<<@CrossExamined says : FREE Download of sermon I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!: 👉📱https://cutt.ly/cInI1eo>> <<@MrFossil367ab45gfyth says : I have faith and it occurs a lot due to things I read online from comments to forums. I also negatively talk to myself based on things I read.>> <<@MichaelWillOnline says : People look at doubt as a bad thing, we are naturally curious creatures by design. Doubting is and should be part of seeking understanding and truth, anyone who tells you not to question or pursue answers to your doubts is disingenuous. If something is true then no amount of questioning will disprove it, in fact the more questions you ask and answer the closer to truth you would get. The interesting part is that both sides, believers and non-believers , fall into the cycle of simply finding an answer they like but isn't really founded on anything and invariably they are taking what they believe through a step of faith. There is also a difference in asking question in good faith where a party is genuinely seeking understanding and answers vs someone who is just trying to win points or feel superior. The latter is is essentially worthless and a waste of everyones time.>> <<@priscilathebeloved says : Please think about using headlines as I am going through Christ Examined videos to look for an answer for someone.>> <<@canadiankewldude says : Psalm 51>> <<@logicalatheist1065 says : You need evidence...>> <<@MartyMcFly1085 says : If there is doubt, that is a good thing, have the courage to follow the evidence wherever it really leads using logic and a falsifiable hypothesis, the amount of cognitive bias present when seeking to CONFIRM a preconceived conclusion is staggering. I find it ironic how many Christians I’ve met blast the concept of moral therapeutic deism because it “isn’t truth, it just makes you feel good”… and right afterward claim to know Jesus because they “felt the Holy Spirit in church”. I’ll ask if they think anything else could explain it, and I get a confused look.>> <<@bartleon says : Jesus: John 14: 21 He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” 22 Judas (not Iscariot) *said to Him, “Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?” 23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me. Acts 5: 32 And we are witnesses [a]of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him.”>> <<@ani_cir says : I've learned that I cannot trust everything i think or feel>> <<@hhh-et2vi says : And when doubts get you OUT celebrate because you're doing it right!>> <<@Xiy114 says : Im glad that God knows me better than i know myself. And understands where im coming from. Also God is faithful when im fairhless. With God all the hings are yah, and amen.>> <<@Mancheel says : nice>> <<@nothingbutthetruth613 says : There's actually one practical way to help doubters. It's very simple. Give them a reason to believe in Christianity and some sort of evidence to back it up and stop expecting them to believe in this with nothing but blind faith. I assure you that will cure any issues with doubt>> <<@pragmaticoptimist46 says : Great content, but why is the video so jumpy and jittery?>> <<@hansdemos6510 says : Doubt is not bad in and of itself and Dr. Conway's attempt to make it seem as if it is or is linked to a psychological disorder is really quite loathsome.>> <<@hansdemos6510 says : Dr. Conway says at 1:05 into the video: _"Doubt doesn't discriminate. It is not a Christian problem; it's a human problem. And in the absence of certainty, the question remains which worldview best closes the doubt gap."_ I would like to congratulate Dr. Conway on his candor. Many apologists pretend that there is certainty in their beliefs, but he doesn't. That takes courage to admit Unfortunately for him, the worldview that handles doubt the best, is of course an evidence-based worldview, and not any of the faith-based worldviews he seems to be arguing against.>> <<@orcagog369 says : Anybody else thought this was Johnny Knoxville when it first popped up?