<<@scruffmcgruffthecrimedawg5661 says : If God stopped men from doing evil, then it would directly stop free will>> <<@MrSpiritchild says : All our tears will be wiped away... Evil happens because while some of us trust in God, the species over all, does not.>> <<@richart2143 says : God allows and uses evil for his glory. You never respect the warmth of a good house until youve been trapped all day outside in the cold.>> <<@xgtete says : Really? I'd say the hardest question for Christians to answer is: why do you believe that your "God" is"all loving" and a perfect example of morality, when he endorses some of the most despicable things imaginable in your "Holy book"? For example, "God" endorsed chattel slavery Leviticus 25:44-46. He also endorsed stoning children to death for misbehaving in Deuteronomy 21:18-21. He also endorsed forcing a rape victim to marry their rapist in Deuteronomy 22:28-29. Just a few examples, but you get the point.>> <<@brandynkoogler4500 says : Its not a hard question at all to answer. The problem is. People dont like the answer.>> <<@generichuman_ says : This is a silly argument that justifies everything. There's no amount of evil you couldn't explain away using this tactic. It also nullifies free will. If God already knows everything that's going to happen, then how are people responsible for their actions. When Hitler was a baby, God knew exactly what he was going to do, which meant he had no choice to do otherwise, which is what people mean by libertarian free will.>> <<@patbrumph6769 says : Why does God allow certain evils? The answer is simple and blatantly obvious. God has no say in the matter. He's a fairy tale.>> <<@brokenarrow-zz7ch says : A preacher came to our church once in a revival. He told a story about him, his son, and his sons best friend. To make a long story short, they went sailing. The weather got terrible and the boat capsized. Somehow the father had to make the terrible decision of having to save either his own son or his son’s friend. He knew his son was saved, but he knew his sons friend wasn’t. He sacrificed his son to save someone who was lost. The boy he saved was the one preaching at our revival that night.>> <<@jamieeast4974 says : You allow wars not GOD.>> <<@jeantabbo6206 says : God died for our sins, here is your answer! There is evil in this world because we are sinners. There is no point for the son to die for you and me if there is no evil in this world. Also how can you explain non evil without evil?!? You can’t! I feel like this is an easy explanation. Atheism is always looking for a clever answer. And what he said ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️>> <<@benmckelly3234 says : I cant just make random stuff up but maybe i can i know ill make up stuff cause i can, because God said so also the talking snake told me i can so i shall i dont know why perhaps ill die i swallowed a fly........ every christian "that resonates with me">> <<@philipmitchener28 says : ”Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come.“ ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭57‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬>> <<@jd3jefferson556 says : Why are Christians so divided? This is the hardest question for Christians to answer given that they claim to follow Truth Himself. This is why it's so hard for Christians to evangelize, y'all are so divided, you bash each other, and you can't agree on anything. So, no wonder the world is abandoning Christianity. Look in the mirror.>> <<@captivedesk3168 says : This charlatan is disgusting>> <<@MrAuskiwi101 says : Hardest question? Why is there no evidence to back up christianitys bizarre nonsensical claims. Of course a Christian can't answer because if they could, they wouldn't be Christian>> <<@Joshuatree7746 says : Why God allow certain evils? Easy. Free will.>> <<@georgekantstandu4501 says : "Wizard of oz doctrine" is strong with this one>> <<@carylu3353 says : He doesn’t,know,just making it up as anyone of us could.>> <<@JiM-SWEET-art says : It doesn't disprove anything, it's just points out that the ideas that people have about God doesn't make any real sense to help prove god. Without proof of something, there is no evidence to disprove it either. Proof of something would be the only thing needed. There is no way at all of show evidence of not something, that's just a dumb statement to try to get back at people who know the proof only goes one way.>> <<@michaelh3470 says : The hardest question should be how could a supposedly all loving God create hell and send people to burn forever for a finite crime? He is clearly not all loving.>> <<@abenezerkebede9486 says : For his glory all things happen>> <<@mrfrogg46able says : For the exercise of free will>> <<@GengiGengi-fc6ln says : God gave dominion of the earth and seas to man. We fell to the devil and into sin. It's our fault. Simple.>> <<@pblogger9065 says : In all of human history, the supernatural has never turned out to be the right answer to anything: Natural explanations of phenomena have replaced supernatural ones thousands upon thousands of times, while supernatural explanations have replaced natural ones exactly never." -- Greta Christina>> <<@zanderkru2621 says : God says... He is not that. Free will allows our choice to give God Unconditional Love/Worship of Him.... sin results from bad choices... God is glorified more by Telling us He is not that (sin)>> <<@randyjackson776 says : The ultimate cop-out, "God works in mysterious ways" is so insidious because it brings doubt to something that should be certain. 'Why did an all-good and powerful being let YOUR baby die in agony?' 'Who knows, works in mysterious ways!' Give that parent the power to save their child for two seconds and see how much more moral a 'fallen' human being can be than an invisible sky spirit of total indifference. The 'God is too great, we can't understand' falls completely flat. Given a tenth of the power asserted to belong to that creature to almost any one of us and none of you would ever suffer sin nor pain ever again. I am so thrilled that absolutely none of this limiting, immoral nonsense is true and I can only hope more people realize it sooner. Understand that humanity's first attempt to explain the world (religious myth) is not our finest. Thank you.