<<@sunandrain98 says : THANK YOU❤❤❤❤❤ for Linking the full video 🙏🏻 , wish more of Derek Prince channels did that.>> <<@lichalame5663 says : Thank You Lord❤>> <<@laurabrooks5045 says : Thank you Lord for this man,even thou he's gone to be with you,❤>> <<@thejbeeful says : The dramatic music is too loud and distracting from the very important message>> <<@puscasumihaipm5679 says : Please remove the music from background, it is distracting from the very message it passes on,entertainment is inappropriate when dealing with such serious issues, Thank you very much!>> <<@Michelle.333-3 says : Amen>> <<@tweet4132 says : Amen.Theres power in the name of Jesus.>> <<@kendals3833 says : Wow wow!!!>> <<@Shalom-k4y says : Amen n Alleluia Victory belongs to God in Jesus's. Amen n Shalom🇮🇱❤ tnku❤>> <<@estherphiri8210 says : Amen 🙏 Jesus is King forever>> <<@Living_For_Christ2513 says : Lord, I receive your deliverance and your forgiveness amen.🙏>> <<@shawnpage4193 says : Why pain killers (thinking Advil) and sedatives?>> <<@joebeezy9471 says : 0:59 handwriting analysis?? Really?>> <<@PamelaEspinosa-ou5cd says : Thank You Lord Jesus, for Eternal Life and Deliverance!! Amen.>> <<@sorynsilpram8081 says : Vlad thank you for your prayers. I have COVID right now I believe it's demonic. It's worse than it was the first time I had it. I know where I slipped up to let this happen. There's some things I want to tell you. Maybe you already know so bare with me. All humans, even Spirit filled men, can have a demon inside them if they live in sin. Anyone who persists in any sin, will have a demon associated with that sin inside their body. If there's a demon inside your body, every witch in the world can read your mind and the demons can plant unclean thoughts and cause infirmities. Almost all infirmities and illness is from sin. When Jesus healed people he would often say, "Go, and sin no more. Lest something worse come upon you." He was constantly casting out the enemy during his ministry and it's something people don't think you need to do anymore. But I've seen sorcerers without demons. Except for the few who are well trained, they're scared and don't know what they're doing. Psychopaths and serial killers are manufactured, not born. They're subjected to lifelong torment and manipulation since birth. A constant series of saying "yes" to bad things and working up. A total breakdown of moral character. When this happens, the demons can have almost full control. Schizophrenia is the first sign that someone has been targeted specifically for this. There's a thing witches do called double speak. It's a second language embedded within. They're using average words that are laced with witchcraft. Almost all music that does not praise God is laced with witchcraft. If someone listens to and agrees with this ungodly music, it's permission to allow witchcraft to work on you even with the Holy Spirit. It's a giving up of your ground and authority. There are many people who are targeted with these methods and once they are consumed by absolute fear, some are selected for extra work so they can become a proper sacrifice to satan. There are certainly people all around you everywhere you go who are targeted like this and they don't know the Lord and they need help. Witches and demons can affect the body and mind with witchcraft. They can put curses. They can effect electronics. My phone is even going haywire as I write. Christians must be always on guard for sin in their life. They must stop sinning and be in constant prayer and repentance. With humility in their hearts, living every second knowing that they are not enough without Jesus' forgiveness. They can sit quietly in their homes and donate to their local ministry and be okay. But this is spiritual laziness, and spiritual laziness is wickedness. People must start learning how to become effective warriors of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. I have been teaching these things to Steve and posting things online and they want me dead. And there's even more information I haven't organized yet. We cannot be ignorant to the devices of the enemy, mostly for the sake of the unbelievers. I have been struggling, Vlad. The worst of the attacks on my mind are not working. I maintain control and I do not fear becoming a slave because of the Lord. But I must have some fear or lack of faith or unforgiveness somewhere inside myself. I can recognize a witch almost immediately and I hold contempt for their deeds. Though I pray that I may forgive every person, despite their deeds. If it's in your will please pray for me often. I'll keep you posted on anything I learn. God bless you and Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. You're getting very dizzy, Bri. A gust of wind and you will blow over.