<<@atinlongho1957 says : Amen ❤️>> <<@fpcoleman57 says : Stunning advice for people who don't want to take full responsibility for their lives. (Sorry for the sarcasm. Irresistible!) You have been genetically engineered to be able to deal with your problems without needing to depend on an invisible higher power which you can't see, hear, touch, or smell. Sort yourself out without passing the buck to something outside yourself. The buck stops with you. Get on with it! The principal failure of most humans is to try to pass the responsibility for their problems to other people. This results in a culture of dependence and an avoidance of personal responsibility. One of the reasons Christianity is so successful is that it removes personal liability for our wrongdoing. The sinless Christ takes the sins of the world upon himself in his suffering and crucifixion. Paying the penalty for sin through his death. Except that unlike the ancient Jewish scapegoat which was ejected from the community with all their sins imputed onto it and subsequently died in the desert, the Christ had the power, through his resurrection to provide his followers with a gateway to an eternal sin-free future after death. A credit card with an infinite credit limit. Now matter how bad the crime may be, upon confession in the appropriate way, total forgiveness is possible. As I said; it's no surprize that Christianity has been so successful. Serial sinners need not worry. There are no limits to God's forgiveness. Jesus did all the work and his benefits are eternal. Almost the perfect religion and the claim that it's a relationship - not a religion is puerile. How can you have a relationship with someone who is a character in a book especially when everyone else you meet who claims to have the same relationship also got their information from the same book? If you really think about it objectively, it's ridiculous.>> <<@fpcoleman57 says : If you are easily tempted to compromise your relationship then your commitment to that relationship is not 100%. The correct way to deal with this kind of situation is to, firstly, be honest with yourself. It's not to get advice from someone else. If your personal moral standards are strong and your current relationship is fundamental to your life then you will never allow anything to get in the way of that. If your commitment is weak then you will always be liable to give in to your basal instincts. If you value what you have, you will never allow anything to get in the way of it. You must fully internalise your morality for it to be effective. if you depend on something external to yourself to dictate your moral values you will be like a tree which is resisting the wind. Light breezes will just move the leaves but a category 5 hurricane could destroy it.>> <<@fpcoleman57 says : Why does most of the infidelity in marriages and sexual abuse, especially of children, occur amongst believers? Making people feel bad/guilty about masturbation, sex before marriage and living with someone in an intimate relationship without marriage can cause serious mental issues and many bad decisions. (For example: very early marriage before the couple are fully mature.) Most of the sexual abuse in this world is caused by demonising normal behaviour and restricting access to the means of releasing the repressed sexual frustration. The greatest amount of abuse of women occurs in strict Muslim societies where women are, usually against their will, forced to wear clothing which hides their bodies. Probably the greatest abuse of children has been by celibate Roman Catholic priests. Other Christian denominations are also, to a lesser extent, guilty of the same behaviour. Masturbation and other forms of sexual experimentation are perfectly normal and aid in the development of fully cognisant mature adults who know how to use their sexual impulses in ways which satisfy themselves and don't lead to any form of abuse. I believe that biblically based morality causes more harm than good.>> <<@deelynn8611 says : My life is pure hell on earth. There is nothing but confusion, confinement, torment and mischaracterization.>> <<@joycook1191 says : Glory to God. He has been good to me. Amen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@sumanraithulung6046 says : Thanks>> <<@AimeeMcAdams says : So ture that you joyce I really need this today>> <<@WenioSammy-lh1uj says : Amen Amen>> <<@kardiamobile769 says : What bring on unhappiness is wickedness heatred why I'm seeing this types of people existing. And when it is a leader it is a very big problems generally. Know man survive alone and know man fall alone. We battle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principality in every dark places.