<<@cateclism316 says : So many times I have heard the old clichΓ©, "know who you are in Christ". This gives me a better idea of what that is. It's knowing Him, first of all.>> <<@surrenderdaily333 says : This was a very personally enlightening video. Thank you.>> <<@surrenderdaily333 says : Okay, that explains why I've always been in a valley and why I've never been successful in any domain. Not only have I never known who I was, or what I was, I also have changed my whole personality multiple times throughout my life, about once every 6 or 7 years. I've been with God ten years. I haven't heard Him tell me who I am once, except as what He says to us all in His Word. But I have been much more mentally stable.>> <<@surrenderdaily333 says : The only reason I put a user ID, bio, whatever, on everything is because they require me to in order to use their app/platform/site. I don't want to or like to. I would rather just be anonymous. I don't want an "identity" or even to be known, which is why I don't do a blog or substack or anything else, so I don't accidentally become something other than obscure. It happens to people, and I don't want it to happen to me. Even my neighbors don't know who I am or ever see me (well, rarely).>> <<@surrenderdaily333 says : What does that even mean? I've never known who I was. I've never been anybody. I've had over 30 jobs, time in between each one. I've been rejected by everyone in my life my whole life; parents, siblings, extended family, husband, in laws, friends, you name it. I have no identity. I was raised by alcoholic atheists who had a mean streak sense of "humor" which gave me demonic nightmares until I asked God to rescue me from them. Coming to God at age 11 was a total accident (supposedly) and I subsequently left the faith a couple years later because I had no support, no teacher, no mentor. I came back to God in my early 20s because I had three daughters and my husband was so abusive and I found out from his sister, a pedophile, so I left him. But then I got so busy with trying to raise my kids while having severe depression that I drifted away from God again. Finally at age 53 (40 years of trial and wilderness wandering) my youngest daughter, the one I was the closest to and the only one who gave me any reason to live at that point, killed herself by hanging and after a year of shock and unbelief, I came scrambling back to God as fast as I could because I was hung one night over the pit of hell by a thread, and made to experience it, and I knew then, that that is where my youngest baby was. I've been traumatized ever since. I'm a very sensitive person despite having turned off my emotions a number of times in my life because I just couldn't deal with them. I had 33 different personalities earlier in my life, for awhile and was diagnosed with a different thing every time they switched psyche doctors on me. But after my daughter died and I experienced hell, I came back to God. Now I am isolated with no one to talk to or visit me for the last ten years, I am home bound and cannot leave the house, but I am with God, every day, preferably every hour of the day and listen to His Word all day and night, talking to Him all day and night (sometimes I wonder how much I annoy Him) learning from people like J Warner Wallace (because I am an evidence based kind of person, I have discovered). I still ask Him every now and then, Who am I? Why am I like this? What do you want of me? How can I serve you being like I am? Am I really yours? Can you possibly love someone like me? Can someone like me actually get into heaven? Am I really saved? According to this man, I am simply on the basis of feeling badly every time I do something wrong... (but isn't that just my conscience?) ...which amazingly, despite being all by myself, happens all the time because you don't have to interact with people or real life to sin all the time, much to my dismay. God bless you all who listen to this man to discover how you can be a Christian case maker, even if you never do it. It's good stuff to know.>> <<@lovegodselfandneighbor421 says : Thank you always, Jim. To all, could YouTube be trying to dissuade listeners by interrupting w/ ads every F E W. minutes??? Quite unusual, compared to many other videos>> <<@rontcurry says : Jesus saves>> <<@lifealittledifferently says : Thank you for posting this!>> <<@PraiseYahforHeisHoly says : Thank God for revealing Himself to us and revealing us to us. He gives abundantly more than we can ask or think. All praise to our Father.>> <<@midimusicforever says : My identity is in Jesus Christ!>> <<@heftymonk says : How do we find our identity in Christ?>> <<@stefann975 says : My identity? What is a man? Dust?What do I have to be proud of? A fallen creature that need salvation? I am not a King nor a priest, a rabbi or somebody with a big education, but a worker who has to do the job I am told to do ... so what? What do I have of any real value that I can loose? Faith, hope and love? What to be proud of, the Lord is the one to be proud of, believe in, his love is what keep me going, the hope of a new body, a city, new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. The hope of his mercy and salvation when he return, the eternal life.>> <<@donaldjoy4023 says : Profound and worth watching/listening all the way through.>> <<@shiningospel says : Thank you πŸ’›πŸ€πŸ™>> <<@DeaconBeanCooter says : The best one yet! β€πŸŽ‰>> <<@mrsteresa1999 says : Awesome video thank you>> <<@GC09Summer says : Amen! Thank you πŸ™>> <<@jefenterprises8006 says : As Christians, our identity is in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!! πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸ½>>