<<@barbmaynard9509 says : You said ask what you need-really? The Bible says HE supplies all my needs (Phil 4:19)! Hmmmm --wouldn't that calling God a liar?>> <<@MizPalms says : Joyce, thank God for exactly who you are-a strong willed woman who keeps talking. I really thank God for you and your strength and your spirit. You are a blessing.>> <<@nicolekahnt8128 says : Thank you for this teaching. What stood out to me is praying God's will and be content. This can be challenging but not impossible>> <<@numutako2419 says : ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@mentalhealthcrisis-k8h says : your eating out of the hand of the devil i will not decieve you whats happening in the world is based on the most violent move of the sun that those that were used to move the sun are being exposed to chemical warefare that is inside of us as whoever is in control use me to adjust and minipulate if its 12:00 noon and they hold the sun at that possition for three hours the chemicals inside of us is unstabel that has been a wepon of all those that perish while navigating through space were are we in our universe and i beleve there is another world that has come to help 7 lite years away i fight with the devil that has my people bound i am a witness to someone having control through me to adjust the weather and the sun witch causes a chemical imbalance the body runs at a 98.6 if you get out of this temp it could be deadly i am the leading government agent yet seperated from myself so i dont know what is happening over 200 lives of mine cloned and i want the judge charged per life beleave me when i say that these officers shot me three seperate times while with jesus>> <<@sigalunovo says : ❤❤>> <<@AntonioLavender says : Mrs.Joyce Meyers..💯🙏🙏🙏❤️amen>> <<@Nikfar21 says : Thank you immensely for your everyday teaching on how to put on love❤❤❤>> <<@jasonc3094 says : I help people in prison please pray i save souls for god>> <<@rosaliemurillo says : I love you Lord and I trust you>> <<@pusamvenkateswarao154 says : 🙏 Gaad Fawar prais wi Laard.🙏>> <<@pusamvenkateswarao154 says : 🙏 Gaadli Mawar prais wi Laard.🙏>> <<@Veronica.John10-10 says : To anyone who sees this comment I want you to know that you're not alone in your weirdness. We're not all like the Happy Happy Joy Joy people that comment on these videos. Some of us are hyper aware of the reality of life and don't sound like bots when commenting on videos. Feel free to reply and know that you're definitely not alone. 🕺>> <<@Veronica.John10-10 says : Baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more what is love? Okay only some of you are going to get this reference lol>> <<@daitins says : Thank you>> <<@daitins says : E Komo Mai>> <<@daitins says : Yeah>> <<@daitins says : Mushroom>> <<@daitins says : Every day>> <<@daitins says : Amen>> <<@daitins says : $5.00 what happen to the $800>> <<@daitins says : Good morning>> <<@Billionaire123 says : 2 Corinthians 10:13 CJB/2 Corinthians 10:13 Darby/Deteronomy 5:16-17 Douay-Rheims 1899>> <<@Billionaire123 says : 1 John 4:7 The Voice/Malachi 3:6 NET/1 Timothy 6:10 LB/1 Timothy 6:10 NLT>> <<@RekhaRiya-cf7hz says : I pray to Jesus to transfer me from Puri dist. to sundergarh or sambalpur dist.>> <<@RekhaRiya-cf7hz says : I pray to God to my father Jamuna Majhi to change his bad activity and solve her problem.Jesus give more love and forgive him.>> <<@Johnjones-vx1wy says : Hallelujah 💪🏽🪨❗✝️>> <<@manuelawiederkehr9167 says : ❤ True>> <<@tanyad.2180 says : Selfish people breed discontent, greed, unrest, lust and dishonor. There's no wondering why we have so many over extroverts and narcissists in the world to deal with. Holy Spirit, guide us to walk righteously through the wickedness in this world.>> <<@Chichi.S says : Awesome message, great advice. Thank you my beautiful Mama Joyce 😘💕💕💕>> <<@mrs.ericalaurenhornmason3825 says : Amen 🙏🏻👼🏿👼🏻💒✝️🕊️🌹☕️💕💘💜🩷💋👼🏻🎼🌈🌷🌹🌸🌺🌼🌻🪻🪺🪨🌲>> <<@ojaswijoshi4337 says : Congratulations on your new podcast! Best wishes for success, peace, prosperity, abundance, and good health to you and your loved ones.>> <<@mariabuoninfante8431 says : Agape Love Always In The Precious Name Of Jesus AMEN AMEN AMEN ❤🙏😊...