<<@sotl97 says : True. Unless you are looking for an excuse to leave Christianity, then scandals are a really good justification. The problem is the person incorrectly puts the works of Man ahead of the works of God. Pearly gates, man who left Christianity approaches... God: Why did you turn away from my son? Man: because my wife had an affair with the minister. God: what minister? Man: the one at the head of my church. God: Who's church? Man: The Church my wife and I attended. God: again, who's church? Man: ohh... God: So you attended the church of some man with an adulterous heart, and you are blaming me for that? Man: uhhhh... God: I loved you. I brought you to Christ and Salvation. I spoke to you many times. I answered your prayers. I showed you my gospel and gave you grace where all you had to do was look to the Lord and stay on the path. My son died for you. And you turned away from that because your wife and a false teacher exercised their agency and committed a sin. Certainly I know how you felt, I was disappointed too, but you should have turned to me at that time not away from me. Man: you allowed this to happen. God: are you forgetting your own sins and unworthiness before me? Are you forgetting the many times you fell short of perfection and turned to Christ for atonement? Are you forgetting your addiction I took for your heart, and the many times you committed adultery in your mind and heart? Are you forgetting your own need for redemption now? Man: but they were supposed to be yours too. I just felt so disappointed in them that I couldn't believe a loving God would allow that to happen. God: It is because I love you, and all my children that you have agency and have the choice to choose sin. But I also provided a way that all can be forgiven, and also all can be healed from the pain others agency brings to them. How long would I have gathered you as a hen, but you would not. I am truly sorry, my son, you are not worthy of my presence. Man: what does that mean? God: It means you cannot be with me because you rejected my grace and salvation. You must go elsewhere and pay for your own sins. Man: That doesn't sound good.>> <<@oreally8605 says : Remember the atheist formula: insult God insult Christians insult Christianity = they win the argument. Makes zero sense...>> <<@kimalsegaminglife979 says : christianity the biggest reason for violence in human history and this is the most heinous thing ever , they only promote hate , violence and rape ( they dont even read they own book )>> <<@whenimmanicimgodly4228 says : Nobody is rejecting christianity purely because of scandals. They usually reject it because of the highly contradictory nature or the bible and the christian religion.>> <<@23salamander says : And then the church tries to hide the scandal instead of dealing with it responsibly, which just furthers the corruption. Case in point the recent expose on the baptists tracking and hiding molestations for decades. Your churches are criminal organizations and your God is a delusion.>> <<@yikes1960 says : scandals do hurt christianity by giving non-christians amo against christianity. the same is true with radical islam. they hurt islam by giving amo against islam. this is not to start a christianity vs islam. "bad actors" hurt the good people.>> <<@Pfyzer says : Christiniaty make sense when you remove all the European paganism it adopted. Follow Christ through his action, God is one, and God is not Jesus>> <<@LancetFencing says : BS>> <<@davidsingh6944 says : The “Argument” that Christianity is Fact is a Heinous Satanic Doctrine.>> <<@davidsingh6944 says : Where is the Holy Church? I look everywhere but all I can find are Government Licensed Corporations. 501c3 + Jesus = $666>> <<@PianoDentist says : I was with you all the way apart from the last line. Given that it's the behaviors of followers of Christ that really impact the world, that's my concern. I don't believe Christ has an impact, because I don't think Christ exists as a supernatural entity - he's simply a dead human. Therefore the scandals of the church are of supreme importance, because these do in fact impact peoples lives. However, you're correct that the scandals do not disprove Christianity. The lack of evidence for the claims of Christianity do. _"Dear heavenly father, please protect me from your followers"_>> <<@edkennedy577 says : If you were moving around chomos while using my name, and i was capable of stopping you. I would. Obviously>> <<@cominghome9355 says : Satan always gonna try all things to attack Christianity And yet Christianity always stand to these days. And i saw these days, satan become try hard to make Christianity looks bad, since their time almost up as our Lord Jesus will come second time and get rid of this satan forever>> <<@Hannodb1961 says : You are wrong. The conclusion _does_ follow from the first and second premise. However, we reject the first premise.