<<@CrossExamined says : Download FREE Cheat Sheet “The 4-Point Case For Christianity” 👉📱https://cutt.ly/ZYMC4nl>> <<@goomgoom5504 says : This is the best explanation of this issue I ever heard.>> <<@rumahpraise says : Wow... I really agree with the point in this video. Thanks for the encouraging and biblical message. I also believe that every Christians should flee from those kinda stuff. But unfortunately, this video shows glimpses of innapropriate videos. If Christians shouldn't watch those things, then why does this video shown glimpse of those. I really hope that this kinda issues could be fixed in the future videos. May God bless us all 🙂🙏>> <<@shelbyeckhoff3633 says : Great video, and I thoroughly appreciate it. But, I do have this against it, the ending video clips are not necessary. Frank is talking about how soft porn is everywhere and you can't escape it. Then, it is included at the end of the video...>> <<@justinjustin4605 says : Why are you adding the stuff into the video which is the very thing the verse condemns? 2:15>> <<@canadiankewldude says : *_Psa 51:1_* *_To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions._* *_KJB_*>> <<@shadowspector3611 says : The video did not need examples of sexual immorality. We all get the picture and including those will only make believers more likely to fall to it.>> <<@AakashForStudies says : Hello my name is Aakash and I am 25 years old , here I practice to avoid lustful attraction, you can use it if you find useful i.e 1) Use kiwi browser in your mobile 2)Use ad blocker such as unlock extension in that browser, don't fall into this trap that "yt or social media only suggested videos according to your interest, I am CS student I know reality is way beyond. 3) Use unhook in that browser to turn off the you tube pages and other recommendation system. 4) v.v.v. imp treat your gadgets as "Electronic Pet" use it for specify purpose otherwise you will fall into social media algorithms.. At End Our body doesn't understand what is right or wrong, but Our Souls understand, So thank you if you read my comment.>> <<@sgabig says : FYI I subscribed to this channel because it was cited as a resource recommendation from Alisa Childers 's book: "Another Gospel?">> <<@logicalatheist1065 says : Biblical sin is meaningless>> <<@michaelchalfin1321 says : I've been watching cross examined for years now. For the last 6 months or so I've been commenting on every video asking to please stop with the AI generated edits. I've seen many comments asking the same. Now the human editor intentionally adds something like the end of this video? Love Frank, but his social media team severely lacks discernment. There have been no changes since I've been commenting, so I'll have to stop following this channel, it's not for me anymore.>> <<@raymoss706 says : Hold on... I am not an envious, or greedy, or prideful, and i am very much chill, but I can't do without sloth, gluttony, and lust. Funny thing about lust, it is innate in just about every human, it's coded into our DNA... so this god of yours creates you with this innate primal urge, then punishes you for exercising it.>> <<@davida.2947 says : I’ve really been trying to be open minded and not negative but can we all finally admit that Kathleen Kennedy is a train wreck who has been crashing through Star Wars for years leaving carnage and bloody destruction in her wake? I’m just done with her and nearly done with Star Wars. The only hope is Dave and John. I feel like making a hologram and sending it to them “Help us Dave and John, you’re our only hope”>> <<@jmvioli says : I agree with this wholeheartedly, but why would you flash scenes of the very subject you are speaking against and that entices so many?! Not a wise decision.>> <<@zacharyh.4892 says : Corinth definitely wasn't any worse than modern Vegas, take it from someone who used to live there.>> <<@onestride-vw1js says : No matter what your opinion is, no matter what your reasoning or what you going to do just to justify yourself it doesn't affect God. You can't add up to Him, you can't take away from Him. We follow God because it is for our own benefits. God offers us salvation not because we trigger it but because it is the Will of God because He choose to. Whether you follow Jesus Christ or be against Him it doesn't affect God. The Word of God will still be fulfilled whether you are here or not. -- The Holy Spirit speaking to us thru Frank Turek>> <<@kinggenius930 says : The world is crazy. For example, countless schools currently carry a book featuring a section where two daughters get their father drunk and then have their way with him. Outrageous, right?>> <<@fbzzzy says : When your T levels are low, this is easy.>> <<@hhh-et2vi says : I wonder if Christians have the worse sex life in comparison to Atheist's, jealousy would be more than likely, and with all the foreskin stuff in the Bible maybe God is an angry homosexual>> <<@burkean says : Did not enjoy the active editing. or the AI images. A channel devoted to truth should not be normalizing AI images.