>> <<@ricardochiesa9829 says : Ok so Spiderman into the Spiderverse logic? I mean not joking, seriosuly ,im asking, am I following this example? So maybe a tragedy is a canon event that would then disrupt the rest of gods will, which being all good and fair would literally would make him go against his very being then?>> <<@fossilfishleg9188 says : Fkn nonsense.>> <<@RT-qz5ci says : Love watching this man. God bless him!>> <<@JasonEstevan says : Everyone has thought of this. Of course I won't have the answer until I die and can ask God myself, but I can also speculate. What if the majority of suffering was man made with our free will. Cancer is discovered to be caused by the human modified foods or our environment toxicity. ALS/MS is caused by a microscopic virus. Car accidents are because we created dangerous transportation. Earthquake deaths because we are inside buildings.>> <<@joseguzmanjg74 says : False teachers, false churches, and all protestants. Catholic is the only church of Jesus Chirst.>> <<@wp5875 says : So. If Adam & Eve hadn't eaten the apple (or if god had forgiven them on the spot), the world would be the same as it now?>> <<@wp5875 says : The bigger question is why does he do evil things? (e.g., noanic flood?)>> <<@anzawilldie4379 says : Is not that hard actually ; See, how is that there is a baby in the first place? I imagine is because mom and dad love each other and wanted to be together right? Well, what if God said, no, don't be together, because there's a 1% possibility that your baby will die... How many of us would say ; 1%? Oh that's nothing! Let us be together and find out for ourselves...>> <<@ltsEternall says : Easy. God let’s evil things happen so that the faithful ones can seek refuge and comfort with Jesus. The people to turn away from God are pawns for those who turn to God. Those Pawns can be saved, however they choose not to>> <<@nimagougol8781 says : The hardest question is why God happened to become Jesus and Holy Ghost upon the last prophet rather the first or former prophets. Why do you censor Gospel of Barnabas>> <<@atunaisatakau1428 says : It’s only a hard question when you don’t know who’s accountable for these things happening Frank and, whether there is an ultimate judgment of all things committed under the sun whether good or bad? A harder question to ask is why we had to work at all to achieve anything if the end is vanity? Ie, when death comes nothing done or left undone under the sun matters does it? I am a firm Bible believer and all that matters according to scripture when death comes is your relationship to Jesus.>> <<@jarlsigurdstorvann9885 says : I know why God allows evil. Its a matter of not dealing with free will. If God ever dealt with free will, he would have no reason not dealing with everybody who is doing evil. And then we would in the end become like robots who is controlled by our programming. But that wouldn be any way to live. We rather get free will to be good or bad, but in the end get jugded for it all, so we dont escape responsibility for how we lived life. And thats why this question is a matter of free will more then anything. Its not fun, but its the only thing i find to touch the reality on this matter.>> <<@elizaleski9618 says : This one man in my town has gotten a good name by keeping faith in Christ when he has even faced real real trials… he lost his two year old daughter, but apparently he has been faithful through the evil he has suffered. And it has helped others in their walks with God also.>> <<@beausie-woesieherewegoesie2548 says : Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”>> <<@jolenekramer2078 says : I knew that the answer was going to be what it was because that is what I am asking right now. I just lost my 25 year old nephew in a tragic car accident. My sister and brother inlaw do so much serving in thier church and have always been there for everyone! So yeah that is the most difficult question of all!>> <<@kai_553 says : So is there a possibility to sin or do we have free will in the future heaven that we are going? If yes, then wouldn’t it be a loop that sin will always exist? If no, why can’t God create us that way to begin with?>> <<@kenaultman7499 says : Or maybe you're wrong? The Bible is the claim, not the evidence.>> <<@paultomori says : A man speculates on a speculation that is based on a speculation. That's both interesting and insane. Does anyone actually think this dude is smart just because he speaks with such confidence? And, isn't there a name sor people who speak with such confidence?>> <<@Truelogic101 says : Here’s the uncomfortable truth! Babies that die automatically receive eternal life in the presence of the Father and Son, which is the only thing that matters! I often wonder how many of the dead babies would have grown to not follow Him resulting in eternal separation. If I had to choose between dying as a baby and receiving eternal life with the creator versus living a full life resulting in eternal separation then take me as a baby every time 🤷🏾‍♂️>> <<@lncarnold says : So hard not to comment on this…..stopping here….>> <<@felixbujok14 says : If god can do anything: Can he create a stone that is so heavy, he cant lift it?>> <<@ubuntuposix says : But baby animals also die. Do they also have a fallen society, did God also gave them a Bible which they didn't read and respect?>> <<@somerandom3247 says : Why is there evil? Because god wanted there to be. If he is all powerful, and all knowing, then he willingly made evil. And the existence of evil shows that he is not all good.>> <<@somerandom3247 says : Just frank trying to rationalize babies dying as being a good thing. The Problem of Evil doesn't disprove a gods existence, but it does disprove at least one of the triomni attributes.>>