<<@robertramsey653 says : I really really like Frank Turek, and i think he does a wonderful job with apologetics, but i certainly disagree with him on this. The BIBLE says evening, morning number day, like telling us its a normal 24 hr day. The atheists dont need any of our help against us. And unfortunately there are more than a few apologists that go along with the long ages. I also believe that JESUS said "from the begining of creation GOD created them male and female. The begining is the begining, not the second begining. I dont know how these brilliant people miss this stuff.>> <<@Glory2God- says : If you run with an old earth, you will find yourself trying to explain some very difficult things in scripture.>> <<@marcomclaurin6713 says : If you consider electrical process in creation the science makes sense I'll demonstrate in my video 'Begining of understanding '>> <<@rudysimoens570 says : That's what ALL the religious people do as soon as their are problematic statements in their so-called holy books! At first they try to disregard, massage and reinterpretate the problematic statements. Then they say that they were taken out of context, that it is a bad translation ( especially the muslims), that you have to read it with an "open heart", or that you don't have enough knowledge. If that no longer works then they that it was meant in a metaphorical way or if even that is no longer an option then they say that it was a miracle! The problem with that is that those old scriptures were written by totally ignorant peasants who knew nothing about the real natural world. They took over the "scientific" knowledge and the disgusting and discriminating morals of their patriarchal community of their time because they didn't know better! Anyway, science and especially evolution have already debunked the crux of christianity and all the other religions I know of AGES ago! There never was a first man and a first woman and so the concept of the "original sin" is utter nonsense! The coming into existence of the species of great apes called the Homosapiens was a GRADUAL event that took millions of years! So, we are not "born in sin ", we don't have to be "saved" from anything, there is no afterlife, hell, heaven, soul, etc! It's about time to grow up and to leave all that supernatural nonsense of ANY religion and all those bronze age myths behind and to deal with the REAL NATURAL WORLD!>> <<@don-ek3ud says : If a person understands the 3 earth age they have a good foundation for understang God's plans>> <<@Mike-19940 says : Creation was 7 literal human days. God makes that plain when he says and the evening and morning were the first, second, third day etc, that details a 24hr cycle. God's calendar is a thousand years is like a day to him, but to man a thousand years is a thousand years. God doesn't age and always existed, so a long period of time is close to equivalent to a day to us>> <<@lovesickforone says : All those arguments end with the verse that death doesn't enter until the fall of man. If you're teaching evolution before the fall... you aren't disagreeing with man; You are disagreeing with God. Christians can choose to believe whatever but it doesn't change the Bible.>> <<@MrV1776 says : If Gods 7th Sabbath, established at creation, can be changed/ignored by the Church its no wonder so many christians change/ignore the rest of the creation story.>> <<@Christreforms says : ”God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.“ ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬ ‭ ”God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.“ ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭ Etc….>> <<@Paulthored says : I think that there's nothing preventing it to be both. In that sense that, time may not have passed for effectively Billions of years... But that the universe is effectively billions of years old, because it was created as a universe billions of years old... With this happening less than a _(billion/million/100K/etc)_ years ago. My firm belief, is that evolution regardless of truth, would not have any effect that God as described in the Bible, would have trouble with in regards to the biblical narrative of Creation. The only real thing that makes me willing to consider the Bible's Narrative on time elapses from Creation to now... is largely due to Human artifacts.>> <<@janicebooy1007 says : Disagree with Frank. Answers In Genesis explains it better. I think this whole discussion only came up because of evolution being pushed on people. I still believe what's written in the Bible without having to come up with something to pacify those who dont.>> <<@ike780 says : Still, I'd answer is old claim by pointing out that we have layers of earth claimed to represent millions of years of erosion. One tree truck not even dated one millon years going up through all these layers. The earth does not look old.>> <<@ike780 says : Discernimg secondary issues from primariy ones is key. All issues are secondary to the truth of Christ. No one will be turned away from God for belief in how old or new his creation is.>> <<@micahwatz1148 says : Genesis 1-3 is more of a temple dedication passage aimed at attacking paganism than it is a modern scientific document.>> <<@lundyjw says : What would be the point for God to use "billions of years" to create his creation? Is God going to use "billions of years" to create His new earth?>> <<@mikethefilcan says : Old earth, young earth...The real question is if this is a flat earth!>> <<@DOMINIONFOREVER7 says : God creates man, not a baby boy. God creates an earth. The Bible doesn’t say what age the earth was that God creates.>> <<@Some_One_One says : God CLEARLY defined the length of one day as a passing of light & darkness so we DO INDEED know the length of the 7th day.>> <<@paulrock4816 says : I know the earth is at least 72 years old.>> <<@LifeasaGift says : Seeing how particular and precise God is throughout the book of Genesis about numbers, years, names and everything else, I just don't understand how someone like Frank can dismiss the first chapter as an alegory.>> <<@parkerreno974 says : The rotation of the earth and the corralation of the visibility of the sun is what brought man to track time in 24 hour durations which we call days. Maybe we should draw away our presuppositions of days and instead understand that the sun wasn't created until the 4th day so how could God who isn't man go off a 24 hour day which is from man as well how could God go off of a 24 hour day, if the sun wasnt created until the 4th day?