>> <<@jackalsgate1146 says : Frank Says - Back in the day, Corinth was overrun with sexual immorality, and Paul wrote to the church (in Corinth) warning them about the sexual practices of Corinth. Response - Frank Turek is an expert liar and con-man. The letter Frank is referring to was written by Paul, to the church in Corinth, chastising some of them for practicing sexual debauchery. "It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife." So . . . there were some in the church, who were having sex with their father's wives, something that the Corinthians wouldn't even do. You also conveniently forgot about the sexual carnage that went on within the church, between certain castes of Nuns, Priests, Bishops, and Popes, that was prevalent for hundreds and hundreds of years. Insert - I'm still waiting to hear how Chrtsn morality, is much better than secular morality, seeing as how your religion has given the world so much more immorality to remember.>> <<@shaunvanwyk4775 says : Conclusion: the only reason anyone would defend they're sinful action is because they chose no correction and rather dwell and indulge in this sin. It is EXTREMELY powerful and should never be takin lightly. Sex is NOT just sex. Extremely consequential outside of marriage. Sex is sacred and should be kept sacred.>> <<@RossHamilton-wb9cb says : Currently trying to flee from it… not watched 🌽 in about a month and am currently reading and studying the Bible, I definitely feel better for it ngl.>> <<@extendedp1 says : Good message, bad editing job. Keep it simple, let Frank speak, show the verses.>> <<@grantbuchanan5749 says : Great explanation and application to all but most certainly to Believers struggling with such a be setting sin. It's a battle let us renew daily, with a disposition and an enabling to forsake, put on your Armour Believers in Christ God is gracious and merciful. Thank you Frank>> <<@nameirrelevant0 says : This didn't really explain *how* , just reiterated that we should flee. His only conclusion was "you basically can't get away from it." I'm convinced that most people are in Hell for sexual sin.>> <<@EvaCFricke says : I have been crucified with Christ, I no longer live but Christ who lives in me.....says the Apostle Paul. Galatians 2:20>> <<@Deathhellandthegrave says : Give yourself over to lust. Give yourself over to sex. Become sex-crazed. Give yourself over to doubt and come to reject christ. Reject christ and enjoy your body and other people's bodies. Stay in bed with another always and forever.>> <<@Blue_Ocean720 says : Is there another video that talks about why it is sinning against ourself and goes more into the negative consequences mentioned? Would love more depth on this topic. I feel like when you know exactly why and how harmful something is it’s easier to rationalize that you should really avoid it.>> <<@lawrenceeason8007 says : Why does a god design you with a desire and then require you to battle it your entire life! Is that loving?>> <<@lawrenceeason8007 says : Let me get this straight. A god designed us and designed us with sexual desire. Included in that desire is an attraction to a variety of people including the same sex…and this god condemns you for it? That’s malevolent>> <<@cleesely says : maybe don't flash a bunch of pornogaphic images at the end of the video lol>> <<@saxmanjpr5092 says : I have a question for Frank: What if God were to use sexual sin to show you who your wife will be one day and chose to do so BECAUSE you were sexually abused by your mother, like I was? - What if God simply chose to put a stop to you going "all the way," even though she did "other things" to you? Is it possible that sometimes God makes acceptions to his own rule?>> <<@Jerryman1158 says : Here is a prayer I'll share for anyone that needs it. God bless you : ) Whenever you are tempted or feel thoughts creeping in, pray this... "Father, in Jesus name I come to you. I am weak, I can't fight this on my own. I know that when you died for me, you also defeated this sin and all sin once and forever. I claim Your victory Jesus. Please cleanse my mind of these thoughts. Your finished work at the Cross is my victory. Thank You for your victory. " Even if you fail at times, don't ever stop believing this. Hold fast, run this race, keep the faith, this lifetime is a blink of an eye compared to eternity !>> <<@saxmanjpr5092 says : IN THE GARDEN OF LOVE! (From Genesis Chapters 2 & 3!) 1. Adam sat down under the shade of a mango tree, scratching his head. He had practically exhausted his vocabulary, naming all the different animals that the Lord had brought to him. The last two animals came up to him, and tired as he was, Adam had to crack a smile when he took a good look at them. "They look like the animal I named 'horse' a while ago," he thought, "except they're all white with up-and-down black stripes on them!" He petted their long noses, saying, "Now what shall I call you?" 2. He couldn't help but notice--as he had noticed with all the other animals--that there were two of them, a male and a female. "You shall be called 'zebra'," he said with a sigh, patting their backs. He then turned and walked alone through the breath-taking beauty of the Garden of Eden. All about him were trees laden with delicious fruit of every possible description and taste!--But Adam didn't feel hungry. It was all so wonderful, so beautiful, but he felt that something was wrong, something was missing. 3. He glanced back at the different pairs of animals strolling through the Garden together. "Each of them has their mate!--One of their kind that is like them! Is there a mate for me?" he wondered. Somewhat sadly, he walked towards the sparkling waterfall in the midst of the Garden. But even his favourite spot in all of Eden seemed empty and lacking somehow. Alone, and feeling heavy at heart, Adam lay down and fell asleep in the soft, cool grass. 