<<@CrossExamined says : Download FREE Cheat Sheet “The 4-Point Case For Christianity” 👉📱https://cutt.ly/ZYMC4nl>> <<@ArielIsaac8111 says : Whoo !! 🤍✝️>> <<@GordonRaboud says : I see you have a manual for Christian dissidents - a must read for today's world!>> <<@TeamJones says : Thank you!>> <<@VekaparuraHarakuta says : Who you're shows the love and strength of GOD you have in Him what you are is what you believe in GOD>> <<@harryfaber says : The Lord GOD has given me a well-trained tongue, That I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them. Morning after morning he opens my ear that I may hear;>> <<@kevinbenko3714 says : Most people in my parish with children are homeschooled, or they attend a Catholic school. {PS: yes, I am an "old-fart"}>> <<@alwayshonest357 says : first of all Jesus Christ says don't call yourself "teacher" (matthew 23:8) or don't let others call you a "teacher" (matthew 23:10) but since no one listens to Christ, for the sake of argument... we are all teachers. everyone is teaching something. Jesus Christ says "you will know them by their fruits." matthew 7:15-20 Jesus never said "judge them by their fruit." why? because "judgement" is work... "knowing" them is fact, which requires no work. 1:37 you say, "you need to know the basics of christianity" to teach effectively, but then you say' 3:10 to "master the material." in order to teach effectively? for christianity, you just need to know the basics. basics is knowing 3:58 that Jesus never said "the greatest of them is the servent." but instead says, "whoever wants to be great among you, must be your servent." matthew 20:26 since i don't want to be great among you... don't look to me to be your servent. to many mistakes for a 5min video.>> <<@EdwardRomanOficial says : Question for everyone: In your current position, are you absolutely sure that you’re on the right track?>> <<@edgarmorales4476 says : A True Spiritual Teacher will be able to show people how and why the mindset has created the calamities and horrors which have been created in "consciousness" and are only just beginning to make themselves fully felt in our midst as diverse forms of pestilences, earthquakes, floods, famines, wars, revolutions and other tragedies. Be assured! No evil which comes to earth is a "natural disaster." Everything inimical to our perfect welfare is bred first in our "human consciousness" and then given form within the global experience. This is what Christ tried to tell the Jews when he walked the earth—and WEPT—when the Jews laughed and refused to believe. Instead, the Jews called Christ a madman. Let not the churches make the same mistake! Because the churches have been moribund, cemented into rituals and dogmas, priests and pastors have been unable to meet the evolving spiritual needs of ardent seekers of Truth. As a result, the churches are emptying. If the churches are to endure, the churches must put aside their differences and have the humility to accept that inspiration does not necessarily come to earth in ways acceptable to themselves. The churches must remember that Christ was not acceptable to the Jews. The churches must keep open minds and hearts to receive whatever they intuitively feel is a Higher Truth than that to which they presently cling... and to abandon the old religious beliefs which have permitted the Beast to take control of human thought. Therefore, pray sincerely, with all your soul, mind and heart—for true enlightenment—rather than a reiteration of old and false beliefs. Wake up and accept that these rituals and past beliefs have not fulfilled the words of Christ to humankind, when Christ promised that "greater things than he did" would we do. Meanwhile, until true enlightenment comes to you—(after much meditation and prayer)—teach, demonstrate and live: ​ UNCONDITIONAL LOVE with all the strength of soul, heart and mind—minute by minute in your daily life. ​ Because—to combat the global destructive consciousness forces, humankind must make every effort to move on swiftly to the next stage of its development.>> <<@dorothysantos8929 says : She’s absolutely right! In fact even in some Christian schools the teacher or professors are not even Christian, they are atheist who claim to be Christian to secretly teach false doctrine to our children and youth!>> <<@ike8018 says : 6 percent of USA people have a Biblical world view. Speaks volumes and is definitely revealed by societal behavior.>> <<@TsuriaDragon says : And look at what the education system is right now and sing to children indeed Wake UP America and even more so Bride of Christ Wake Up. Thank you for this great reminder 🙏🏽❤>> <<@ericwantsbbd says : Summary- don’t be curious in anyway and indoctrination is key! Learning is bad.