<<@mcd1192 says : Man i always liked this guy. One this is very easy thing you can see in the bible no christians cant divide over this. If you believe woman can be pastor, its time to start questioning are you following Jesus or just a god of your own image. Second no not just the senior pastor is a male. All pastors are Male. I do believe a woman can get up and preach to a group of woman but this is to help teach a godly woman and its not a pastor.>> <<@treychastain4686 says : This is more about do you trust that the bible is the Word of God, or not? If you believe that the bible is the perfect word of God, then you cant believe this.>> <<@KoreshDabar-YHWHbenYisrael says : No, you cannot be divided on any issue and have fellowship. He is proof positive of a man that values the admiration of men over God. He doesnt understand the Word of YHWH whatsoever. He soends his time looking for debate. He is weak and has no backbone for soeaking what is actually True.>> <<@jarlsigurdstorvann9885 says : i disagree with Frank. i love this man. but if women wanna talk to me about Jesus and how to deal with life? i will humble up and in the very least listen to them. if i disagree with anything? then i have the freedom to disagree. but what i wont do is shut Jesus out because women are the ones talking to me as supose to men. if we are gonna stick to this logic, then i would question how much women truly could do for God, if not be somebody's pastor? i dont get this reasoning, alltho i have a understanding where it is coming from in the bible.>> <<@goodoleboy83 says : NO Period!>> <<@MarySmith-ry9cu says : I don't recall the office of pastor in the Bible. Whether men or women, where is it listed? Elders, yes, but pastors, I don't recall it. I think the whole American church style is messed up quite frankly... let me count the ways! And what about 501c3 status. That's just being in bed with the government... then they gotta push the ten percent tithe to keep their expensive shows going when the tithe is part of the old testament law. The new testament says something different. It says to give what you have decided to give from a cheerful heart...I could go on.>> <<@jlc1979 says : Women can not be any type of pastor>> <<@garrettglass8854 says : Who were the first to deliver the message "He is risen"? Did Paul say God does not permit or did Paul say I do not permit?>> <<@TheSelfReliantWoman says : What in the Evangelical Protestant is this? šŸ˜…>> <<@armyguy4124 says : Doesn't matter what we think. What does God's word say?>> <<@Thyalwaysseek says : Jesus said yes.>> <<@shemmy95 says : I agree! The issue is that Paul was talking to the church THEN. You have to understand whether the text is prescriptive or descriptive. For example, Matthew 5:29 says: But I tell you, everyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of the parts of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. Why do you still have your eyes? Why do you not follow this text if your arguement is the Bible says so? People still finding a way to oppress women in 2024.>> <<@pastordavidberman2091 says : Itā€™s actually simple. For 1900 years everyone knew that Men are the leaders. 1 times 2:12 among many others. Feminism has no concern for truth and rebellious women fill churches.>> <<@DontStopBrent says : I disagree with his explanation. Paul makes it very clear that women cannot teach men. I donā€™t understand it. But I donā€™t get a vote.>> <<@l3on3w says : Why is this not an essential issue when the Apostle Paul specifically prohibited it in the Bible? It is an essential issue because violating it is a clear rebellion against the Bible.>> <<@RobotDude375 says : The Bible isnā€™t sexist, God just wants men and women to do different jobs. This is why we donā€™t draft women, and why most men donā€™t work in beauty salons.>> <<@ferrosjewellers4558 says : Any church that allows a women to preach, teach and have authority over men are rebels before the face of God. God hates and abhors your prayers and supplications. Your prayers are a stench in His nostrils.>> <<@turnerjaynesjr says : God over man. Man over woman. Woman over children. The head of the house answers for the house.>> <<@ericgibson1744 says : ā€There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.ā€œ ā€­ā€­Galatiansā€¬ ā€­3ā€¬:ā€­28ā€¬ ā€­NKJVā€¬ā€¬>> <<@aworshipperscry87 says : There is NO BIBLE for a Female Pastor! We know Jeremiah was a Prophet because the Bible said he was, we know Hezekiah was a King because the Bible said he was, and we know Paul was an Apostle because the Bible said he was. There is no Chapter and verse that says any of the Women in the Bible was a Pastor!>> <<@wilungbochawang8958 says : Please dont bring the context of Corinthians church (paul''s time) and apply in todays context. In my opinion from the word is, if you're called and you're trained then you are qualify to served as a pastor.. Because it is God's call. The duty is to preach and teach and admonish the flocks Biblically. The wives are to submit to their husband (Thats family factor). But pastors are to sunbmit only to Christ, not to any men or women.>> <<@godwinmanuel6963 says : The important thing is to learn what the Bible says. BTW - in most churches where women are leading, men are leaving.>> <<@gah..... says : You a Christian than read the Bible and it is very clear that women know there place and it's not in a man's world. Be either hot or cold but Jesus said if you are lukewarm he never knew you. Lead people to truth not to pc. Pc will land everyone in hell>> <<@happenedhappy8389 says : But it is an essential issue the Bible speaks against it.>> <<@Dementlegirl1 says : *NOOOOOOOOOO* has nothing to do with feminism. No women pastors!>> <<@Patrick1991InChrist says : Does not mean you are a Nazarene>> <<@kiwisaram9373 says : I just want to know how we can now exclude all the other clowns who masquerade as pastors.