<<@CrossExamined says : Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/3UAPRMM>> <<@gent_Carolina says : Sounds like a thinly veiled threat actually. 😠 Dying is easy; living with abuse & misuse of authority is what's difficult.>> <<@lynabuttercup says : American culture and women empowerment is the beginning of the problems. To spoiled and entitled women are everywhere here in USA. Arrogant too.>> <<@avi8r66 says : It makes as much sense now as ever. Which is to say it never made sense.>> <<@jpick5629 says : I remember as a young girl wanting to be a man. I watched my dad leave each day while my mom slaved over the home. When my father got home he would open the door and say with his arms raised, “Hello World”. We would all run to daddy. We would fight over who got to take his boots off. In reality, I admired what I perceived who my father was and the life he lived. I wanted what I knew who/what my brothers would become. I recently confessed to my mother and sisters of my desire to be a boy/man. Turns out, every one of us did for varying reasons.>> <<@logicalatheist1065 says : I care about the truth, that's why I'm an atheist>> <<@hansdemos6510 says : What a curiously disingenuous argument... If women and men are equally human, then why does there need to be any "submission" at all?>> <<@sherriepalmer2010 says : Hope you are okay with a suggestion? I highly recommend a youtube channel called "God is walking on Water" to understand Christianity and its true roots which have been secretly guarded, until now.>> <<@Thaijler says : The fact that there's a sudden 4000% increase shows it's something in the culture, not the mind.>> <<@jamesw4250 says : No Christianity does not make sense.>> <<@harrybinn4455 says : I've always thought the whole concept of thinking you're in the wrong body completely idiotic. How can one be born in the wrong body or have the wrong gender? For an atheist, you don't begin till you are born so there is no prior existence and you are in the body that your consciousness evolved in. The way to "feel" you're in the wrong body is to brainwashed that you are; usually by others pushing an agenda. While kids may go through a phase of wondering the vast majority grow out of it. Those chasing feelings rather than reality may continue. But feelings are completely subjective and reality will always intrude and screw with the fantasy. As for Christians, we are fashioned by God and there is a purpose behind the gender and body that we have. We can mess it up with drugs and abuse and even mess up the infants body through the same, but that just shows mankind's rebellion against God. Finding our purpose in life brings the contentment we are searching for whereas chasing feelings is only ever going to lead to depression with even worse outcomes.>> <<@jeffphelps1355 says : When Hollywood is your moral compass instead of the Bible then evil will flourish>> <<@michaelandrews1480 says : As far as the 4,000% increase in sexually confused trenagers: they are being groomed by progressive leftist intent on destroying the family unit.>> <<@chloemartel9927 says : Being rooted and grounded in Jesus brings clarity and reason for who we are in Him.>> <<@NikoFinn says : The fundamental reason why people can't differentiate between their biology and thoughts is lack of love who is God in their lives. People start to become so afraid and they start to think their thoughts, whatever they are, now dictate what is true. So the solution: the Gospel of grace. If people become saved by Christ then they come back to the fellowship with God and the love of God is poured out into their hearts ny God's Spirit as Romans 5:8 says. Also, from God is sanity. When you turn away from God in the desires of your flesh long enough then mental illnesses start to arise. As 2 Timothy 1:7 says, christians do not have the Spirit of fear but of love, peace and of a sound mind. May God open their eyes.>> <<@Dichotomous_The_Dog says : I guess you have to ask what does caring look like? My answer would be: The pursuit of engagement animated by the power of love. If that definition is accurate then God most certainly cares. God has His care on even the smallest of things (Proverbs 16:33). Where we see a shard of glass God sees the mosaic.>> <<@jamesesparks says : Middle School Grooms Children>> <<@ndibunwapeter9013 says : God is King of Kings 👑>> <<@rosemaryryan6455 says : Christians need to be praying, seriously!>> <<@JadDragon says : Nothing makes sense without God. Jesus lives ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>> <<@bluebubbletron says : I feel like I'm in the Wrong Body. I gotta do some cycling and hit the gym to reduce some belly fat.>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : Christianity is the only thing that makes sense. God makes sense of life, creation, morality and justice. He makes sense by identifying sin as our common weakness which explains human behavior. Jesus Christ explains God's love and plan of redemption. No one or nothing else comes close.>> <<@larzman651 says : Nobody felt like they were in the wrong skin to the point we are at now , until it became the brave new liberal thing to do so you can have your 15 minutes on cnn>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CrossExamined>> <<@macmac1022 says : But then it also says in the bile women should not teach, women should obey their husbands but never says the other way around.>>