4. The Lord had enjoyed watching Adam name all the animals. He was also keenly interested in how Adam would react when he discovered that all the animals had mates, but there was not another creature like himself. The Lord knew that Adam would now truly appreciate a mate and companion, and He said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper for him." The Lord then caused Adam to fall into a very deep sleep, and while he slept, He removed one of Adam's ribs and closed up the flesh after it. From the rib, the Lord made His ultimate, most beautiful creation: Woman! 5. Adam awoke some time later and saw the Lord standing nearby. Adam had seen the Lord before, but he had never before seen the beautiful naked creature who was now standing beside the Lord! 6. "Adam," the Lord said, "I have created a female from your rib, and she shall be your mate, to be with you and to love you!" 7. Adam's heart pounded furiously, and his face was radiant with joy as he leapt to his feet! "Oh Lord!" he exclaimed, "she is the most lovely of all creatures You have created! She is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'Woman', for she was taken out of Man!" 8. Then the Lord blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply! Increase in number and fill the earth with your children!" 9. "How will we have children?" Adam questioned, puzzled. 10. "You must unite with the woman and become one flesh!" the Lord said with a smile. "I have put the knowledge of these things deep inside your heart!" Then the Lord vanished slowly and Adam was left alone with the ravishingly beautiful, naked woman the Lord had made for him! 11. "How wonderful it will be to have someone so much like myself to talk and share my joys and happiness with!" Adam thought. But Adam was most fascinated with the fact that the Lord had blessed them and commanded him to unite as 'one flesh' with her! Taking his lovely companion by the hand, he said softly, "Woman, I would like to 'become one' with you as the Lord commanded. Would you like to also?" 12. "Oh yes!" she answered in beautiful innocence, her eyes sparkling with love. "But what do we do?" Adam took her hand in his and looked deep into her soft blue eyes. "I'm not really sure" he confessed, "only I feel like coming very close to you and touching you!" A new and wonderful sensation was sweeping through Adam's body, and suddenly he took the woman into his arms and began gently kissing her. Soon they sank down together onto the soft and inviting grass, and slowly, beautifully, in the perfect purity and innocence of God's Own Garden of Eden, the very first man and woman ever created joined together in rapturous love! Now the Garden had truly become a Paradise! And because she was to be the mother of all Mankind, Adam called her Eve, meaning "Spring of Life"! 13. During the following weeks, Adam and Eve explored the Heavenly Garden together, running and playing through its beautiful lush orchards! Such joy and happiness filled their days! Of all the wonderful physical blessings the Lord had given Man and Woman, they most enjoyed the pure pleasures of beautiful, loving sex with one another! 14. But, sad to say, all was not well in Paradise! The Devil was furious at God's great Plan for the man and woman to make love and create children to fill the Earth, new souls for the Eternal Kingdom of God! "I must stop and destroy this Plan!" he cried. Entering Eden, he possessed the serpent, the most crafty and cunning of all creatures. He then made his way towards a tall, awesome Tree standing in the center of the Garden. Patiently he waited for Eve. 15. As she passed by, the Devil called out and asked her, "Has God really said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the Garden'?" Surprised, Eve replied, "We may eat of all the fruit of the trees in the Garden; but of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God has said, 'You shall not eat of it, neither shall you even touch it, lest you die!" 16. "Die?!" the Devil laughed. "Why, your life would only begin! You shall not surely die! No, no!--The real reason God has told you not to eat it is because He's keeping something back from you!--Something you should have but that He hasn't given you!--And that is knowledge! Wisdom! 17. "For God knows that in the day that you eat of this Tree, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as the gods (angels), knowing good and evil! 18. "Besides, it is by far the most delicious fruit in all of Eden! Go ahead! Take some!" he hissed. 19. Having listened to and pondered the serpent's story, Eve curiously gazed at the succulent, ripe fruit hanging from the dark branches. "It does look good to eat!" she thought, "And it certainly is pleasant to look upon!" But more than anything else, she was spellbound by the desire to be like a goddess!--To obtain this forbidden wisdom and knowledge! 20. "Look at it, Eve!" the serpent hissed hypnotically, "Take it in your hands! Take it and eat if you desire to be wise! Wisdom!--Knowledge!--Yes, the understanding of the gods is yours for the taking!" 21. Slowly Eve reached out and plucked a luscious-looking fruit and held it in her hands. Smelling its sweetness, she took a bite of it. She was suddenly startled by Adam who came at that very moment and cried out, "Eve! What are you doing?! You know that fruit is forbidden to us!" But Eve had already disobeyed and now a deep dark change had come over her! Her innocence and her purity were dashed to pieces, and her entire thinking had become distorted and corrupted! She gave some to Adam, and soon had convinced him to eat some also. Immediately after swallowing that first bite, a strange feeling overcame him and he looked around and said, "How different everything looks!" 