<<@tonieabbott180 says : Thank you sooooo much for uploading this video, Mr. Wallace!!! ❤❤❤ I appreciate it tremendously. You see, I have a cousin who goes to church and claims to be a Christian, but we were discussing matters of faith one day, and she made some statements that contradicted the Bible. Sadly, she is definitely also of the erroneous opinion that Jesus doesn’t want us to judge people. I am of the very strong belief that she goes to church because she was raised that way and it just makes her feel good, not because she’s ever truly grown spiritually over the course of her life. 😕 She clearly doesn’t believe that THAT’S the meaning of life, which is what the Bible teaches. And she’s the type of person who just gets angry if you attempt to “sharpen their iron” instead of being humble enough to appreciate it. I know because when I tried to point out to her that she was wrong, she got really annoyed, and I haven’t heard from her since (We live in separate states and have only ever talked online). One of her great flaws is sweeping uncomfortable realities under the rug. I believe she was hoping that I would just sweep this under the rug, but I’m not like her and cannot do that in good conscience. It’s a little sad that we’re not speaking right now, and I’ve come to terms with the strong possibility that we might never speak again unless something happens to humble her…But I feel fine, honestly!! I know that Jesus is so proud of me for having the guts to actually defend Scripture instead of taking the easy way out, even if it means that I’ve lost a friend. Whenever I question whether I did the right thing, He sends me something like this excellent video to reassure me. ❤ A REAL friend will appreciate my commitment to these things rather than resenting them. As a Pinterest meme said, “Being honest may not get you many friends, but it will always get you the right ones.” God bless you and your ministry. ✝️❤️>> <<@BeFaithful00 says : What I’ve learned is that if you make reasonable efforts to live as Christ did, if you even mildly attempt to “abide in the vine,” your mere proximity will make others feel like they’re being judged. As believers, we are light shining in the darkness. For some observers, it brings desired illumination, for others, it royally pisses them off because it exposes their evil deeds.>> <<@gsestream says : law based works or judgement does not help anyone. only Christ helps. honor to God. not through your works. better be with the Lord. God teaches everyone, not people. dont even dare.>> <<@seektruth983 says : Thank you!!>> <<@robertjasso6673 says : I have someone in my life who calls me out all the time.. God has brought this gift to me as a sculptor uses a chisel to create a desired form of creative genius…. Without the Christian perspective ;which Grace has given me in Christ, I would surely become weary of reproofs and corrections … It’s Gods great gift to that makes me appreciate my wife everyday. She is not a disciple of Jesus, she does not except God’s word as such; but God uses her mightily everyday. I can only pray she may come to know the love of the Savior.>> <<@suzanneflowers2230 says : Excellent video!!!>> <<@nicie9908 says : Very much needed explanation on how we should all be living. Christians need to get off the sideline and stop watching nonbelievers fall into the pit of hell. I think this is what is happening. In my opinion, most people need to have a seed planted first, sometimes multiple seeds planted, then that same someone or someone else can help that seed start to grow. We must love enough to help multiply God's kingdom and plant seeds. Explaining to others how to live instead of hoping they see and find it themselves.>> <<@JDReynolds2005 says : Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount that we should be judging each other inside the Church as Christians by using the word, not judging unbelievers instead. Today, all most Christians do, especially right wing faux Christians who only use the title as a social status, is judge unbelievers and are trying to make unbelievers obey by force what we as Christians should be obeying ourselves by choice.>> <<@Tanengtiong says : For me, "judge" in Matthew 7: 1 is something like passing "death sentence" to a specific individual who is alive and becoming, in which most of us don't qualify. Furthermore, even professional judges make mistakes.>> <<@EricSmyth4Christ says : Proverbs 27 5 Open rebuke is better than love in secret You can judge without rebuke But you cannot rebuke without judging>> <<@EricSmyth4Christ says : Matthew 7:1-2 is the most quoted verse of all time Even more than John 3:16>> <<@deannemiller891 says : Very refreshing! Thank you! I wish hypocrisy wasn't so prevalent among Christians though...>> <<@elainec855 says : Jesus paid for my sin so I don't have to worry about going to hell. But he still has plans for me here And those plans involve getting along with others. And it's not helpful to abuse others and it wouldn't be loving to allow them to abuse. It's helpful to stop Abusers. For those that have I am thankful.>> <<@PL-bw4zw says : Keep up the great work! You and Frank are truly a blessing to many!>> <<@bvmbvm7079 says : Jesu chrisht 🕊️🕊️only one GOD,>> <<@jefenterprises8006 says : Amen brother Jim!! Jesus is not just a sage, He is God. He is Lord. Hallelujah!! ❤🕊>> <<@johnglad5 says : Blessings>> <<@TheUkinCA says : Hey James, just wanted to thank you for your work. You have been instrumental in me finding a real foundation in my faith. Really love your approach and appreciate the hard work you have put in to show how belief in Christ and God is logical. Praying for you to continue this ministry. All the best to you and your family.>> <<@JiraiyaSama86 says : I learned a few years back that we all need judgment to help us find our way. To have a sense of direction. The thing we should be afraid of when it comes to judgment is unfair judgment. Because if we follow it, it can get us lost. And just this year, I watched a video from Cliffe Knechtle that if you don't judge, you can't love. It was perfect.>> <<@Watchandcutgearchannel says : This video was enlightening>> <<@Charles.Wright says : It is time for judgment to begin with the house of God - Peter>> <<@wandlbaker says : My take on this subject is very similar. We ARE to judge our BROTHER or SISTER in Christ. We are NOT to judge the non believer but to SHOW our faith through OUR actions. When you live your life in alignment with Christ then the non believer will see and may want the same. We are to be a LIGHT to the world, not a loudspeaker. We speak when they ask.>> <<@AlstonSD says : This is a great teaching! I appreciate you Mr Wallace! God bless you!>>