<<@jasonnoble7302 says : Lies>> <<@Holden-uf7 says : The sad part is that atheists are content with emptiness bc they feel they have the facts and data of the truth, so they are ok with being empty and miserable>> <<@richdorak1547 says : The fact that Jesus came back to life is EVERYTHING!>> <<@somerandom3247 says : The development of our current set of human rights is well documented. And no part of it required a god. We came up with them all on our own.>> <<@spyrosstivactas2300 says : What do you mean if it’s true? No one has witnessed evolution. No one has witnessed the Big Bang. No one has witnessed atoms forming stars. No one has witnessed elements forming planets. No one has witnessed planets forming galaxies. Yet there are 100s of witnesses to the resurrected Christ. No one has come forth with His body. No one denies His body was dead on the cross. No one denies He was buried. No one denies His empty tomb. No one denies His miracles. The is only one shroud in the history of mankind with the image of a man on it. It is the only item on earth, where the image has been produced by light. It is an image that specifically belongs to only one particular human of all mankind. And so on, and so on. 🙏☦️💕>> <<@jamesw4250 says : Human rights are a human invention we made for ourselves. Its because our end goal is to have a functional society. So yea they are a human invention. Not something dictated from on high.>> <<@danielanthony8373 says : The Bible is the Foundation of Western Civilization>> <<@incredulouspasta3304 says : _"These human rights, if there is no God... they are just an invention, they are just something people dreamed up... but no one believes that"_ Um... I believe that. In what way did human rights exist before people "dreamed them up"??? It seems extremely obvious to me that human rights only exist to the extent that humans are willing to enforce those rights themselves.>> <<@hansdemos6510 says : Except for the part about human rights, I think I only heard emotional arguments. And human rights can easily be grounded in a shared humanity without anything supernatural being required or desired.>> <<@RyanKry says : Belief is a fundamental need like water and oxygen, but for the brain to be able to keep operating. We believe where there is lack of knowledge. You meet a girl who you find physically attractive and like her demeanour, the way she moves and interacts with her environment. At this stage you have no knowledge regarding her, her personality, past, hobbies, character, beliefs, world view, experiences, dreams and hopes etc. You know absolutely nothing about her. Brain takes over and fills in the blanks with belief, guesses and estimates, and accepts them as truths and goes with it. At that stage you love her, but you don’t know her, you love the version of her your brain created to make unknown into known with beliefs. Brain cannot feel comfortable with lack of knowledge, hence we believe. It is a weekness in our genes, we must learn to live with it, accept it and master it, learn to be comfortable with lack of knowledge instead of make believe. It’s a disease to keep our further evolution to the next stages down.>> <<@1389Chopin says : They are an invention people dreamed up. Just like logic, all man made - just like god and religion. 2 can play - intellectuals realizing the emptiness of religiosity. You got a book here that essentially built the world you live in?! Who are you talking to? A European or american?! Get out of you walled garden and be intellectually honest about the globe you live on.>> <<@dalex60 says : Christianity offers no real true answers to any of the questions of the universe. Christianity is all based on beliefs derived from a book filled with unsubstantiated claims no proof no truth.>> <<@Rob749s says : Cowards fear the dark, so they invent stories to make them safe. A man stares into the darkness and knows he is nothing, and yet fights to light the way for all who come after. There will be no eternity. But we lived. For each other. For ourselves. And the small played make believe in the sand and told stories of a shepherd in who was the architect of fate.>> <<@timonschneider6290 says : At least human rights as a fiction dont make material truth claims that are matter of fact wrong.>> <<@timonschneider6290 says : Human rights are the most worthy and most powerful fiction to believe in. Just cause we need fictions and stories to tell our own lives doesn’t mean we should revert to such desperately wrong and unethical fictions like religion>> <<@Thyalwaysseek says : And Frank is there to send them down the wrong path idol worshipping a human as their God.>> <<@mattr.1887 says : Who are these intellectuals that Frank is talking about? Not arguing. Just a sincere question.>> <<@michaelharrison7072 says : Laughable to say the least Athiest is only free thinking person !>> <<@MrGuzmanra says : He said, if it's true. He's not sure>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CrossExamined.>> <<@TheContrarian32 says : “The emptiness of atheism” Let’s define atheism, please>> <<@larzman651 says : 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus>> <<@Gek1177 says : It's such a terrible admission of low character to say that without your God human don't have rights.>>