<<@RB-kr1ww says : I never cease to be amazed what you can train people to believe.>> <<@nihilmiror6312 says : Rubbish! πŸ€¨πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ‘ŽπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ¦˜>> <<@Vincentorix says : Most religions have got it wrong. The earth is not a court room. It is a classroom for us. We are put in this earth to learn not be judged.>> <<@janmariemcvay8719 says : Amen πŸ™ ❀>> <<@alvaroorozco7895 says : Amen πŸ™, God bless Elder Wilson. I have prayed for him to reelected one more time.>> <<@kensmith1522 says : September 23 or October 22? New Moon or full moon? Did you ever figure it out?>> <<@pazpiape484 says : Amen.Thy will be done...Amen.>> <<@emeegraceebron8383 says : πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™>> <<@RuthMoralesMaraon says : Amen!>> <<@phillipbear7630 says : Please keep praying for the Bear Boys and Girls..>> <<@mauricerose3082 says : "All idolatry is devil-worship. "The things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils." 1Cor.10:20. There is no middle ground. Christ says, "He that is not with Me is against Me." Matt.12:30. That is, disobedience, rejection of the Lord, is the spirit of antichrist." The Glad Tidings>> <<@mauricerose3082 says : "The story is told of a man whose besetting sin was a violent temper. He would frequently become very angry, but he laid all the blame upon the people with whom he lived, who were so exasperating. Nobody, he declared, could do right among such people. So he resolved, as many others have done, to "leave the world," and become a hermit. He chose a cave in the forest for his dwelling-place, far from any other human habitation. In the morning he took his jug to a spring near by to get water for his morning meal. The rock was moss-grown, and the continual flow of water had made it very slippery. As he set his jug down under the stream, it slid away. He put it back, and again it was driven away. Two or three times was this repeated, and each time the replacing of the jug was done with increasing energy. Finally the hermit's patience was utterly exhausted, and exclaiming, "I'll see if you'll not stay!" he picked the vessel up and set it down with such vehemence that it was broken to pieces. There was nobody to blame but himself, and he had the good sense to see that it was not the world around him but the world inside of him that made him sin. Doubtless very many can recognize some experience of their own in this little story. Luther, in his monk's cell, whither he had gone to escape from the world, found his sins more grievous than ever. Wherever we go, we carry the world with us; we have it in our hearts and on our backs,--a heavy, crushing load. We find that when we would do good, "evil is present" with us. Rom.7:21. It is present, always, "this present evil world," until, goaded to despair, we cry out, "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from this body of death?" Even Christ found His greatest temptations in the desert, far away from human habitations. All these things teach us that hermits and monks are not in God's plan. God's people are the salt of the earth; and salt, no matter how good it is, is of no use if shut up in a box; it must be mingled with that which is to be preserved." The Glad Tidings – E.J Waggoner, Ch. "This Present Evil World.">> <<@슀미슀-d2u says : β›ͺ️β›ͺ️β›ͺ️β›ͺ️β›ͺ️β›ͺ️β›ͺ️β›ͺ️β›ͺ️>> <<@mauricerose3082 says : "Let both grow together until the Harvest: and in the Time of Harvest I will say to the Reapers, Gather ye together first the Tares, and bind them in Bundles to burn them: but gather the Wheat into My barn." Matthew 13:30 KJB>> <<@mauricerose3082 says : "Let both grow together until the Harvest: and in the time of Harvest I will say to the Reapers, Gather ye together first the Tares, and bind them in Bundles to burn them: but gather the Wheat into My barn." Matthew 13:30 KJB>> <<@SolaScriptura21 says : This is what happens when you hold to apocryphal writings as inspired alongside the bible>>