>> <<@jackalsgate1146 says : • If you want to make the absurd claim that Chrstnty is true; then, I say: Chrstnty is false. • If you want to claim there are some truths to be found in Chrstnty; then, I agree. • How about you Chrstns stop making preposterous claims, such as - • My religion is the one true religion. • My god is the one true god. • My religion is the arbiter of all truth. to begin with, and then you won't have to constantly make up other argumemts to defend your orginal preposterous claims, like you're doing in this video.>> <<@jamesgeorge6239 says : Someone has sown weed in with the wheat master!>> <<@lmdavis1991 says : I’ll be honest and say I have had issues with my faith for a god maturity of my teen and early adult life so far and I’m 32. While I can mostly agree with the claims in the video I always go back to if hell is a real place would those who lead the church not be the most afraid, and they were molesting the kids and then their superiors just moved them around. I’ve been trying to get back into the b faith but I struggle.>> <<@Pbdave1092 says : No one said Christianity is wrong because priests r@pe little children. Christianity is wrong because reality begs to differ.>> <<@paulbrown9441 says : Scandals happen, they're real. Christianity is irrelevant to many people, who have their own beliefs. The arrogance of self important fools is breathtaking.>> <<@AdLockhorst-bf8pz says : The surest way to atheïsm is to actually read the Bible.>> <<@kiwisaram9373 says : If athiests do the samethings on what basis are they to then be condemned?>> <<@homophilosofikus8215 says : I reject Christianity because there`s nothing that can show me the so called "truth" of that empty claim. Scandals only prove that religious people are just as f ed up as any other group of people>> <<@Exposure_Ministries_329 says : Amen Brother 🙏🏻🙏🏻>> <<@24framedavinci39 says : Whatever smooth brain equates scandals in the church to Christianity not being real is subhuman. Christianity isn't real because it's based on books or texts writen by men to control the masses.>> <<@MrGuzmanra says : Who sins more Christians or non christians?>> <<@somerandom3247 says : I agree with this one, but the only people I've seen make this argument are christians claiming that others make it.>> <<@hansdemos6510 says : And neither do any good things Christians do prove that Christianity *_is_* true.>> <<@pb5640 says : all religions are superstitious nonsense. Grow up. P.S. there are no leprechauns, angels, devils, witches, gods, satan or snakes with vocal cords.>> <<@marksnow7569 says : "When people reject Christianity because of scandals, they are essentially claiming that premise 1 ["If scandals exist in the Church, then Christianity is not true"] is true." That's a false premise. When people reject Christianity because of scandals, they are merely claiming that current Christianity is not deserving of their support.>> <<@larzman651 says : I would also add in not every scandal has been proven true either , people that are hurt like to make things up. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life>> <<@jamesw4250 says : Scandles dont disprove Christianity. But they do work against the christian claims. Especially their moral claims.>> <<@AaronAustin-d9i says : The biggest scandal of the day originated in that man’s barbershop.>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : People being sinners proves the Bible is right as does the gospels instruction to follow Jesus and not men. Both are Biblically sound.>> <<@Gek1177 says : Scandals don't disprove Chrstianity but they do prove that Chrstian morality may not be as objective as they pretend.>> <<@stephanc6138 says : more like, they (peiple who use these arguements) are expecting saints ... an are using it as an excuse to NOT belive and to disuade others to. too bad in disappointing them Chirstianity's not for them to exploit....tho many DO try ... and is succeeding to a degree.>> <<@DigiMyst says : I have to wonder if Epstein's Island was filled with Christians, or atheists>> <<@JiraiyaSama86 says : Amen! And this applies to every group. Are we really going to let the bad apples represent the group or ideas? Well, I know some people that can't seem to detach people from ideas. And that's probably their biggest struggle.>> <<@TheContrarian32 says : Scandals are inherent to the human experience. Regardless of religion etc. What this could demonstrate, however, is the fuller extent of man’s involvement in the proliferation of religion, and, ultimately , perhaps its origins too. Premise A; scandal is common trait that permeates humankind. Premise B;scandal is intertwined throughout endeavors man has taken, religion, politics or otherwise. Premise C; where scandal is found, man’s direct involvement can surely be linked. Premise D; religion is man made directly because of the inclusion of scandal which permeates it That was easy 👍🏻>> <<@Moist._Robot says : Where is Ravi Zacharias now? 1. In heaven. 2. In hell. 3. Swanning around the pool with a bird on each arm.>> <<@gi169 says : Thanks CrossExamined>>