>> <<@delawarecop says : 1) Somebody who knows Gods Law by heart and strives to uphold it in all things 2) Somebody who knows how to teach Gods Law to others, so that they know how to REPENT of their sinful life. 3) Somebody who can share the Gospel with other sinners, so they they can receive forgiveness & mercy. Nobody can repent of sin, until they know what defines sin. Nobody can be born again, until they repent of sin. Nobody can receive forgiveness, mercy, or salvation until AFTER THEY REPENT OF SIN.>> <<@willievanstraaten1960 says : Presenter 3:13: “Into the greatest commandment to love God with all your heart soul and mind the second is to love your neighbor as yourself in other words you have to know God and His word” This also sound so reasonable, but do we teach them that that Jesus which is also and actually god said that he did not come to bring peace but a sword. Do we also teach the to hate their parents, siblings and in-laws. Considering these preachings, you now don’t make sense.>> <<@larzman651 says : John MacArthur , Paul washer , Ray comfort all fantastic teachers because the do the will of GOD by sharing the gospel. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌. Repent and turn from your wicked ways and ask JESUS to save you>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : The same qualities as I look for in a church. Biblically sound, uncompromising with the world, and bold enough to speak the truth by calling things as they are.>> <<@willievanstraaten1960 says : Presenter 1:59: “George Bar studies also show that 64% of Americans claim to be Christian while only 6% have a Biblical worldview” Does this imply that only 6% of Americans are, according to George Bar, real Christians. Which group, cult, sect or denomination would that 6% belong to and worship with? This will be interesting to know.>> <<@willievanstraaten1960 says : It sounds so straight forward when you talk about it, but how do you discern good and right from wrong. Teachers can come from and be affiliated to one of more than 45,000 different Christian cults, sects, groups or denominations scoffing, discrediting and condemning each other. How do you deduce that you have the right way?>> <<@oreally8605 says : Christian schools or homeschooling only.>> <<@mattr.1887 says : When Jews reject Jesus, but revere and follow their own scriptures, do they have a biblical worldview?>> <<@ChildofGod98765 says : Lord Jesus please give me strength. I seem to bear the weight of the world on my shoulders as a single mom, I often face challenges that can seem insurmountable especially with raising two children with special needs. I’m trying to balance everything but Lord I’m struggling to make ends meet, to pay bills, and to put food on the table for my children. Jesus hear my prayers and please continue to give me strength.>> <<@itsJPhere says : You should teach kids how to figure out what is true and what is false. Then let them make up their own mind instead of force-feeding them your version of Christianity.>> <<@brosebrose4154 says : May Jesus Christ the Son of God guide all non Christians to Christianity.>> <<@marksnow7569 says : 1:20 In case anybody's wondering, here's a definition from the survey website: _"Barna defines “biblical worldview” as believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today."_>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CrossExamined>> <<@Moist._Robot says : 1. Overconfidence. 2. Liar. 3. Doesn’t answer the question.>> <<@paulalexander1567 says : Thanks for information. I believe the overriding quality of a great teacher, which guides the three qualities identified, is having an active, living relationship with God through Jesus Christ. This is what Jesus was pointing at when he chided Nicodemus for not being spiritually discerning of the ingredients necessary for being truly connected to the living God.>> <<@michaelstrauss6587 says : Be close to the Lord Jesus and let His Holy Spirit guide you and teach you.>> <<@indigofenrir7236 says : Summary: Find a teacher who (1) knows a lot of the correct stuff like Jesus, (2) is a decent human being like Jesus, and (3) is selfless enough to serve others like Jesus. Find a teacher who radiates Jesus both in mind and manner.>> <<@nothingbutthetruth613 says : What an egotistical idea! The student can't be greater than the teacher? Why not? Every teacher hopefully wants his student to be better than him. If he doesn't, he has some major self esteem issues. It sounds like Jesus was insecure about himself so he refused to accept anyone to dare become greater than him. That is pretty sad!>> <<@lwar9914 says : Enjoyed listening! Thank you.>> <<@ciprianobersamina3641 says : thank you for this>> <<@ThroneofDavid8 says : Nicodemus eventually became a follower of Christ, didn't he?>> <<@jamesw4250 says : 3 things to look for in a teahcer. 1. Do they teach the truth. 2 do they ignore the truth for fantasy. 3 do they follow the curriculum. This is why christians shouldnt be teachers. They continueslly try to inject their beliefs into the classroom where it doesnt belong.>> <<@ryanrockstarsessom768 says : Thank you>>