<<@shiningospel says : Thank you 🙏>> <<@benjaminroberson1967 says : "What I don't miss is seeing how that stuff changes you." Whilst I am not in Law Enforcement, I know someone who is and a few weeks ago experienced his first homicide in which a 17 year old was shot in the head. The kid was still hanging on when he arrived but died enroute to the hospital. My friend was not the same happy self that he usually is. He looked for a homicide detective who goes to our church (different city) but she was unfortunately not there that weekend, fortunately one of the pastors is a former police officer himself and took some time to talk. My friend is back to his normal self thankfully.>> <<@childofgod5272 says : One for algorythm God bless you sir!>> <<@DruPetty42 says : As a Christian, I have worked in detention for 4 years, and I can say that it does change you. You come in contact with so many types of people that seem to be decent on the outside, but you realize they are so broken. They are murderers, thieves, etc. I've seen more than that and it gets worse. Like J. Warner Wallace, I don't miss that aspect of it, but I do miss the comradare aspect of it.>> <<@justice4all977 says : We are all murderers in our heart. The human heart is desperately wicked, who can understand it? 💔>>