<<@carolinekinney2364 says : Christians leaving messages on other Christian sites like this seriously? If you have something against someone text them in private. I don’t want to go watch Christian teaching anymore because the people who comment like this! The Lord wouldn’t act like this and He is our example. Imagine a nonbeliever seeing this?? This is how you represent your faith?>> <<@arleeneclark5650 says : bckground music drowningyout.>> <<@user-rc9jb3xp3r says : Good message>> <<@samsonjayakumar7313 says : Pray for my health>> <<@fussionplayer says : Repent!!!!!>> <<@MsAnduk says : REPENT>> <<@JoeTheodore-te6oe says : I'm favoured, $130K every 4weeks! I can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church.❤❤❤>> <<@Jedpack says : Blasphemy>> <<@deepthireddy773 says : Stop preaching and deceiving more ppl repent !!>> <<@nzovwamulaisho3196 says : Amen. Thankyou for the encouragement. More wisdom and grace on you Sir.>> <<@What1see says : Benny gotta stop this man. You guys are being deceived.>> <<@anetteb1867 says : Wow I really must take this teaching seriously since there is so many people under deception manifesting on the comments. Continual prayer 🙏 thank you Jesus and pastor Benny for the encouragement!>> <<@royalgrubbs7339 says : Mike Wenger has an interesting video about this scummy litte guy>> <<@sunilhembrom5628 says : Pray for rozelin hansda kripa marandi dhini tudu shanit Murmu silvani tudu shashi matho premlata murmu Elias Murmu Ruth Soren Martha Soren shalomi hansda minita murmu>> <<@sunilhembrom5628 says : Pray for pastor Sunil Hembrom soshan Hembrom Sharon Hembrom sunemit murmu>> <<@sduolcepoh9815 says : Amen! I thank God for a prayer life continually 🙏>> <<@FrankSkead says : Benni Hinn the son of Lucifer.>> <<@Yaas_ok123 says : How can anyone watch this crap after Mike Winger's video on Hinn ?>> <<@maluill says : I seen Mike wingers video on you, how wicked you are. I encourage everyone to watch it>> <<@starfisher87 says : Cease & desist your fakeries & lies. Under the law of Moses you would have been terminated for your Sorceries. You need to Repent & shut down your ministry>> <<@justanoob111 says : b b b benny and the jets>> <<@sunithapeter6685 says : AMEN>> <<@sijoad says : Please repent man while you are alive .our God is merciful . Repent repent repent . Do not cheat people in the name of God.>> <<@joshuadecker4512 says : Benny Hinn is a spiritual predator, look into it>> <<@Adventure_Always says : The jig is up Benny.>> <<@shivatikoti8139 says : Amen Thank You Jesus>> <<@anusharaposo7380 says : S lord very true pastor, thnk u God our father to reveal this msg to us Amen, jesus loves u pastor ❤>> <<@tanzeelasadiq22 says : Praise the Lord amen ❤>> <<@WerdnaFPV says : Repent of your sins Benny, and stop harassing Mike Winger, who is blessed by God to expose your deception and lies!>> <<@tereee12tw says : Repent Benny. Having peace is priceless.>> <<@darrenespinosa2640 says : Mr Benny Hinn, your deceiving works are now really being exposed. Repent of your sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. May God have mercy on your soul and may He grant you repentance.>> <<@natsnet1234 says : a man of GOD recommended me to read welcome holy spirit i have finish reading it now i am reading good morning holy spirit. as i get to know holy spirit and i get to know you as well i have watch the young Benny as i was backslider for years. i was so attractive to your mininstry. here i am some times you make me laugh so hard others time your testemony so deep i tear up. GOD uses you mightly i am so greatful to GOD for you. your books speaks so powerful. thats how i can explain it. love you pastor benny. keep on going🙏🙏>> <<@MiixAndMatch says : This man is the devil. Stop listening to hom>> <<@ElizabethMoses-y7m says : Amen , Jesus u are my everything, I trust in u. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐💐💐💐💐>> <<@godfiausturkar9240 says : Pastor Benny Hinn sir prayer for my family and my wife health and my financial problems amen amen amen🙏>> <<@bmv6130 says : GLORY TO JESUS AMEN HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE LORD>> <<@nicole-qg9jh says : God bless u>> <<@Jackoline6 says : Please stop abusing mike winger please :)>> <<@Anwesh-c3h says : Anwesh pet scean narmal result payer>> <<@maryjacob9755 says : Thank you Lord gor pastor benny hinn. His teaching is great in the prsyer lief.>> <<@timstephens5893 says : "‭Revelation 22:18-19 HCSB‬ [18] I testify to everyone who hears the prophetic words of this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. [19] And if anyone takes away from the words of this prophetic book, God will take away his share of the tree of life and the holy city, written in this book.'>> <<@jbonaful says : You are a demon in a skin suit like MIB>> <<@vo9176 says : Answer the claims against you or leave Mike Winger alone.>> <<@Kenny-mu2xb says : Repent. Mike Winger exposed you and you know it. Fighting legal battles won’t win you favor in the sight of the Lord>> <<@54725 says : If you were really praying, you would have REPENTED long ago. Pray to the real Jesus of the Bible.>> <<@melissaelliott2966 says : You are getting closer to judgment by the day, old man. Repent while you still have time. May God have mercy on your corrupted soul.>> <<@aliasmom4475 says : Great message Pastor, thank you>> <<@patriciaeleeza6806 says : Thank You, Jesus. Stay forever blessed, great man of GOD and of great wisdom. Amen, Amen and Amen 🔥.>> <<@jayanthin1754 says : Amen Thankyou Holispirit>> <<@esthershanthynicholas4405 says : Amen🙏🙏🙏>>