too. My mom and I are in a very good relationship it’s wonderful.>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : Sister Joyce I can relate to your pain I was sexually abused by my mother ex’s husband! My mother left him but she kept dealing with him for financial support 😢. He kept coming around! It took me years to forgive her. My grandfather reminded me of your brother. Please pray for Charles Spriggs .>> <<@lakendraadams1077 says : Sister Joyce I can relate to your pain I was sexually abused by my mother ex’s husband! My mother left him but she kept dealing with him for financial support 😢. He kept coming around! It took me years to forgive her. My grandfather reminded me of your brother. Please pray for Charles Spriggs .>> <<@DeTransAllianceCanada says : Joyce, you described my mother, you described her short comings, you did this with the compassion of a surgeon. Thank you for reminding me that Jesus is always the solution.>> <<@PRAISEwtGOD says : *A few weeks ago I was attacked by my neighbors because of the hymns I put in my house because I love to praise and glorify the name of God. the accusations and slander you have made against me today, I am happy and glorify the name of God, I have a faithful and fair lawyer*>> <<@claricesilva2700 says : This woman is a miracle.>>