>> <<@maxmaximum-sh4bx says : For the algorithm>> <<@jamesshrestha2325 says : nay>> <<@Deagle-lj7tv says : Women might not be able to be pastors, but they can be spaghettis>> <<@somerandom3247 says : The bible isn't sexist, it just treats people differently based on their sex>> <<@slickbill9488 says : 100% False. The Bible is clear on this issue. Women are not to teach Men in church. Maybe if you read Gods actual word instead of these new age corrupted bibles youā€™d understand this simple concept.>> <<@johnathonlivingston7573 says : Jesus preached love. A woman filled with the love of God and the Holy Spirit can preach as well as a man and should!>> <<@bigd5090 says : No they can't aspire to the role of Elder, deacons yes, itinerant missionaries yes, and pastors to women and children but not to men. Saying that I've found the teaching of Joyce Meyer to be very helpful as our church leaders are appallingly bad at discipleship to the point of barely trying in the Western Church! God has raised up women like Joyce for a special calling to preach correction and to encourage spiritual growth out of hurt, because there are too many taboo subjects for middle class 'nice' elders!!! We are ghettoising some struggling Christians despite the warnings of the Book of Job against being glib friends, foolishly blaming suffering brothers and sisters for having a lack of faith rather than counselling and encouraging them! May God continue to bless Joyce and may the Church wake up and be salt and light in ALL situations!>> <<@wildmangrove3096 says : Frank is compromising talking about women serving in ministry, but not as "senior" pastor. Thus, the pastor position is open to them as long as they are nor "senior" but subordinate pastors. Opening the door to female pastors. This distinction is not found in the bible. Women cannot serve as pastor, period.>> <<@dragonsigner says : Women at the well told others and Men about Jesus Christ... Even Women can SHARE THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.. But yes I agree.. WOMEN CANNOT BE HEAD PASTOR..OR LEAD PASTOR... SECOND IN COMMAND IS FINE .A HELPER . REMEMBER GOD MADE MAN FIRST...WOMEN WAS AFTER AND WAS CALL.A HELPER .>> <<@georgechadis4713 says : Nay>> <<@pszalewski2012 says : It is not a major issue in the Catholic church too. Yes correct>> <<@nosindiswaxhakwe9237 says : thank you. God bless you ā¤ļø>> <<@_______- says : Where is the ecclesiastical role of "senior pastor" mentioned in the NT?>> <<@Oligorah says : The Father and the Son are not "essentially" equal. The Father is greater than the Son; the Son does all things that please his Father. They are not equal; the Father begat the Son (1 John 5:1) and the Son is begotten of the Father. And there is only one God, the Father; and one Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 8:6).>> <<@Ricardo-kv5tk says : You sugar coated it call out sin as it should be a woman cannot teach , itā€™s a command you disagree with this you are arguing directly with the word of God>> <<@oscargr_ says : Yeah, the bible is clear. Just read the comments.>> <<@Paulthored says : Unless necessary due to circumstances... _(like having house churches, ministry of women and children congregations, filling in for a sick Pastor with no other decent alternative? )_ Basically, temporary is technically fine, even if it's not desirable. It's a possible symptom of something being wrong with the Church... it's not a guarantee of being a Church of false doctrine... but. Use the Judgment God gave us.>> <<@MEAToftheWORDsermons4theMATURE says : "Christians can divide over this and still have fellowship" because it's not a salvation issue... That doesn't stack up to passages like And if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, note that person and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet do not count him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. 2Th 3:14ā€­-ā€¬15 NKJV Or If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which accords from godliness... From such withdraw yourself. 1Ti 6:3ā€­, ā€¬5 NKJV Why? Because deception (1 tim 2:14) leads to a heart of disbelief (Hebrews 3:12-13) "When can serve in ministry but not in a pastor roll" If she is given any position of authority, then she has authority over some men. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 1Ti 2:12 NKJV Nowhere in scripture is any woman given positions of authority within the church. Serving yes, gifts yes, positions of authority (which includes positions other than pastor) no.>> <<@reg7916 says : Agreed šŸŒ»>> <<@hillstrong715 says : For both sides of the argument, here are a couple of questions for you: 1). What problem was Paul addressing in the Corinthian church? Here you need to know how the church was organised. 2). What was the problem that Paul was addressing to Timothy? Here you need to know where Timothy was stationed and what particular characteristic was problematic about where Timothy was stationed. Neither problem facing Corinth or Timothy were the same problem and the solutions proposed were quite specific to each situation. Now to address a particular problem here being demonstrated by many of the respondents, I will ask a question for both sides to answer: What authority does any man have over any woman who is not his wife nor his daughter? Under what authority is a woman supposed to obey a man (any man)?>> <<@LK2.O says : People need to stop treating the bible like a smorgasbords in that you can't pick and choose what you like and dont like. There's qualifications for a Pastor/Bishop/Overseer(its the same position) clearly stated in The Bible. Gods word is perfect and its good to follow it even if our natrual brain has trouble accepting it.>> <<@DoubleZ- says : Youā€™re wrong! But a lot of your commenters are correct! Women are to be silent! Itā€™s a comforting thing to see so many commenters stand up for the truth on this issue, when it seems so many have given in to the world.>> <<@jayfry895 says : No women pastors in Church>>