>> <<@stevegoomas783 says : 👍👍👍>> <<@marygamble8767 says : Thank you for this word. I needed to hear every bit of it.>> <<@MackenzieWingfield says : I’ve come to expect two swords the moment i see this *background window behind Joyce. And she delivers EVERY TIME! Thank you JMM>> <<@princessblessing5288 says : Thank you mama you are blessed, more grace in Jesus name 😊>> <<@nancyhooper1742 says : Thank God and Jesus all the time ❤❤ God bless everyone>> <<@GODSCHOSEN850 says : I love you Joyce 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤>> <<@colleengrisby5427 says : Amen, I need this word>> <<@Stuwyhatesbts says : Amen>> <<@colleenalba3842 says : And, I Love Mama Joyce. See you in Florida>> <<@colleenalba3842 says : I LOVE GOD my Father. I 💘! Jesus my Savior. I 💘! The Holy Spirit my Advocate and Counselor.>> <<@jackiethompson3144 says : Heavenly Father, I Thank you for your words this morning spoken through Joyce Meyers>> <<@emilybitzel7242 says : Thank you Joyce Meyer Ministries. You are wonderful.>> <<@Terica008 says : A great message this morning. Thank you!>> <<@kewsdanquah8377 says : Amen 🙏>> <<@markmervinpalmer1801 says : In Jesus name amen and amen ✝️🤲😇❤️🇵🇰>> <<@shyanndestiny2462 says : We need to rest in his love>> <<@daitins says : Enlighten>> <<@daitins says : No money. No friendly stuff.>> <<@beckikitchens1222 says : Thank you for sharing this i truly needed it today. I have been really sad and depressed😢please pray for me 😢>> <<@AnellaSharpes-px3xq says : This was great teaching thank you woman of God blessings to you.>> <<@suedelaney2478 says : Amen>> <<@Billionaire123 says : 1 Peter 4:15 AMP>> <<@anthonybrown6651 says : Anthony Brown Jesusson1992 $50,000>> <<@anthonybrown6651 says : Hey joyce>> <<@fergusburke9390 says : Amen ❤❤❤❤>> <<@maisyholly says : Seeing in the Bible that God and Noah flooded the World 3,789 years ago drowning millions of innocent babies ,children and unborn . And that God only put animals on the Ark , very sad and disgusting . And the story in the Bible that God killed every male baby in Egypt Exodus 12:29 Why does God kill so many babies and children ?>> <<@BruceMarshall-z9o says : God does not temp any maninto sin... God tempted Abraham into killing his son > sin > God says I asked for forgiveness if my thoughts of iniquity against the people... God doesn't think wrong thoughts... God does think wrong thoughts. . A married bachelor. . . God doesn't exist... Does doesn't temp any man.. God Temps man.. God doesn't exist. Listen to dan barker.. God is a married bachelor... he doesn't exist..>> <<@FarzadYSFN says : The West is buried under adultery. Many christians don't follow the Bible. Christians need to read Matthew 5:17-19 more often: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." But christians followed the teachings of Paul instead of Jesus and abolished the law entirely! They really need to call themselves Paulines.>> <<@FrancesRoedler-uu7zq says : Glory to God>> <<@HelloKitty-wd6gj says : Amen>> <<@starryluma1806 says : ❤️>> <<@Chichi.S says : Awesome teaching, wisdom. I absolutely love it. Thank you my beautiful Mama Joyce 😘💕💕💕>> <<@m.allard5819 says : We are nothing without Him! We only see in part while He sees ALL things - He is The Way, The Truth and Life!❤️✝️🙏>> <<@user-xg4ck8ps3p says : Spirit led is the keyword, thanks Joyce. When the soul & spirit is aligned & the spirit is allowed to lead, there is peace. It's a choice.>> <<@mariabuoninfante8431 says : Jesus is our Ultimate True Love and we can have peace AMEN AMEN AMEN Alleluia 💯 🙏 ❤😊...>> <<@robinemery says : Amen 🙏>> <<@robinemery says : God has been watching over me always 🙌>> <<@nicolersmith432571 says : >> <<@marianagy5211 says : A Szeretetláng,olyan kincs,hogy az egèsz Üdvtörtènelem ben,mèg ulyen Szentlèlek kiáradás,mèg nem volt,Jèzus hatalmas Nevèben,Jèzus sz Vère èrdemeièrt,add meg Isten-i Irgalom,a te zarándok Egyházadnak az,Egysèg Lelkèt,csorduljon a földre,a sz.Oldalból,a Vèr ès aVíz,hogy megtisztítson,megszabadítson,meggyógyítson,mert,minden mi szèp,egèszsèges,❤az az Úrtól való.Áld meg Úr Jèzus,Ki Tèged úgy,szeret ès kegyelmedből,sok zsákutcába jutottakat,nemzeteket,kivezet ès hitre segít,a Szűzany Szeplőtelens z..Sz❤í❤️v❤️e,Győzelmèn jeresztül.Habakuk1/5. Ap.Cselek 13/1..-41-....133🫂Zsolt.:Erős Imaközössègèrt,áldott lègy Szeretet❤️etláng,hisz kiárad a nem megkereszteltekre is,a mi földi èletünkben,2024áldott esztendejèben is 🌹💞🫂💒☺️👂❤️‍🔥👂🙋🍇 Köszönöm ❤️ a kedves Ígehirdetődet ès táborát,tengernyi hálás szeretettel🙋🍇❤️‍🔥🍇💒💞>> <<@peaceandlovetoyou says : >>