<<@JacoBecker says : Amen! Praise our LORD! Thank you for sharing.>> <<@randyhanson8413 says : So good - thank you πŸ™πŸ½>> <<@Healitnow says : Regarding creation, I am a retired herbalist, full of health knowledge. I did not need God or so I thought. Then on Dec. 7/2022 I found a flaw in my research and died. I was gone for 27 min. When I was dead, my guide provided by God asked me if I had any questions, and boy did I. Question: How is the universe created? Answer. It is a giant self-directing simulation, a lot like the Simpsons or South Park is to you. The debate over what is actually stops when you look and see we are ones and zeros. Suddenly I understood. In a computer program, I can build or create as fast as I can program. I also do not need to follow scientific timelines or rules to create; rather, computer web design capabilities would determine what I could do. Under these conditions, I can build parts and activate and integrate them in any order I wish. I can build any program and launch it looking any age I wish. Even though our program called our universe is only about 6000 years old, it was made to look a lot older. EG: On a computer, I can build a house that looks ultra modern or very old. Nether appearance date's the time I built it. Every glitch, every problem, everything considered a miracle, is solvable this way. On a hard drive, I can easily create talking donkeys, burning bushes that are not consumed, and resurrect anyone I wish, along with having universal floods and talking snakes. I also can have different realms not visible from Earth, such as heaven and hell. It makes total sense if you think about it. No other way does that I know of. As for the six days of creation, God could have put in one part on each of the 6 hard drives (one per day), plugged them in (one per day), then balanced the program. Then on day 7 sat back to enjoy his work and rest. Universe done! As for the positioning of distant galaxies, or using the creation of the solar system as proof of the age of the universe, on a computer program, I can place any object as far away as I want and make it any age I wish. I also can see it being flat, as this is the same here when we create things on our computers. God says that for those who will not believe, β€œHe will send strong deception such that you will believe”. I think this calculation of the huge ages provable from these measurements, based on the laws of physics and astronomy, is part of it. Next, atheists and often Christian scientists try to use the day-to-day ways the universe works after creation to explain creation itself, and this is where the problem starts. The principles and programming needed to create a universe on a computer are different from how it works after it is created. If this was not true, we would have to be living by the rules of South Park and The Simpsons just to create them. We all know this is not so, as we have both programs, while our own reality remains unchanged. This is the essence of our creation, as to how it was, and is still being done. By the way, God has done a great job of heaven. I saw a small portion when I was there, and can not wait to go back. His building skills are truly awesome. In short, God is sitting at his computer, punching any key he wants. He can change reality in any way, including pressing delete. Instead, he has chosen not to and gives us all a chance at eternal life instead. To start your life long and beyond a Christian journey, begin with this prayer, then find a good church and some good Christian friends. Jesus I believe in you, forgive me all my sins, come into my life and make it better, in Jesus' name, Amen.>> <<@Healitnow says : I do not usually disagree with Derek Prince, but how do you have pre-Adamic races on an earth that God clearly states was without form and void prior to the 6 days of creation?>> <<@deesymons8545 says : Amen so God made us to be SPECIAL by difference from His created angels and I'm speculating to show the angels He made has a special purpose for us in eternity>> <<@deesymons8545 says : Amen Wonderful teaching from a pure heart thank you Lord for giving us this ministry>> <<@vanderwaltswart536 says : Trinity for sure the truth.>> <<@vanderwaltswart536 says : An awesome teaching.>> <<@deesymons8545 says : Amen Derek Prince still is a great teachee thanks for this ministry>> <<@deesymons8545 says : Amen Please continue to pray for my grandchildren and myself for healing and protection and safety Also favour from the authorities to keep us together Thank you>> <<@tobiasbock7463 says : Thank you Lord Jesus Christ and be praised and glorified measureless in eternity.>> <<@sallybyrd3712 says : Very excellent teaching of the creation of Adam and the three persons of the Godhead.>> <<@loriburnham966 says : God bless for bringing me this channel to watch. The eorld today doesnt do or cant do real preaching and the kind this world needs thank u a million. And yes im all for the holy spirit. Talking in tongues .❀❀❀😊😊😊>> <<@sophiereynaud1108 says : The MAIN consequences of REPETITIVES AND UNCONFESSED SINS are SPIRITUAL VEILS and the fact to HARDEN ONE'S HEARTS (ex.: Pharaoh's curse). Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.>>