>> <<@NewCreationInChrist896 says : Repent the Kingdom is near. Romans 10:9-13 1 John 1:9>> <<@lawrenceeason8007 says : 1. God designs the nature of doubt in man 2. Doubt fuels disbelief 3. God condemns disbelief 4. God is malevolent>> <<@Yipper64 says : I have very few doubts. I mean, I have questions. If some people are mentally impaired in such a way they couldnt understand the gospel how is that fair? If they are an exception then why isnt everyone? I generally understand that in hell people do still sin, which is why it is eternal, but why are they no longer allowed to receive the gift of grace? They just made their choice at that point? why cant I just pray away some of my sin issues? Why does my "sinful" will trump the will I wish to have? I could go on. I simply must have faith. You know Mark 9:24. I know God is a just and righteous God, and I cannot know exactly how that works. 4:23 this is definitely something of my personality, I do often have a strong desire for certainty. And yet, I dont get it a lot. Over time ive kind of gone the opposite way, like, ok. I can wait for certainty, or I can just *go.* I should just go.>> <<@larzman651 says : For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌>> <<@jamesw4250 says : When in doubt seek reality not fantasy. This is why no one should take Christianity seriously. Nothing true about it.>> <<@ericwantsbbd says : When in doubt, ask questions! And when you get continually get crappy answers from apologetic adjacent folks, you can grow beyond Christianity. Christianity doesn’t make sense. It’s riddled with contradictions and doubt is good! Happy to share more as needed>> <<@incredulouspasta3304 says : 8. Consider the possibility that their doubts might be warranted. As you said, we can't be certain about anything. That includes Christianity.>> <<@oscargr_ says : 7 ways... going on YouTube isn't one of them.>> <<@leonlsan5093 says : Ecclesiastes 9: 5"For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.The living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are they remembered." Rom. 2:16 " “In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel”. Apostle Paul's evangel or "gospel" is the Grace of God, that is what God uses to Judge all and not the law for the law was given specifically to the Jews and not the whole world and yet you Christians have applied that to the whole world. Even if the whole of Creation was put under the law, so What! Christ Jesus Has fulfilled the law and accomplished all things regarding what the law demanded for us all, if so than all are judge according to The Grace Of God and not the law and so no one is getting damned for eternality nor eternal separation from God, but every Wrong committed is made Right by God. “THE GOSPEL” Is a DECLARATION of good news… it’s not an “offer” — it’s a declaration. It’s not a “warning”. It’s not deal-making. It is the GOOD NEWS of what was accomplished by Christ’s work on the cross. 74 VERSES THAT SHOW GOD IS THE SAVIOR OF ALL 1) I Tim 4:10- God is the Savior of all mankind, especially of believers. 2) Eph 1:10- All to be gathered in Christ at the fullness of times. 3) Col 1:20- All to be reconciled by the blood of the cross. 4) Rom 5:18- All condemned in Adam, all justified in Christ. 5) Rom 11:32- All locked up in stubbornness that God may be merciful to all. 6) I Cor 15:22- As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive. 7) I Tim 2:6- Salvation of ALL testified to in due time. 8) I Tim 2:4- God wills all to be saved and come to a knowledge of truth. 9) Eph 1:11- God works all after the council of His will. 10) John 12:47- Jesus came to save ALL. 11) John 4:42- Jesus is Saviour of the WORLD. 12) I John 4:14- Jesus is Saviour of the WORLD. 13) John 12:32- Jesus draws all to himself. 14) Heb 7:25- Jesus is able to save to the uttermost. 15) Col 1:15- Jesus is firstborn of ALL creation. 16) Col 1:16- By Him ALL things were created. 17) I Cor 15:26- Death (the wages of sin) the last enemy destroyed. 18) Phil 2:9-11- Every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord. 19) I Cor 12:3- Cannot confess except by Holy Spirit. 20) Roms. 11:26- All Israel shall be saved. 21) Acts 3:20-21- Restitution of all. 22) Luke 2:10- Jesus will be joy to ALL people. 23) Eph 2:7- His grace displayed in ages to come. 24) Heb 8:11-12- All will know God. 25) Titus 2:11- Grace has appeared to all. 26) Rom 8: 19-21- Creation to be set at liberty 27) I Cor 4:5- All will have praise from God. 28) James 5:11- End of the Lord is full of mercy. 29) Rev 15:4- All nations worship when judgments are seen. 30) II Cor 5:17- New creation in Christ. 31) Rom 11:36- All out of God, thru and into Him. 32) Eph 4:10- Jesus will fill ALL things. 