<<@christingeojoy2999 says : God bless you>> <<@belindafronda7003 says : Amen & Amen ❤>> <<@SevenThunders-si4ci says : Is not the question then... How can we proclaim the first warning to 'worship Him' when we as a denomination, since 1980, officially worship 'another god' other that the God of our original church of sister White and her husband James?>> <<@desantignatius5601 says : Amen!>> <<@lucienpetrus3851 says : Amen from Cape Town South Africa SDA ❤>> <<@vueneonee7144 says : Remember the Sabbath day of the Lord-….. Exodus 20:8 … Remember,Remember, Remember>> <<@pascrespo935 says : 🙏 IASDBOSTON>> <<@adamTut-b5w says : Congratulations ❤>> <<@Jasho-Beam says : My question is what about the BEM document and the new Jesuit logo and how come we got the Great Hope and not the Great Controversy?etc.. there are just so many red flags.>> <<@anthonygreene4938 says : When the text states...And I saw another Angel fly in the midst of heaven. having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell upon the earth...Revelation 14:6-12... The first impression that one may get is the image of an Angel with wings coming from Gods throne in Heaven audibly speaking this message to all of us humans living on earth. Is that what we will experience? Will any of us actually see An Angel of God doing this? In order to answer this question we may look in scripture to see all of the stories that involve messages coming to the attention of those who live on earth. In some cases ...as in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah...there were 3 men, that came to Abraham ...(Genesis 18:2 ) with messages. There is The Lord talking to him in verse 13. And then in chapter 19 there are 2 Angels entering Sodom and speaking with Lot. These 2 Angels (Evidently) carried out the destruction of Sodom. There are many other stories in scripture that show where men and women have carried messages of warning to others. In Matthew 28:19 & 20 We may find what some refer to as the Gospel Commission. Here we see God has given to men the duty of carrying the Gospel messages to the world. And it indicates that God would be with His people to the end of time. Of course Angels of God are always present with humans as they go on missions of mercy.>> <<@maxmangape5514 says : Amen 🙏>> <<@girijaammini9108 says : Hallelujah, Amen. God bless our mission and the ministry. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉>> <<@gunnargarda says : I thought you lot believe in the Bible only . Unfortunately you bow down to this apostate woman .>> <<@hellensingoey2269 says : Thank you for the message>> <<@salmonkini5887 says : Verry Special Way... Thank You Sir for make sure.. Halleluya.... Amen>> <<@juanalonsocobarrubiasverdu5087 says : Our guide Adventist,,, This Book and others.>> <<@emeegraceebron8383 says : AMEN 🙏>> <<@maryingold1368 says : We will reread The Great Controversy to be more assertive in our walk with Jesus.>> <<@jerrystilwell7666 says : Good word, always good when it comes from God. Thanks and God bless all. Come quickly Lord Jesus.>>