<<@CrossExamined says : Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/3x1vOO6>> <<@The-F.R.E.E.-J. says : I don't get how Dinesh can say "we're not there yet" when he himself served time IN PRISON due to Chancellor Obama's actions against him, and that was years ago. There are so many "nobodies" who are, RIGHT NOW, rotting in jail and/or being persecuted by the Nazi state, it's incalculable.>> <<@gingercake0907 says : If America goes full theocracy oh yeah it will become a police state because all you would have to do to be arrested is not be Christian. And it won’t be better for some Christians if they don’t belong to the ruling Christian denomination. We can’t go any theocracy route in America and this still be a Democratic Republic.>> <<@don-ek3ud says : We can thank the posse comitatus for this>> <<@michaelharrison7072 says : when they let over 11 million invaders into country yes we're going to have to become even more of police state .>> <<@armyguy4124 says : Our enemies are all around us in this world. But our victory is secure in The Blood of Jesus. The battle is over. But we still have to contend with skirmishes ✝️>> <<@89playstation65 says : I am all of those things listed....but I am not going to advertise it out loud. I'm just going to blend in. And be harder to find than Jason Bourne.>> <<@sotl97 says : Disband the FBI and recreate the right way. The FBI is nothing more than a political hit squad for the tyrants behind our government.>> <<@psalms6539 says : Stop it. Yes those are concerns. But if you go to school board and threaten them. Then you are. Use the power of V2. Your voice and vote to make a change. Stop threatening people just because you don’t get your way. Jesus never forced anyone to believe in him. As you say. He loves you too much to force you into a relationship>> <<@markferrer3640 says : Why interview a convicted felon? Nothing to do with Christian apologetics and this man is not worth imitating.>> <<@hansdemos6510 says : Just so we are clear on this: in 2014, Dinesh D'Souza pled guilty to violating the federal election campaign law by making illegal contributions to a United States Senate campaign in the names of others. From the FBI website: _"In 2012, the Election Act limited campaign contributions to $5,000 from any individual to any one candidate. In March 2012, D’Souza contributed $10,000 to the Senate campaign of Wendy Long on behalf of himself and his wife, agreeing in writing to attribute that contribution as $5,000 from his wife and $5,000 from him. In August 2012, D’Souza directed other individuals with whom he was associated, namely his assistant and a woman with whom he was romantically involved (the straw donors), to make contributions to Wendy Long’s campaign for the United States Senate (the Long campaign) on behalf of themselves and their spouses that totaled $20,000 with the promise that he would reimburse them for the contributions. Later that same day or the next day, D’Souza, as promised, reimbursed the straw donors $10,000 each in cash for the contributions. When confronted by Ms. Long, D’Souza initially misled the candidate before admitting what he had done."_>> <<@MrGuzmanra says : Maybe ur guilty.>> <<@teamxcelap2 says : I guess he's done serving his sentence? 😂>> <<@bookieslife says : Being conservative or liberal does not define you as right or wrong, faithful or not faithful, good or bad. There are both right and wrong ideas on both sides. I am conservative. Do I want a police state? No. However, if you take out the police, what then is keeping our society in check? Something always has to step into place, and there are far worse things than the police that could be here right now. I agree police aren’t the best, but until you give a better idea for what should replace the police, I will not defund them.>> <<@user-br3ou2cs9o says : 🎶"Wooah We're half way there.. Woah-oh Livin' on a prayer"🎶 Dinesh D'Souza>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : When God is not the God of a country, the government is. History has proven they make terrible deities.>> <<@waynehawkins8934 says : The best thing would be to outlaw religion. It has destroyed humanity. It’s the worst invention man has ever made and will cause the extinction of humanity>> <<@glitchyrhythm6749 says : Been trying to tell conservatives they should be concerned about backing up the cops. If Covid taught me anything, it’s that they’re not necessarily on our side>> <<@anguschiggins2161 says : You don't get to harass the LGBTQ community and try to push your religion in our schools before the rest of us stand up and say no. Get your religion out of our faces. We don't believe in your sky ghost.>> <<@XDRONIN says : A film by Dinesh D'Souza? IF you buy that source of "Credibility", I have a Nigerian Prince friend of mine I like you to meet>> <<@georgeemenyeonu1511 says : Get them out of government.>> <<@pathfinderairborne920 says : No! It's the engineers and designers saying, yeah, it'll work, but we need to put the full key pin, so that it will last for years. The bean counters and upper management then says, no, we want it to fail, so we can sell more motors and repairs.>> <<@dorothysantos8929 says : Fyi All Dinesh D’Souza films have ALL been on point! Definitely, it’s a must to watch ALL if you can find or purchase them!>> <<@joshuaramos9369 says : When they make the jail system like a business what do you expect when profit is involved>> <<@jeffphelps1355 says : The progressives have the same attitude towards Christians as the Nazi did towards the jews>> <<@obokengm788 says : America has always been a police state>> <<@lawrenceeason8007 says : If you are concerned about diversity. If you are concerned about tolerance for others. If you are concerned about freedom…you might be a fundamentalist Christian>> <<@oshea2300 says : Christians need to study the Baptists and how they brought Liberty to America... Not the Protestants.. but the Baptist.>> <<@Geeeeee23 says : That’s the Dems for you!>> <<@joostvanrens says : Defund the police>> <<@Gek1177 says : Anyone who think America is becoming a police state is made out of cotton candy.>> <<@jonathanturek5846 says : This Turek is a blue collar Sunday church work hard n lead by example and stay strong I don't worry about the about much and tell the evil ones to bring it im ready>> <<@j7odnorof777 says : Alex Jones has talked about this over 20 years now. End times indeed. Continue to pray and boldly share the gospel with love and respect 🙏>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CE. Lord Jesus thy kingdom come.>> <<@supersilverhazeroker says : with trumps support of civil asset forfeiture and total police immunity it's becoming worse and worse.>> <<@DM-dk7js says : Oh look a convicted felon.>> <<@tbrule.4877 says : I don't know if you will see this Frank but thank you for your videos. Your intelligence about Jesus and the Bible is overwhelming. I enjoy your videos especially when you defend Jesus. God Bless you and what you do.>> <<@theyellowshoe says : I read an article saying that anyone who bought a KJV Bible is now on the FBI watch list! 🙄>> <<@Dichotomous_The_Dog says : What’s also pretty disturbing is I just had to report 2 bot commenters in this comment section (they had pornographic profile pictures). The only rational explanation I can think of why they were sent here is because pornography was mentioned in the video, and perhaps the Y-TUBE AI bridged the gap? I hope to count it as joy when tempted someday soon, as it works patience through the trying of faith, but as of right now It only infuriates me. Godspeed brothers and sisters, stay sober and vigilant.>> <<@TheContrarian32 says : I think one’s perception of whether or not were in a police state is contingent upon which state you reside. It certainly is not a police state where I live, nor the state I lived in prior. Of course, one should define what constitutes a police state>> <<@mricci571 says : We're under a communist takeover>> <<@livewireOrourke says : So, they let illegals flood in the country like cops to a Dunkin Donuts....and yet they're worried about us??!>> <<@jamesw4250 says : Yes it is. And it is getting pushed by christians. Lol XD you guys are getting exactly what you wanted.>> <<@chloemartel9927 says : Oh we already are a police state. Please hurry back Jesus.>> <<@kingjamoose says : Boomers falling for right wing propaganda, the musical>>