33) Rev 5:13- All creation seen praising God. 34) Rev 21: 4-5- No more tears, all things made new. 35) Jn 5:25- All dead who hear will live. 36) Jn 5:28- All in the grave will hear & come forth. 37) I Cor 3:15- All saved, so as by fire. 38) Mark 9:49- Everyone shall be salted by fire. 39) Rom 11:15- Reconciliation of the world. 40) II Cor 5:15- Jesus died for all. 41) John 8:29- He always does what pleases his Father 42) Heb 1:2- He is heir of all things. 43) John 3:35- All have been given into his hand. 44) John 17:2- Jesus will give eternal life to all who His Father give to him. 45) John 13:3- The Father gave Him all things. 46) Isaiah 46:10- God will do all his pleasure. 47) Dan 4:35- God’s will done in heaven and earth. 48) Prv 16:9- Man devises, God direct his steps. 49) Prv 19:21- Man devises But God’s counsel stands. 50) Ps 33:15- God fashions all hearts. 51) Deut 32:39- God kills and makes alive. 52) Ps 90:3- God turns man to destruction, then says return. 53) Lam 3:31-32- God will not cast off Bruce, Pixie and Ace forever. 54) Isa 2:2- All nations shall flow to the Lord’s house. 55) Gen 18:18- All families of earth will be blessed. 56) Isa 45:23- All descendants of Israel justified. 57) Ps. 138:4- All kings will praise God. 58) Ps 72:18- God only does wondrous things. 59) Ps 86:9 All nations will worship God. 60) Ps 65:2-4- All flesh will come to God. 61) Ps 66:3-4- Enemies will submit to God. 62) Isa 19: 14-25- Egypt & Assyra will be restored. 63) Ezk 16:55- Sodom will be restored. 65) Ps 22:25-29- All will turn to the Lord and all families will worship before Him. 66) Ps 145:9-10- He is good to all and merciful to all His work. 67) Ps 145:14- God raises all who fall. 68) Ps 145:16- God satisfied the desire of the living. 69) Ps 145:10- All God’s will praise Him. 70) Isa 25:6- Lord makes a feast for all people. 71) Isa 25:7- Will destroy the vail that is spread over all the nations. 72) Isa 25:8- His will swallow up death in Victory. 73) Jer 32:35- Never entered His mind to burn people in fire. 74) Ps 135:6- God does what pleases Him. 75) Eph 4:6 - God is the Father of all, over all, through all and in all. 76 ) Ps 139:8 — IF I MAKE MY BED IN HELL, GOD IS THERE WITH ME>> <<@gi169 says : Thanks Bobby and CE team, God bless you all.>> <<@anguschiggins2161 says : "Which worldview best closes the doubt gap?". Certainly isn't the religion with talking snakes. I hope this guy works through this. Clearly he is trying to talk himself out of the reality that he has arrived at. The reality that the supernatural isn't real, that snakes don't talk and that women didn't come from the rib of a man.>> <<@thiagoulart says : Why do you sound like Redeemed Zoomer but older?>> <<@SGOV86 says : I am very thankful for this channel.>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : I'll be tempted to doubt God when the world ceases to call good what He calls evil and stops persecuting Israel, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. They're too busy proving God right for Him to be wrong.>> <<@michaelnance5236 says : "When our skepticism causes us to be skeptical of truth, then we should be skeptical of our skepticism.". How do we differentiate between what is truth and what we only believe to be true but are skeptical of?>> <<@friisteching3433 says : "When our scepticism courses us to be sceptical of truth" I find this quite telling. When the truth does not point to God, why pretend that it does? Why make up excuses for the shortcomings of evidence?>> <<@chrisazure1624 says : My doubt were related to my childhood trauma. I needed to feel God at all times because of the emotional neglect I received as a child. It is very important to understand such contributors to doubt.>> <<@DanielApologetics says : Well done, Bobby!>> <<@dana5791 says : Well said!>> <<@AENDT says : How to feel doubt about a not existing Mr. G?>> <<@bluerouter4182 says : I ask for prayer I've dealt with doubt(def the religious OCD doubt) and unbelief it seems for a long time, and I am a Christian and a believer. I've heard God say I am His child and washed but my mind still finds ways to doubt it was him or to doubt him entirely. I'm not throwing God away after here those amazing words, I just want the comfort of his presence, I just ask for prayer>> <<@jeffphelps1355 says : If you doubt just turn on the news and see the sad state affairs the world is in>> <<@indigofenrir7236 says : “When in doubt, pray it out.”>>