>> <<@duttydiesel8303 says : My brother legitimately got mad at me for suggesting this... Verbatim, he said - if you don't believe the first bit of the Bible why would you believe the rest. 🤦‍♂️>> <<@ame5445 says : The one thing I disagree on>> <<@spyrosstivactas2300 says : Not exactly. God “rested” on the 7th day, meaning God “ceased doing” on the 7th day - in the Hebrew. He ceased doing creation! God did not stop working altogether, as Jesus points out! ☦️🙏💕>> <<@000FireRainHavoc000 says : You can get a average estimate by calculating the age of the prophets of how old they were when they died. So around 6,000 years.>> <<@doublethebenjamin8185 says : For everyone saying that creation in genesis has to be literal, tell me how it can say that there was morning and night on each day before God created the sun.>> <<@EPHESIANS_5..11__Lady says : Frank, you sounded like the one who asked Eve, "Did God really say ...?" in Genesis 3. Look what happened after she got influenced by him instead of taking God at His Word 👉 THE FALL OF MANKIND.>> <<@DruPetty42 says : The bible doesn't explicitly state a young or old universe and earth.>> <<@hyper-lethal-sigma3 says : Time is only a way of judging our distances>> <<@arcguardian says : I disagree with his interpretation but love the fact he didn't sit on the fence or dance around the answer/question.>> <<@justinharris6486 says : In Exodus 20 God wrote in stone that in 6 days He created the heavens and all that is in it. God cared to tell us how long it took Him to create everything, so we should care. The question is do you need a guru to understand the scriptures or did God write it plain for us to understand. The reason this is an important topic to get right is most people reading Genesis are not going to come to the conclusion that there is millions let alone billions of years discussed in the text. If you can't believe Genesis why believe the Gospels. The old earth hypothesis is what evolutionists use to draw our children away from God so I believe this topic is a very big deal.>> <<@kingban1613 says : Frank should have a discussion on this with Answers in Genesis.>> <<@cake6420 says : the earth and universe are aboy 6,000-7,000 years old, just like God made man old and able to reproduce he made the Earth and Universe like that as well, and it does matter and you should care, because if christians don't believe the same thing on issues then it's easier for atheists and there arguments to look good.>> <<@jcenterprisesjc says : Thats an interesting concept. I do like it. Wow may have re-changed my mind lol>> <<@cobyb89 says : What translation of hebrews are you reading Frank? We are not in God's rest. Is the world free from crime, hatred and evil? We all know the answer to that.>> <<@HoseaCuervo says : A disappointing answer from Frank. I think the only way you can read the Bible and take away from it that the 7 days aren’t 7 literal days is if you start with the premise that the earth is old and try to fit that back into the text.>> <<@ZacharyAlexanderP says : God created Eve on the 8th day.>> <<@ogslowdragon says : Keep reading. KJV only. "And the evening and the morning were The First Day" "in 6 days the Lord made the heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is." On the 7th day he rested. That's pretty clear unless you wanna play with words. And you can shrink all that evidence down to less than 6000 years bringing relativity into the equation.>> <<@richardkeeten3933 says : I disagree with his answer, and it does matter! The evidence is the earth is young.>> <<@JiraiyaSama86 says : The age of the Earth may matter a lot to certain individuals and may be the key to them opening the door. Especially atheists who hold a strong view of evolution as the history of the Earth. They see that it's not compatible with Genesis. For those individuals, as long as they believe that evolution is the history, they won't walk through that door.>> <<@buddy_132 says : Frank is an example of ‘Don’t trust men. Trust God alone.’ Despite his knowledge, Frank can say some ridiculous things>> <<@resistdespots4911 says : The Bible does say the God views a day as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. The way time passes for him is different than it is for us. So, when Genesis says God created the universe in days, it could be years, millennia or eons. We don’t really know other than at different times God created different aspects of the universe.>> <<@shamarijschool4770 says : I disagree on this one... Jesus refers to "in the beginning" when asked about a man devorce his wife.>> <<@bmarley43 says : Fully disagree. It’s written for readers. Therefore it’s spoken for us to understand as we understand>> <<@walterdebnam8021 says : You should listen to Barry Setterfield and Chuck Missler and the many many others that have shown the young earth is viable. And we make the mistake of judging everything Post the Fall. After everything in the universe changed. It's about the change in entropy!!!>> <<@jasonthomspon7829 says : I like the little meme video where the guy is talking to himself as an athiest and a Christian and he explains to his athiest self that God created Adam and Eve as already full grown adults right? Why couldn't God have created the Earth to look billions of years old?>> <<@thomasb4467 says : To say “God is still resting” is ridiculous. Was God resting when He saved the world on the cross? Or leading the Israelites out of Egypt? Is He resting as he holds the fabric of this universe together?>> <<@Zebhammer says : Christian apologists are consistently logical in most matters except when it comes to Biblical Creation. The Bible clearly teaches 6 days. Read Exodus 20 Frank... We work 6 days and rest on the 7th.. why? Because God did. Compromised and the non-Christians know it. And the evidence for an old universe is zip. Even the James Webb telescope is contradicting every prediction of naturalistic cosmology. Soft tissues in supposedly 65 million year old dinosaur fossils.. sure. Examine the evidence Frank. Better still, believe the Word of God and then see where the evidence leads. No one is perfect I guess.>> <<@larzman651 says : Truth is nobody knows otherwise this debate wouldnt happen , so i appreciate franks stance as it doesn't matter. What matters is spreading GODS word For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌>> <<@Lukandon says : Probably the one thing I'll disagree with Frank on. This is just semantics and means nothing.>>