<<@CrossExamined says : Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/3W2nOXG>> <<@dylanlawrence6272 says : You are incorrectly quoting what Richard Dawkins said..>> <<@enzo_2417 says : Angels are gods creation. The potential for sin occurred when the angels were created. God and Christ are eternally perfect and unchanged. That means the potential for sin comes from creating. Which is exactly what god is and does. Create. God is still perfectly unchanged. But his creations always break and fall short of him. So who’s to blame? Why blame anyone? If It’s by design. It is done by design. For it is written.>> <<@yasar1abdurrahman348 says : So you are now taking Dawkins remarks an athiest who rejects God to spew hatred towards Islam that calls towards God. How low can you stoop? This unmasks your whole motivations. Pick up the Quran and read of you are sincere.>> <<@teks-kj1nj says : Outright lier. The most atheist countries have less crime.>> <<@enzo_2417 says : Free will is torture. If this life is meant to be focused on god, why did god allow so many entertaining distractions? Free will with consequences is an illusion of freedom. If there is only gods way, then freedom of choice is also an illusion.>> <<@enzo_2417 says : Why are we told to sin no more when it’s impossible to not sin? Also not sinning defeats Christ’s purpose as a savior from sin.>> <<@enzo_2417 says : If sin is so bad in god’s eyes why does he allow new people to exist and sin against him?>> <<@BaldyVoldy-s6m says : What a fricking lier, atheism itself has nothing to do with murdering people. yes there were horrible atheist dictators, but the lack of belief in god is not the thing that made them who they are, so stop saying nonsense.>> <<@fossilfishleg9188 says : The enemy of reason talking gibberish…….again.>> <<@oscargr_ says : The state becomes God, and religion is dangerous...>> <<@the_alchemy_method says : The one’s raising the objections use the fact we can’t answer as a reason not to believe and prove we are wrong- and Christianity not true>> <<@MrAuskiwi101 says : The truth of God, any God is a delusional. Of course delusional people live in opposite world and imagine their delusions are truth and reality. One has to be honest with one self to escape and I can't see this fellow doing that.>> <<@bigweathertruther6373 says : What proof is there for the claim that atheists have killed more people than theists? History tells us that people have been making up religions and killing in the name of those religions for tens of thousands of years.>> <<@maxxpro4 says : Without lies , atheism dies>> <<@rolandwatts3218 says : Oh Frank. You are a mere mortal. A fallible man. You are not God, telling the truth of God. You make far too many mistakes and say far too many silly things for me to accept that, should God exist, then you are necessarily talking the truth of God. And why should anyone necessarily accept your bluff that you are possibly telling the truth of God? If you wish to see what can happen when Christians run government, look no further than Europe in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries when the wars of religion wrecked massive chunks of Europe. Consider the Thirty Years War which destroyed central Europe. Those wars were fought amongst populations a mere fraction of our modern populations and so their death tolls need to be scaled accordingly. Scale the death tolls and I think you will be surprised at just how badly those who reflect the love of God, do when it comes to Christians as rulers. Then, in the context of modern times, those nations with the least religiosity seem to do the best in several measures of well being. Those with the greatest religiosity, do the worst. I cannot deny the brutality of several atheist states. But then, you ought not to deny the brutality of several theistic states, including Christian ones. (But I think you will, because those states could not have been "true" Christian states. Right Frank?) I don't want a Christian state if many Christians are to be believed, any more than I want a Muslim state.>> <<@avi8r66 says : It all boils down to whether the claim, what you are calling a truth here, is well supported by good evidence. A claim is only valid if the evidence, all the evidence, supports the claim. If there is contradictory evidence it needs to be considered and the claim, the hypothesis, needs to be adjusted to fit the available evidence. That's how worthwhile knowledge is gained. If someone says you owe them money and you disagree they need to prove this claim. They might produce an invoice, or a contract, which obligates you to pay. And if you paid you would present a cancelled check, or a receipt, showing you paid that bill already. This is how we function in this world when dealing with any claim. Does your wife love you? Well, she seems to life having you around, she takes your well being and happiness into consideration, she does nice things for you, and she tells you she loves you. So that would all be evidence she does actually love you. But then you find out she's humping your brother. So ... evidence against that claim. Me: Does God exist? You: Yes. Me: Evidence? You: Bible. Me: Ok, is the Bible accurate with regard to the God claim? You: Yes. Me: Evidence? You: It's the word of God. Me: You don't know what evidence is do you? This is circular reasoning. And yes, people have had this exact conversation with me. One even said 'Yeah, I know it's circular reasoning.' before I mentioned it. Round and round we go.