>> <<@ashleybarnett3796 says : "We become too easily discouraged over the souls who do not at once respond to our efforts. Never should we cease to labor for a soul while there is one gleam of hope. Precious souls cost our self-sacrificing Redeemer too dear a price to be lightly given up to the tempter's power. We need to put ourselves in the place of the tempted ones. Consider the power of heredity, the influence of evil associations and surroundings, the power of wrong habits. Can we wonder that under such influences many become degraded? Can we wonder that they should be slow to respond to efforts for their uplifting? Often, when won to the gospel, those who appeared coarse and unpromising will be among its most loyal adherents and advocates. They are not altogether corrupt. Beneath the forbidding exterior there are good impulses that might be reached. Without a helping hand many would never recover themselves, but by patient, persistent effort they may be uplifted. Such need tender words, kind consideration, tangible help. They need that kind of counsel which will not extinguish the faint gleam of courage in the soul. Let the workers who come in contact with them consider this. Some will be found whose minds have been so long debased that they will never in this life become what under more favorable circumstances they might have been. But the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness may shine into the soul. It is their privilege to have the life that measures with the life of God. Plant in their minds uplifting, ennobling thoughts. Let your life make plain to them the difference between vice and purity, darkness and light. In your example let them read what it means to be a Christian. Christ is able to uplift the most sinful and place them where they will be acknowledged as children of God, joint heirs with Christ to the immortal inheritance. By the miracle of divine grace, many may be fitted for lives of usefulness. Despised and forsaken, they have become utterly discouraged; they may appear stoical and stolid. But under the ministration of the Holy Spirit, the stupidity that makes their uplifting appear so hopeless will pass away. The dull, clouded mind will awake. The slave of sin will be set free. Vice will disappear, and ignorance will be overcome. Through the faith that works by love, the heart will be purified and the mind enlightened.>> <<@pusamvenkateswarao154 says : 🙏 Gaad Fawar prais wi Laard.🙏>> <<@pusamvenkateswarao154 says : 🙏 Gaadli Mawar prais wi Laard.🙏>> <<@cathyandresiak says : I love this! God just wants us to be Happy Campers! Be content and know that I am God!>> <<@rielwells1211 says : Some people if you do something nice for people when they mistreat you they will think they deserve it. They won't look at anything any differently and it will make no difference in their heart. And all you can do is pray and hope that God changes things.>> <<@nyalltimothy says : 💗>> <<@johnjosiah8839 says : >> <<@davidlibby7230 says : I would love to love everybody but some people make it very difficult to even like them. I have decided to love them in my heart and not in my deeds or words. Am I right or wrong?>> <<@lisadesiderio9568 says : Everything you spoke of, we all needed to hear! Shared with others. Thankyou Joyce 🙏👍😊>> <<@Anthony-pu5cu says : Agape>> <<@sandihoctor5301 says : Thank you, Joyce! Praising God for His Goodness!>> <<@KathyMcDowell1 says : I've been fishing for 52 yrs.....tired and stressed out.... I'm ready for the nets to be full & the haul!!>> <<@Christine-vt5fi says : Thankyou for your encouragement 🪻🌻🌷>> <<@Christine-vt5fi says : I love you Joyce! I think the lawlessness is happening now and it's sad but what does it mean to endure to the end? Thanks>> <<@helpfulbitsandentertainment says : I am struggling mentally to understand where the line between discernment and godly love. My grandmother killed my father when I was a small child. She had killed another lover of my mother's before I was born and threatened my step-dad and he moved out... and was later murder, perpetrator never caught I think I took care of her until she died after I was an adult. I regret this though because she sold me to a pimp when I failed to entirely meet her expectations that I still don't fully understand. After I escaped when he was arrested on other charges I ultimately agreed to go back to taking care of her (she had accumulated even more health issues) and she tried to kill my firstborn son when he was 2 weeks old. She is dead now. I believed at the time showing her love and loyalty was the right thing to do but now I feel guilty for that too but I also feel wrong for that guilt. I'm trying to reach a place of peace and understanding. I no longer have anger towards her but I don't know what I should do if another relative who is just as backstabbing should require my help.>> <<@jackiethompson3144 says : I love and trust you Lord🙌🏾>> <<@jackiethompson3144 says : Amen👏🏾>>