<<@CrossExamined says : Download FREE Cheat Sheet “The 4-Point Case For Christianity” 👉📱https://cutt.ly/ZYMC4nl>> <<@maxmaximum-sh4bx says : Great video!>> <<@laurawalker711 says : 100%>> <<@steveprofiler says : Why care , if not adressing the root cause?>> <<@mrhyde7600 says : When I was suiciding buy alcohol I would no longer have classified it as pleasure. .. but when I decided to get sober, was I following my heart?>> <<@senorsenior9546 says : Yep. I'm so sick of the old secular humanist mantra, "People are basically good." The truth is that the majority of people are really BAD, and the rest of the people just sit and watch them do bad stuff.>> <<@mrhyde7600 says : 3:00 "TRUE" gender dysphoria? So it's not a phase, it's an ACTUAL incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity. Frank seems to be suggesting that this condition that he regularly condemns is real.>> <<@papamatthi says : Great video : Wise and entertaining! I love it.>> <<@briarpatchson3039 says : ✡️Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”>> <<@camillewilliams3185 says : I've thought of a life led by pleasure as self-destruction but you worded it well in the video - prolonged suicide by pleasure. Spot on. Following my heart led me down the darkest places in life. Never again. I choose life in Christ. I still stumble from time to time but I have hope and the Lord is changing me step by step.>> <<@edgarmorales4476 says : Sadly, most religionist are greatly misled by their own passions!>> <<@ArtaxerxesVI says : This was so beautifully animated>> <<@Area-5l says : I wish yall wouldn’t put music back ground music, especially with all the sound effects while Frank is talking. It’s distracting.>> <<@1DiscipleDragon says : the flashes of animations are kind of blinding and irritating>> <<@1DiscipleDragon says : throughout life, i realize how the desires of my heart fluctuate so much. I don't know who I really am sometimes>> <<@TLASPEK says : Great message Frank! God bless you and everyone who watched this>> <<@infinity2394 says : can you make a vid like this but without the flashing lights that way more people will be able to view it, because our brothers n sisters with epilepsy might not be able to watch this vid.>> <<@frankseeker8305 says : One of the best concise videos I've seen. Thank you Frank!>> <<@msmd3295 says : Remember that… “the heart can be deceitful”. And apply that to RELIGION. That’s one of the best reasons to be dubious about believing what Turek and his apologist cohorts spread. Not that They are purposely deceitful, rather the question is how deceitful are the claims made in the Bible? Can anyone REALLY accept the notion the Bible is the actual word of god was Jesus really a divine being, were the values Jesus taught original to him and him alone, can anyone really perform supernatural miracles, how much if the Bible actually came out of the mouth of Jesus or did his followers make stuff up, etc.>> <<@joanschutter5863 says : Very good visuals to teach an important truth!! But, Turek in a suit and tie? 🙂>> <<@rlunnerstall3527 says : Thank You Lord for Blessing the World with Frank Turek. Please Jesus allow many more each day to hear and understand Truth. For Your Glory Lord. In Jesus Name we Pray. Amen let it be so>> <<@danielfraser643 says : Point 3 is about the mind, not the heart. Humans have a heart of Pride, it's that simple. Surrendering that heart to Christ is the only way to change it, as we can do nothing about it without Him. The hardest thing to do in life is Surrendering your heart, because with it goes everything you've tricked yourself into thinking you are.>> <<@davidayer921 says : Great Video! Can someone give me the source/study of that comment, "about 80% of teens who experience gender dysforia grow out of it by age 18". Not doubting it just want the source in case I quote it>> <<@michaelmcgraw4888 says : *Has epileptic seizure>> <<@DaDitka says : Those who say "Follow your heart" are going to have an incredibly hard time explaining why it was wrong for that one man (who must not be named who ruled that certain European nation in the 1930s) to follow his own heart.>> <<@brewerjustis says : Amen 🙏>> <<@fmaximun says : Great video and an important lesson! That's why we need God to give us a new heart.>> <<@pure2060 says : Amen.>> <<@brianensign7638 says : There is a false equivalence here between “heart” and “selfish impulses”. Please note the following scriptures that describe the importance of the heart in God’s communications with us: 1 Kings 3:9 Ezra 7:10 Prov 2:2 Jer 31:33 Ezekiel 11:19 Luke 6:45 Luke 24:32 Romans 5:5 Ephesians 3:17-19 To ignore your heart completely is to cut off a vital line of connection with the Almighty. Our wicked hearts need to be replaced with a new, pure heart (Ezekiel 18:31), but surely we shouldn’t ignore the promptings that the Holy Spirit places within us? Also, record your own scripts. Four minutes in front of a microphone isn’t too much to ask. Nobody needs more fake stuff in our lives.>> <<@mrdrprofdaddy says : Hey Matt slater, I will be hoping for you to find truth. You can dismiss anything you want with all the sarcasm you want, but until you get into God's word please don't be trying to use cherry-picked verses with no context to "own" us dumb little Christians. Seriously I hope you get out of YouTube comments and go do something instead of just trying to insult people in a channel you're obviously not interested in learning from>> <<@mattslater2603 says : I thought God wrote morals on our heart? Silly christians... trying to have it both ways... always.>> <<@Mark_Ladner says : Thanks!>> <<@iconsworld9 says : Amen>> <<@SemajTawrodi says : Amen, hallelujah, praise the Lord. Thank you brother Frank. God bless you. Maranatha my brothers and sisters in Christ.>> <<@rainegoldberg9376 says : Great video mr Turek. Thank you for sharing❤🙏🏻>> <<@goodonwuanaku4336 says : God bless you guys for always blessing us with pure knowledge, I appreciate it.>> <<@jawonryan9266 says : Amen>> <<@hansdemos6510 says : As faith is a matter of the heart, Dr. Turek is scoring a major own goal here.>> <<@TheGuy.. says : Why can't an excellent message, such as the one Frank presented, be presented by a professional by reading it? It seems more accurate to say that a professional without the Holy Spirit like that coconut without water.>> <<@alcav54 says : Probably the most important four minutes I’ve ever listened to thank you Frank and God bless>> <<@FitBabe says : Very cool video and great message as well. This style is really cute ❤>> <<@somerandom3247 says : Well, there goes your claim of "god wrote morals on our hearts". How are you going to redeem the moral argument now?>> <<@Lookingforthecall says : Addiction is prolonged suicide by pleasure. That hit me like a freight train and I had to stop the video and ruminate on that for a few minutes before I could finish the video! I pray that God breaks the cycle of addiction in all our lives.>> <<@thierry860 says : Andf yet, cult members follow their feelings because they know they don't have any evidence for their claim. And cult leaders like Turek are more than happy to prosper on the weekness of the christians.>> <<@gulzarkareem794 says : Is it heart or the satanic side of brain and not angelic...>> <<@Gabriel.1985. says : Oh man I love this, thank God for His word! 💝🙏🏻 Thank God for sound doctrine.>> <<@0987__ says : This is so awesome! Thanks for so much wisdom over the years frank>> <<@junacebedo888 says : So many songs says "Hearts can be BROKEN" and 'Hearts of stone' are nasty & cruel. Man has no recourse but to trust God.>> <<@davidlawson4688 says : Very well said, GOD bless>> <<@JiraiyaSama86 says : Amen! Unfortunately, so much of today's culture is blind to the message of following your heart. They don't see how the heart can lead one down a path of darkness and despair. Probably because they don't see how the heart can be wicked or wrong.>>