>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CrossExamined>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : Dawkins is todays poster boy for “be careful what you wish for”. He’s railed against Christianity for most of his life and now laments that it’s leaving. Does this mean wokeness and Islam aren’t filling the void just as well? Why isn’t he asking for Odin and Zeus to take the place of Christ since it’s all the same thing? This is the cause and effect of God. Just as we physically live in the effect of His cause, so the world has known peace and good things as the effect of living in Christianity. And now it’s so obvious that what you get without Christianity, it leaves even the most staunch God hater missing what He insisted was a bad thing for people and society. He can’t ignore the evidence of his own eyes.>> <<@logicalatheist1065 says : Sorry Frankie boy, not enough evidence to be a Christian... Atheism is the most logical and reasonable position>> <<@trinahaifa2860 says : AMEN!! You don't see people seeking the Muslim Arab dream or the Chinese and East Indian dreams. So many cultures are materialistic at their core. On the contrary Christianity teaches altruism, detachment from earthly things, charity and generosity. That's why the TRADITIONAL Christian countries thrived and flourished. Atheists/materialists could possibly be altruistic, generous and charitable, but generally they, as well as cultures of other religions are typically not and that's why their countries are a wreck. Christian principles are at the core of a nation's prosperity. ❤>> <<@larzman651 says : You can object all day but if you have no evidence for that objection it doesn't mean squat. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌>> <<@Suavemente_Enjoyer says : Dawkins talking to God be like: “I hate you, but I’m a big fan of your work”>> <<@maxhagenauer24 says : I do agree with this however I think one thing this doesn’t apply to is the problem of evil. I do think the problem of evil can disprove god because it isnt just something we don't know the anwser to, its something that wouldn't make sense for a god to put us in a world with without an anwser.>> <<@jamesw4250 says : This is why god shouldnt be considered as a viable explanation. And athiests have not killed more than religious. Sorry franky boy you are wrong.>> <<@darkeyeze says : Why would I want to believe in a god that supposedly created multiple religions, and within those religions, multiple sects that have many doctrines that contradict each other despite the fact that they each have the same bible and led by the supposed Holy Ghost.>> <<@jonathanturek5846 says : Thank you Dr Frank Turek. I am Catholic but Bishop Fulton Sheen... Padre Pio Father Jim Sichko and Dr Turek are and have been my best teachers of faith>> <<@greysinferno8214 says : I have seen some atheists claim that these countries were not atheist. They give the example that Adolf Hitler was raised a Catholic. I have never understood how that escapes the problem that Christianity in these countries was cowed into changing doctrine to suit the state. This also does not touch the surface of, say, the USSR, who led a propaganda campaign, saying they found Jesus' body to force people to give up Christianity.>> <<@Moist._Robot says : Dawkins calls himself a cultural Christian. Just like an American may be proud of their country but not of their government.>> <<@katamas832 says : This coming from an apologist who appeals to ignorance regularly is _histerical._>> <<@BlackHat-v4j says : He doesn’t want Christian value or morality that’s untrue>> <<@gulzarkareem794 says : Unbelievable dawkin with master deg.or PhD. in biology can be refuser of one all creator all father keeper destroyer and anyway of His choice keeper. Such a designer planner and runner of all where none other than Him can demonesterate the creation.His word He eternal causeless timeless unquestionable except all are from Him and are to return back to Him either at present or future back to His past....... Can dawkin say if not from God then from whom he is yesterday today and tomorrow...>> <<@CaptainFantastic222 says : Can someone name me 1 “atheistic nation”?>> <<@pmpcvii says : “You should never let what you don’t know. Cause you to doubt what you do know.” Man, that is a statement, thank God and amen!>> <<@fernandoformeloza4107 says : Richard Dawkins is a "cultural christian". He is also quoted as saying "I'm on team Christian". Anti theists need to say stuff like this more lol>> <<@brosebrose4154 says : May Jesus Christ the Son of God guide all Muslims,Buddhist,Hindu,Agnostic and Atheist to Christianity.>> <<@Gek1177 says : Um Frank, are you forgetting Nazi Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium? And no, Dawkins doesn't want Chrstian morality, nobody does not even Chrstians.>> <<@jeffphelps1355 says : If we are the cause of random events why would I trust the random thoughts of an atheist?>> <<@TheContrarian32 says : What an opener. If there’s something you don’t know, what should one do about that? Two options really; ignore it and bury your head and the sand…out of sight out of mind. Or, educate yourself on it. Then it becomes something you did not know and is now something you do know. Once you have that new knowledge you should assess how it impacts your current beliefs first and very simple reason. If your current beliefs hold up to this new knowledge, then your beliefs are more reasonably sound. But if your beliefs don’t hold up, well, now you need to decide what’s more important. Truth, or your beliefs. Side note: playing fast and loose with the terms belief and knowledge here as I’m trying to tie in with Tureks video>> <<@ericwantsbbd says : These videos are like the ranting of an old person who is entirely unhappy with everything while losing mind slowly. Watching these, continues to make me not want to be a Christian because this dude just only focuses on whatever he things is a problem. It’s never edifying and 100% will never talk about what jesus said to do. Thats bad for views. Just an angry delusional man>> <<@JadDragon says : Amen! If only more would accept this truth! Jesus lives ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑>>