>> <<@AkilahYahu says : So having visions is bad? You said clairvoyance...>> <<@robertathomas3516 says : Amen 🙏🏽>> <<@JohanDee says : Wow! I think of all the years I read horoscopes until I just stopped not considering this to be satanic. I now read with Derek what he said and said it in soft voice as I am in a public Fitness Studio. 😊 My Christian son still celebrated Halloween as he considers it as a funny feast... 😢 There is also more he has to repent of, but I pray for him daily. I have my bad things and thought also. Anyway this was helpful. ❤>> <<@magdalenenorman6243 says : Amen it was a powerful prayer please pray for me for strength and my health because I want to serve the Lord because if it was not for him where would I been his Grace is sufficient ❤>> <<@joea.9969 says : I went to a fortune teller about age 20 never even thought about it till now. I have owned charms like Isis and mermaids. I have addictions to alcohol and tranquilizers. I repent of these things and I pray that the Lord allows me to change and serve Him instead of worldly things and supernatural things. Amen>> <<@potomuhto says : 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥>> <<@angielobo56 says : Amen 🙏>> <<@DianaAboikoni-wu9rs says : Amen. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.>> <<@codechrist says : Amen!>> <<@Dennis.Delfina says : I am in agreement with this prayer in Jesus mighty name Amen 🙏 🙌 🙏>> <<@randyhanson8413 says : >> <<@josephbrooks7590 says : ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH MY BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU MY BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@AnnaSanchez-l9o says : Amen to Jesus Christ 🙏🙏💯>> <<@AnnaSanchez-l9o says : Jesus Christ please I pray 🙏 for Derek Rosa your son Jesus Christ please let him 🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓 And put frank Ramos in prison he who kill Derek Rosa mother Please Jesus Christ give a sign to the judge that he got the wrong person who is going to go to prison Frank Ramos 😡 he is the only one who kill Derek Rosa mother>> <<@Domilat2022 says : Amen 🙌🏾>> <<@hannahpark5206 says : Amen 🇰🇷>> <<@GabrielaAndreatta says : AMEN!>> <<@shailylama1413 says : Please pray for me for my unholy thought I am from HP please pray>> <<@JohnDoe-fn7ml says : Mmmm man that’s good stuff!!… preach it brother. Jesus is the ONLY WAY. There is nothing but Jesus ❤️>> <<@paulthomas4569 says : GLORY TO GOD & AMEN!!!>> <<@taiphan7225 says : Amen>> <<@jjlansi582 says : Please pray for my health 😣>> <<@deesymons8545 says : Amen Please continue to pray for my grandchildren and myself I need healing to continue to care for them Please pray Thank you>> <<@rui9939 says : Amen 🙏>> <<@rosaliamojica8669 says : Por favor espanol>> <<@GNYC77 says : Amen🇭🇹🙏🏾>> <<@S.O.N.N.I.E_G.E.O.R.G.E says : Amen in Jesus name 🙏🙏🙏>> <<@DadinTexas says : Praise God!! ❤🙏>> <<@JoseSanchez0795 says : ❤❤❤>> <<@aleteiaizel5937 says : Seth as well 😢>> <<@aleteiaizel5937 says : I pray this prayer in intercession for my cousin Aline .thsy she returns to Jesus . For my friend Nastasia for astrology and tarot. And for my life and my future husband if we have practice any of those things and still do . Lord Jesus set us free by you underserved mercy and grace😢>> <<@421sap says : In Jesus' Name Amen ✝️>> <<@audreywallercolmore1024 says : Hallelujah!!>> <<@warunathewarapperuma8464 says : Super teaching by this great man of God! When he sees our messages, he must be happy that even after his passing to glory still the messages given through him are doing a great work! Gid bless this ministry!!!>> <<@Dill555 says : No Jesus no peace. Know Jesus know peace.>>