22. "Now look!--Look at yourselves!" Satan cackled gleefully. 23. "What? Look at what?" Eve asked. 24. "Can't you see?" the serpent answered. "You're both naked! Look at your sexual organs! They're exposed!--You should be ashamed! Quickly, cover yourselves before you look at each other and your evil minds begin to lust after dirty, degraded, perverted, disgusting ... sex!" 25. Because of their disobedience to God and the distorted outlook they now had as a result of their sin, Adam and Eve believed the Devil's lie and became ashamed of their nakedness! Quickly they sewed themselves aprons out of fig leaves to cover themselves. Scarcely had they finished when they heard the sound of the Lord walking in the Garden in the cool of the day and they were afraid! Guiltily, Adam and Eve raced for cover and hid themselves amongst the trees. But the Lord called out, "Where are you? Why have you hidden from Me?" 26. Afraid to confess their sin, Adam stammered, "I was afraid and hid myself because ... because ... I was naked!" 27. The Lord demanded, "Who told you you were 'naked'? Adam! ... Eve! ... Have you eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which I commanded you that you should not eat?" 28. Indeed they had! And because of their lust for wisdom, knowledge, and the power to become as God, they had disobeyed Him! Their minds and hearts were now sinful and defiled, and they could no longer be allowed to remain in the Garden, lest they eat of the Tree of Life and live forever in their disobedient, fallen state! Sadly, the Lord drove them out of the Garden of Eden!>> <<@Birdlab says : "The Super Bowl was a porn show" - Frank Turek. 🤣🤣>> <<@saxmanjpr5092 says : Sexual sin goes WAY BEYOND what we define it as! Flirting is actually defrauding and the definition of defrauding is "leading someone to believe something that you have no intention of fulfilling." One must ask themselves, "Where in the bible does it give instructions for dating? How did Jesus prepare himself, and STILL IS for his own marriage?" In that, likewise, we need to be following his example. Imagine in Jesus "broke up" with us for any given reason, or worse yet, did not give us one? You know, the concept of dating does not given everyone a fair chance. Just ask almost any lady that is not showcased on a magazine cover and ask any man who has been labeled as being "too nice," "seen like a brother," or told, "I just want to me friends." (and on a "side note," did you know that dating was not invented until the 1600s? It is a relatively new concept. If we go back as little as 200 years, you will not find it in human history. So how dod our Great Great Great Grandparents find their spouses?>> <<@saintfrancis9619 says : It’s a fight every single day. The devil does not take days off. Stay vigilant !>> <<@outdoorsman426 says : How can we talk about Fleeing or Flirting with sexual sin if we do not talk about how 1 in 3 marriages are now sexless (which I lived and was pure HELL and why I will never marry again). Sex and intimacy gets used as a weapon in marriages and the studies and/or therapist back this up over and over again. Infidelity is at an all time high on both sides. 80% of divorces are initiated by the women. I dare anyone to give me just 1 benefit for a man to get married in this day and age that would be worth the risk of divorce seeing that 60-70% of (first time) marriages are ending with the women walking away with full custody of the children and half (if not more than half) of everything. Most men do not recover from this and some unalive themselves. Yet ALL of this completely goes against the word of God and Most Church's do not discuss this and just let it happen.>> <<@naturevibration-relaxingmu8192 says : What was the purpose of those images at the end of the video?! Come on!! This should pe christian content not pornography...>> <<@R_Karri says : I don't think we needed examples of soft porn>> <<@michaelwatson1611 says : Who thought it was a good idea to flash lewd examples of immodesty in this video? The creative team under minded the point of the message! Recommend editing that out and reposting.>> <<@Mark-zo1hs says : Sexual sin is taking over American culture right now. I mean it's unbelievable just how everything has been sexualized. Pray and keep God close to your heart. Amen.>> <<@jerryt4053 says : 🙏🏽>> <<@ericthomas7411 says : Where can I find this entire sermon?>> <<@georg7120 says : Sex is no sin.>> <<@JesusLovesyou..1John3.6 says : Why show the images and the videos though? Unnecessary>> <<@KevlarShrek says : Maybe you shouldn’t have put all the sexual crap in the video clip>> <<@shaunhunterit342 says : Great video until you foolishly show a whole bunch of images that could tempt a man to lust.>> <<@toomanyhobbies2011 says : Remember that the Corinthian Christians had the Holy Spirit. Paul's words reinforce the personal teachings of the Holy Spirit, so all Christians can be edified and have better self-discipline. My guess is they didn't say "huh? what the heck?", but something more like "of course, we understand". (Jas 4:17 [ESV]) So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.>>